
ReactFoo Pune

On lessons learned during implementation.

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Yeswanth S

Moving your React-Native App to Production

Alrighty! So, you have learnt React-Native and built an App and you are looking to launch it to market. What are the key things to do before production? How do you decipher Crashlytics logs? What analytics should I build into my App? What are the common Code-push know-hows and practices ? more
  • Under evaluation
  • 21 Oct 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Intermediate


Migrating from PHP legacy code to React & Best Practices in React

The talk would focus on how BookMyShow benefitted moving to React. It not only helped us moving from the legacy php code but also drastically increased conversions in 4 weeks.This would also focus on what challenges we faced while moving for php to react. What made us build a PWA even when we had apps. Moreover the success stories after we moved to React. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 30 Oct 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Beginner

ALi Mir

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Load, Plug and Play: Video Streaming and React

Single Page Apps were quite a revolution with the introduction of frameworks like Ember, Backbone and Angular JS. Flash also is outdated having already outlived its lifetime.HTML5 video has become the de-facto standard for streaming on the web. And modern browser API’s facilitate development of efficient video streaming solution that offer content rights protection and host of integrations. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 06 Nov 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Intermediate

Vijay Dharap

Maximize value of your Components by "Stencil"ing them!

We live in a JS world where Angular, React and Vue camps ferociously pitch their framework’s superiority.. But at the core, they all are component based frameworks. Currently - components written for one cannot be used within other framework and hence effort spent on creating the component for one framework will need to be repeated for other frameworks again. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 07 Nov 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Beginner

Amit Erandole

Beyond Redux and MobX - A Functional approach to building React Apps

This talk presents a functional approach to state management using Andrew Clark’s Recompose toolset. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 07 Nov 2017
Section: Workshops Technical level: Advanced

Souvik Basu

Deep Dive into React Portals

React Portal is a new feature of React 16. Although it’s quite a handy way to show Modals and toast message, there are concerns around if it’s really a good practice to use portals and jump your code out of the Component heirarchy. We will explore how using React Portals will actually make you a better programmer. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 10 Nov 2017
Section: Crisp talk on comparative advantages of React and React Native; success and failure stories with React. Technical level: Beginner

Souvik Basu

An Angular developer moving to React

I worked as an Angular developer for 3 years from version 1.x to 4. Then I had to shift to React in my new company. This is a story about what I had to learn and (more importantly) unlearn while switching gear from Angular to React more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 10 Nov 2017
Section: Crisp talk on comparative advantages of React and React Native; success and failure stories with React. Technical level: Intermediate

Vivek Nayyar

Rethinking with React 16

React v16.0 comes with some major changes and an update to the react core algorithm. With React v16.0 Facebook has completely revised the internals of React while keeping the public API essentially the same. I would be discussing about what’s new in React 16 which would include a brief explantion of the new algorithm along with focus on few of the new features like Error Boundaries, Portals, Frag… more
  • Awaiting details
  • 10 Nov 2017
Section: Crisp talk on comparative advantages of React and React Native; success and failure stories with React. Technical level: Beginner

Arjun Hariharan

Idiot-proof coding with Typescript and React

Typescript has been gaining a lot of traction in the last couple of years as seen from the Stackoverflow Developer survey 2017, Angular 2 embracing Typescript and integrating it closely with the ecosystem etc. This talk is about more
  • Rejected
  • 12 Nov 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Beginner

Satyajit Sahoo

Building custom renderers with React

React has enabled us to write complex UIs with a great declarative API. Under the hood, React’s reconciler optimizes by diffing the old and new tree, usually known as virtual DOM diffing. The latest version of React uses a Fiber architecture to implement the reconciler. The reconciler backs custom renderers like React DOM and React Native to target various platforms. In this talk we’ll implement … more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 14 Nov 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Advanced

Preeti Wadhwani

Let's Sync the Async- A Primer on Redux Sagas

Have you ever come across a situation where you want to pause function execution for some time, for example, when you’re waiting for an API response and based on it you want to perform different some action? Or you’re waiting for your database sync to finish? If it sounds relatable, you probably handled such cases using Promises/Redux-thunk, etc. but this talk will provide a cleaner solution for … more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Nov 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Intermediate


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Building Performant Instant Github Repo Search With React Native

Together let’s look what goes inside building a real world React Native application by dissecting a Instant Github search application ( I built to get a deeper understanding of the framework & UI implementation. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 29 Nov 2017
Section: Crisp talk on comparative advantages of React and React Native; success and failure stories with React. Technical level: Intermediate

Kamlesh Chandnani

React shared libraries and module systems

So my day job is to design and architect projects at my workplace and soon I realized that there were many common UI elements required across projects and I always end up copy-pasting those elements to newer as well as existing projects over and over again. more
  • Rejected
  • 30 Nov 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Intermediate

Darpan Kakadia

Styleguide Driven Development

All of us have heard about different kinds of driven development. With React, emerged a new one - styleguide driven development(SDD). A lot of people don’t get it, some would like to adopt it, and there are very few who work this way. Why? You know about it’s importance and technical implementation details. But where to start from? From this talk you’ll get to know how awesome React development c… more
  • Cancelled
  • 01 Dec 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Intermediate
Siddharth Kshetrapal

Siddharth Kshetrapal

Designing with React

Most of us work with designers and other developers on a daily basis. It isn’t always easy to maintain quality and consistency across teams or even features. Collaboration isn’t always easy with spec handovers, component states, achieving pixel perfection, etc. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 03 Dec 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Intermediate
Siddharth Kshetrapal

Siddharth Kshetrapal

Learn React the right way

It’s easy to get lost without proper guidance and path to follow. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 03 Dec 2017
Section: Workshops Technical level: Beginner
Siddharth Kshetrapal

Siddharth Kshetrapal

Advanced React Component Patterns

React on it’s own has a very small API surface. Most of the magic happens in user-land. It feels like every month, someone from the community finds an innovative way of writing components. This is the best part about React, the creative community. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 03 Dec 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Advanced
Siddharth Kshetrapal

Siddharth Kshetrapal

A Reasonable way to React

There’s a lot of hype (and a lot of puns) about Reason - but why is that, and what does it have to do with our beloved React? Is this something for hipster types only, or will we all be using it in a year’s time? more
  • Cancelled
  • 03 Dec 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Beginner
Siddharth Kshetrapal

Siddharth Kshetrapal

The history of CSS and it's future in React

Our community has a way of talking about practices/solutions as competitors but all new solutions are inspired from the work done by people before them. more
  • Cancelled
  • 03 Dec 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Beginner

Anup Kumar

Preact is Dope

Some of you might have heard about preact and may have even played around with it. Let’s dig a little deeper and explore the factors that make preact awesome. We will look at the advantages of preact over react, how easy it is to get up and running a project using preact-cli. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 04 Dec 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Intermediate

Saneef Ansari

Staying Sane While Styling Components

When I’m wearing a front developer’s hat, I worry about three things: more
  • Awaiting details
  • 05 Dec 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Intermediate

Aziz Khambati

Redux Deep Dive

Extract the most out of your Redux Store. 20 to 30 min more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 05 Dec 2017
Section: Crisp talk on comparative advantages of React and React Native; success and failure stories with React. Technical level: Advanced

Kiran Abburi

Re-writing redux application with GraphQL & Apollo

Redux is a very good state management library for building large applications. But we noticed that we were writing lot of custom logic for complex functionality like caching, pagination, live editing, real-time updates from server. We implemented abstractions to reduce verbosity of redux code. But, new developers were finding it hard to understand these abstractions. We explored GraphQL and Apoll… more
  • Submitted
  • 06 Dec 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Advanced

Souvik Basu

Setting up React project for your team

React being a library and not a framework offers us with a lot of choice to create our of own ecosystem. This gives us a lot of power to pick and choose the best libraries that suits our need. But for most of us, it is also a lot of hardwork to create the ecosystem from scratch. In fact, with increasing number of options to choose from for router, state management, type safety, etc., sometimes it… more
  • Submitted
  • 07 Dec 2017
Section: Workshops Technical level: Intermediate

Nabendu Karmakar

How React shaped Haptik’s frontend story

At Haptik, we use React extensively. In fact, 5 out of our 5 heavy lifting customer facing Apps are written in React. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 07 Dec 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Intermediate

Neeraj Singh

PWA with React

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are spreading across the web faster than anyone could have predicted. Combining the best of both the web and apps, PWAs load quickly (even on flaky networks), can re-engage with users by sending push notifications, have an icon on the home screen, and load as top-level, full screen experiences. In this talk, I’ll explain how to build one with React from installation to… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Dec 2017
Section: Full talk on success and failure stories with React; code overheads and code rewrite stories with React Technical level: Intermediate

Adisha Porwal

Why React is not suitable for building rich-text editors?

In this talk, we will be discussing about why React might not be a good idea to build rich text editors. We will also look in (a JS library for building web based editors). more
  • Submitted
  • 20 Dec 2017
Section: Crisp talk on comparative advantages of React and React Native; success and failure stories with React. Technical level: Beginner

Sahebjot singh

Why we built a 35kB React Native alternative?

Facebook built React Native but it was too big for our SDK product. Necessity drove us to build a small ReactNative - PrestoUI. The talk will detail what we learnt, using it for BHIM and the new ways of building applications we found along the way. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 11 Jan 2018
Section: Crisp talk on comparative advantages of React and React Native; success and failure stories with React. Technical level: Beginner

Neehar Venugopal

React the Reasonable Way

Whether you’re new to React, or experienced with it, writing complex applications using ReasonReact / ReasonML leads to maintainable, eminently readable code. This talk will gently introduce you to the language and framework, and hopefully inspire you to start your next React app using Reason! more
  • Submitted
  • 11 Jan 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Rishichandra Wawhal

Fullstack React Native

If you are a React Native developer, you build native mobile applications using JavaScript and React. However, you are dependent on a backend which you will definitely need to handle tasks such as push-notifications, authentication, chats etc. Given that you know JavaScript, you can easily learn to write a backend server and achieve all the aforementioned tasks. Also, you can deploy them very eas… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 06 Jan 2018
Section: Crisp talk on comparative advantages of React and React Native; success and failure stories with React. Technical level: Beginner

Vijay Dharap

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Dark Art of Webpack Bundle Tuning

While webpack continues to become more and more popular and de-facto choice of module bundling in an increasingly ES6 and ES7 centric world, its VERY easy to get lost in all the hoopla of getting the webpack to work. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Mar 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Hosted by

A community - for and of - front-end engineers to share experiences with ReactJS, performant apps with React, crafting better User Interfaces (UI) with React and GraphQL ecosystem. ReactFoo also discusses design patterns and user experience. more