Fragments 2019

Fragments 2019

State of mobile engineering, state of platforms, hardware and user research.



Ashok Kumar


Writing nitty gritty Wear OS applications

Submitted May 24, 2018

The Wear 2.0 and Wear OS is a prominent release with many exciting features to work with. In this session i will show how interesting it is to develop applications for Wear devices and i will make the audience to think of building thier wear companion applications for their exsisting android applications.


  • Writing Wear application
  • Exploring new UI components specific to wear applications
  • WearableRecyclerView
  • BoxInsetLayout
  • WearableNavigationdrawer
  • WearableActionDrawer and more.
  • Considering writing wear app companion application to your app.
  • Android wear design principles.
  • How well kotlin talks to Wear devices.
  • Best practices to develop wear applications


Prior hands on experience in writing android mobile applications.

Speaker bio

Android developer residing in Bangalore, India. A gadget enthusiast, he thrives on innovating and exploring the latest gizmos in the tech space. he have been developing Android applications for all google related technologies. Google certified Udacity Nano degree holder, he also contributes to the open source community as a E-spiritual ritual to improve E karma. He regularly conduct workshops about android application development in local engineering colleges and schools. Organizing multiple tech events. He is a regular attendee for all the conferences that happen on Android in the silicon valley of India.

He also have a YouTube channel called AndroidABCD where he discuss all aspects of Android development including quick tutorials.



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