
Rootconf 2012

Let there be sysadmins

High performant virtualization using OpenVZ

High performant virtualization using OpenVZ

Nilesh B

34 minutes26 May 2012

Make your servers sing using MCollective

Mohit Chawla

26 May 2012
Varanid: distributed, resilient and scalable alerting

Varanid: distributed, resilient and scalable alerting

Biju Chacko

41 minutes26 May 2012
Develop, Test, Deploy, Distribute

Develop, Test, Deploy, Distribute


32 minutes26 May 2012
Automated and Adaptive Infrastructure Monitoring using Chef, Nagios and Graphite

Automated and Adaptive Infrastructure Monitoring using Chef, Nagios and Graphite

Pratima Singh

44 minutes26 May 2012
Virtualization with KVM (and Libvirt)

Virtualization with KVM (and Libvirt)

Kashyap Chamarthy

1 hour26 May 2012
Openshift: Deployments for the rest of us

Openshift: Deployments for the rest of us


24 minutes26 May 2012
Nginx - Tips and Tricks.

Nginx - Tips and Tricks.


50 minutes26 May 2012
Continuous Integration made fun with Jenkins & Hubot (+ Gtalk)

Continuous Integration made fun with Jenkins & Hubot (+ Gtalk)

Sameer Segal

33 minutes26 May 2012
Cloud Meets Fog & Puppet, A Story of Version Controlled Infrastructure

Cloud Meets Fog & Puppet, A Story of Version Controlled Infrastructure

Habeeb Rahman

37 minutes26 May 2012
Zero-touch Drupal deployment with Features, Jenkins, Aegir, Git, Fabric and Drush

Zero-touch Drupal deployment with Features, Jenkins, Aegir, Git, Fabric and Drush

Kaustubh Srikanth

45 minutes26 May 2012
Build your own Storage Device (SAN) !

Build your own Storage Device (SAN) !

Sriram Narayanan

47 minutes26 May 2012
A Cloud "Braindump"

A Cloud "Braindump"


28 minutes26 May 2012
Securing a Linux Web Server in 10 Steps or Less

Securing a Linux Web Server in 10 Steps or Less

Akash Mahajan

51 minutes26 May 2012
Performance Tuning 101 - An introduction to performance tuning an application in managed environment

Performance Tuning 101 - An introduction to performance tuning an application in managed environment

Janmejay Singh

50 minutes26 May 2012
Puppet in Stand Alone Mode or Why Config management is useful for 0+ systems

Puppet in Stand Alone Mode or Why Config management is useful for 0+ systems

Sarguru Nathan

42 minutes26 May 2012
Using Delicious Chef Recipes, to automate provisioning of cloud server and quality Fabric for deployment.

Using Delicious Chef Recipes, to automate provisioning of cloud server and quality Fabric for deployment.

Saket Bhushan

35 minutes26 May 2012
Optimizing LAMPhp Applications

Optimizing LAMPhp Applications

Piyush Goel

45 minutes26 May 2012
Creating & Provisioning Cloud Resources with AWS CloudFormation

Creating & Provisioning Cloud Resources with AWS CloudFormation

Janakiram MSV

44 minutes26 May 2012

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