Fragments 2019

Fragments 2019

State of mobile engineering, state of platforms, hardware and user research.



Souvik Basu


Challenges of creating an Android app that Always-listens-to-user

Submitted Jan 25, 2018

We contributed to an open source app to catch keywords from user interaction and raise notifications. In this session we will discuss the challenged we faced and how we resolved those


  • What an Always-listen app
  • How to create such an app in Android
  • Which libraries can be used
  • Challenges faced in detection and battery use
  • How we resolved those

Speaker bio

Souvik is a JS enthusiasts with 15 years experience in the industry. His day job is to set up a team on React project in Tesco Bengaluru. He loves to code in React, Angular, Android and Conversational UI.


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