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Smital Desai Implementing Design Patterns in PythonKnowledge of design patterns is really important in software architecture. But implementing the patterns can be greatly simplified based on the offerings of a language. more
Technical level: Beginner
Swapnil Kulkarni Managing requirements in OpenStackManaging requirements for a python project is a very critical task. It involves creating constraints, making sure that indirect dependencies do not break and at the end of the day its packages are available. This can be handled manually or with some automation with small number of projects. We will see how it can be handled at complete python based cloud operating system OpenStack with hundreds o… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Ent If Microservices weren't the answer then Design Patterns have the solution.Microservices are the trend now. However, they are not always the right solution and in hindsight, some services should be merged/combined. What’s the proper approach? Design Patterns have you covered! I feel this is quite a common problem we face and this talk will be insightful on how to solve it. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Jack Fransham Faster Python without losing your hairA tutorial on writing C extensions in Rust, the Mozilla-backed competitor to C and C++. Writing native-code extensions doesn’t have to be a last resort any more. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Prakash kumar Advance Django AdminDjango admin is awesome and it’s very customizable. In this tutorial we will play with admin panel and add features that makes it the best CRM like - more
Technical level: Advanced
Shashank Kumar Telegram Bot using PythonTelegram being open source grabs attention of most developers on first sight and moreover it’s free to use Bot API adds more fun to it’s platform. Whether you want to create a cool assistant that schedules task and reminds you at the right time or ML based bot which changes your photos into cool artwork you need to start by creating a basic skeleton bot which can be scaled later on. This talk wil… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Mahendra Yadav Airflow: To Manage Data PipelinesA significant part of the IT/Data Engineering team is spent on writing and scheduling jobs, monitoring and troubleshooting the issues. Enterprise data originates from various sources and there are various business rules and processes that govern how that data can be consumed. more
Technical level: Beginner
Bhavesh Anand ![]() Melissa : A lovely virtual assistant for OS X, Windows and Linux systems.Melissa is a virtual assistant for OS X, Windows and Linux systems. She currently uses Google Chrome’s speech-to-text engine, OS X’s say command, Linux’s espeak command or Ivona TTS along with some magical scripting which makes her alive, developed by Tanay Pant and a group of sorcerers. The Web UI for Melissa has been designed by Nakul Saxena more
Technical level: Intermediate
Prakhar Srivastava Pay Some Attention using Keras!PAY SOME ATTENTION! In this talk, the major focus will be on the newly developed attention mechanism in the encoder-decoder model. more
Technical level: Intermediate
poruri sai rahul The making of a Python packageWriting a script that does something amazing is not enough to get people to use it, it needs to be packaged so that it’s easy to install, it needs to be open sourced so that it will live longer than you will, it needs to be tested continuously and it needs to have user-friendly documentation. This is what all of the popular Python packages have in common. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Pravendra Singh Finite State Machines, Python, and EverythingA “Finite State Machine” (FSM) is a theoretical system which can be in one of the finite states at a time. It can change the state from one to another in response to an external input or a condition. more
Technical level: Beginner
Sourav Singh Trust, Defection and Cooperation in PythonGame Theory is a domain in mathematics which deals with studying cooperation, defection and trust between entities and creating models around these. more
Technical level: Beginner
Farhaan Bukhsh A Pythonista's adventure to SysAdmin LandThis talk is more on the lines on how can Python help you to be a better System Administrator. This is more of a personal experience in which python has helped me to better understand the system and manage system resources. Python has also helped in scaling infrastructure and how people use it in the SysAdmin Land. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Ujjwal Gupta ![]() The Journey to Jarvis v2.0 via Stephanie: Building your very own simple AIEver wanted a personal assistant like Jarvis for yourself? Fear not. [Stephanie][] addresses the problem by providing an open-source platform built specifically for voice-controlled applications as well as to automate daily tasks and hence imitating much of a virtual/personal assistant’s job. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Sourav Singh Easily Accelerate your code through LLVM and Python.Numba is an Anaconda sponsored project which aims to speed up Python code through JIT compilation to an optimized machine code using LLVM, avoiding the GIL altogether and without switching languages or interpreters. Numba also supports the compilation and running of code on a GPU using CUDA and allows for accelrating the code by just adding a few modifications to the existing Python code, namely … more
Technical level: Intermediate
Shauryadeep Chaudhuri Generating Music with Neural Networks using TensorFlowThe talk will focus on Introduction to basic concepts of neural networks like CNN & RNN. Create a simple Neural Network which will train itself on MIDI samples of a particular artist. After training the neural network would generate a midi music file of 30 to 60 seconds.I would show two music samples from two different artist. The Music file would be generated and the neural network would be trai… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Sumedh Nimkarde ![]() Automating your Web browser for testing with Selenium-Python.Now a days, testing has gained much importance in every field. Without testing, no application can be shipped. If tried to do so, there may be lots and lots of complaints from the users of the application which may lead to lose their confidence in our application. Trying to fix one bug without testing may create other. Thus, testing is very important when it comes to making a polished product. more
Technical level: Beginner
Himanshu Awasthi Introduction to Neural NetworksIn this talk I will cover Basics of Neural Network & types of Neural Network. When to apply Neural Networks ? How do Neural Network works ? This talk conclude Implementation of Neural Network in TensorFlow. more
Technical level: Beginner
Shwetanshu Rohatgi Playing with the Genetics of Python“Machines are as good as their programmer itself”. Knowledge of Genetic algorithms can help us solve various problems that a typical computer would take years to solve. These Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are a type of optimization algorithms which combine survival of the fittest and a simplified version of Genetic Process involving selection, mutation and cross-overs to solve NP-hard problems within … more
Technical level: Beginner
Sanyam Khurana Profiling and optimizing Django applicationsMany amateur developers who picks up Django write code which seems to work, but fails at scale. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Animesh Srivastava 3D Scanner : Development of 3D Scanner using Python and it's librariesWith the 21st century drifting towards Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, the need for 3D modeling is increasing day by day. From automating simple tasks to performing intricate surgeries, Robotics has spread its wings to every nook and corner of our lives. In such a scenario, it becomes essential to make the computers understand about the third dimension. The talk is based on the development… more
Technical level: Advanced
Soumyo Dey Building and Understanding a Neural Network from ground-up using NumPyEveryone is interested in Deep Learning these days and the implementation of a Neural Network has become easier using the libraries like Tensorflow, CNTK, Caffe2, PyTorch, Theano etc. It has become more easier to build using high-level wrapper libraries like Keras. This talk targets to explain what really happens in a neural network, how it runs with basic undestanding of concepts like Weights, B… more
Technical level: Beginner
Vishal Vijayraghavan Automating Web testing using Selenium,Tesseract and PILThis talk will focus on my own module (WTDrivers) which can be used in web based automated testing. In web based automation the biggest issue is to locate any widget or to traverse through all the elements in the navigation bar because selenium uses mechanism like xpath to locate widget or element. more
Technical level: Beginner
Naren Concurrency vs ParallelismAny task can be made embarrassingly parallel with your code by crunching up the resources and using all CPU cores. What if your system resources are limited, say single core?, How do we achieve the similar speed in execution of tasks?. In this talk we will discuss on how one can use python3 to achieve near speed as in parallelism but without compromising system resources. At the end of the talk t… more
Technical level: Beginner
Building microservices with fireflyfirefly is an open source micro framework to deploy Python functions as web services. firefly was created with the aim of simplifying the deployment Machine Learning models as RESTful API. But as fate would have it, it became our favourite tool for building microservices. firefly takes care of processing the HTTP requests, forwarding the data to the python functions and encoding the result back t… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Swarm Robotics using MicroPython, OpenCV and Open Source HardwareSeeing Swarm Robots in action is really cool! But believe me, building them is much more satisfying. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Prakhar Srivastava LeNet in PyTorchthis talk focuses on building an intuition about convolution network and how to implement it more
Technical level: Intermediate
Sundeep Anand Getting started with TranstatsIn overall success of localization timely translation and their packaging/shipping for targeted release matter the most. Plus packaged translations should be tested as well. In some cases upstream manages the workflow and in another may it be managed for downstream only. In total a sync between upstream, translation platform and build system seem missing. Which actually results in delay or poor l… more
Technical level: Beginner
Kapil Bakshi Production Level Test Driven Development In DjangoFrom writing precise unit tests to writing functional tests, from testing views, forms and rest apis to testing migrations, knowing about mocking, code coverage and important stuff on Continuous Integration.Come one,Come All and learn the magical and secret powers of TDD in Django! more
Technical level: Intermediate
Charlie Flanagan Building a (small) self driving car with pythonA fun exploration of hardware programming (raspberry pi) and deep learning (tensorflow) by building a self driving RC car using python. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Kapil Bakshi The magic of ViewSets in Django Rest FrameworkLearn to master this killer weapon of ViewSet which can help us write apis much faster and with quite less number of lines of code. A ViewSet is a class that provides the functionality of a set of views which are closely related. Get Ready to take your development efficiency to a higher level. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Ewa Jodlowska Python Software FoundationThe Python Software Foundation is a fast growing non-profit that aims to support the Python community. We will discuss recent growth, global impact, and what’s facing us in the future. more
Technical level: Beginner
Kapil Bakshi All About Security in DjangoDive deep into Django Security and see what amazing stuff Django has to offer to make your apps much more secured. From XSS protection to Clickjacking protection, from preventing DOS attacks to properly encrypt and decrypt, we’ll see everything in Action. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Divyam Madaan Transfer Learning, solution to your problemsNeural networks are a different breed of models compared to the supervised machine learning algorithms but the most prominent problem in them is the cost of running algorithms on the hardware. You need hundreds of GBs of RAM to run a super complex supervised machine learning problem and access to GPUs is not that cheap. Tranfer learning is a solution to all these problems. more
Technical level: Beginner
10 scoops from two scoops of DjangoTwo Scoops of Django is a book series written by Daniel & Audrey. This book introduces Django developer with various tips, tricks patterns, code snippets & techniques. I have been reading these books, and each has valuable advice for people working with Django in production. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Indrajit Rajtilak Design Patterns and Where to Find Them (Python Edition)Discovering Design Patterns hiding in plain sight in the Python ecosystem. From adapter pattern in Allauth, iterator in Django Querysets, various decorators used in Django, strategy patterns in SKLearn, and Observer pattern in Django Signals, this talk will uncover interesting usages of Design Patterns in familiar libraries! more
Technical level: Intermediate
Sourav Basu Asynchronous PythonEarier there was Tornado and Twisted. However post Python 3.4 there has been a lot of things happening regarding Asynchronous programming in Python. There has been multiple implementations of event loops and they are getting better. This talk is aimed at explaining the differences to beginners and intermediates and how these frameworks work. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Priya Ranjan Best of friends : Python & PostgresThere are lot of synergies between Python and Postgres, that they feel like they are long time friends and not just acquaintance. For example Python’s framework such as Django has first class support for Postgres on the flip side, You can build Postgres extensions in Python. This enables you to have Python both front and at the back of a powerful database, Postgresql. Understanding these synergie… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Piotr Grzesik Virtual environments and dependency management in PythonDuring my talk I’d like to present what Python has to offer when it comes to virtual environments and how to manage multiple Python environments with pyenv and virtualenv. In the second part I will focus on ways of managing dependencies and why it’s worth to think about it. more
Technical level: Beginner
Bargava Subramanian REST, GraphQL, gRPC ... navigating the server communication landscape in serverless architecturesServerless architectures use third-party services and is run in short-lived containers. You might have come across the term: Function-as-a-service. They have two major advantages: more
Technical level: Beginner
Sundeep Mallu PPTX Creation using PythonWith 1 billion+ plus installations of Mircrosoft Powerpoint across the world, most of us have attempted to create a PPT/PPTX presentation at somepoint. Creation of a PPTX “deck” manually is a hassle that most business teams go through. Content in these reports are either visual representation of data or bulleted text or screenshots of existing visual dashboards or all of the above. These reports … more
Technical level: Beginner
Anoop Nayak How I started my motorcycle with PythonPython has been the go-to language for nearly all logical problems. This presentation in a nutshell is about my venture with Python and how I started my motorcycle without the keys using it. It throws light into the basics of electronics in a motorcycle and how to code to turn on the circuit using Python. This presentation also explores how Python is used to collect metrics from the motor cycle’s… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Mansimar Kaur Using python and microservices to fuel WebPush at MozillaEver wondered how the push notifications you get actually reach to you from the time you click on ‘Allow notifications’ to seeing the notifications actually appear on your screen? This talk will cover in detail how the WebPush technology works followed by a discourse on how to build a backend for handling webpush subscriptions and sending notifications coupled with lessons learnt while developing… more
Technical level: Beginner
Anoop Nayak Writing FAST APIs with Falcon and PyPyPerformance in production is where Python lags behind in spite of all its versatility. With Falcon(an open source framework from Rackspace) we aim to close this gap too. This presentation is about getting up and running with Falcon and PyPy which has the highest performance compared to other Python frameworks which would be ideal for an intermediate Python developer who wants to do something fast… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Srinivasan Rangarajan Real-time log analytics using Probabilistic Data Structures in RedisThere are two ways to solve any problem: Accurately or approximately. Accurate data structures has its disadvantages - too much memory usage and unscalable for real-time nature of data. In this talk we will see how to take advantage of the newly release Redis 4.0 with pluggable modules to build a data pipeline which uses probabilistic data structures to get real-time insights. more
Technical level: Advanced
Meganathan Balasubramaniam Evolution of Python dictionaries!Python’s dictionaries are good. Over the years, many great ideas have combined together to produce the modern implementation in Python 3.6. This talk will use bits of python code to explain all of the key ideas and how python dictionaries evolved over time. The talk will also include newer features such as key-sharing, compaction, and versioning. This talk is designed to be fully understandable f… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Udit Arora Kivy: Developing cross-platform apps with a unified codebaseKivy is a multi-platform application development kit, using Python. It runs on iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows, and Linux. Kivy enables you to build hardware-accelerated apps for multiple platforms and handles a lot of the back-end requirements for you. For things like where the mouse is, how a button should react when clicked, or, even how to manage multiple screens, Kivy has your back! more
Technical level: Beginner
Ashish Sethi ![]() Pedestrian detection using computer vision and deep neural networksPedestrian detection is one the most popular topic in computer vision.people are researching in this topic from last 15 years and developed about 40+ algorithms but still we are far from saturation point. So in this talk I will talk about why we need robust pedestrian detection system using deep neural networks and computer vision techniques and show up the live demo of pedestrian detection syste… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Kapil Bakshi Implementing Neural Networks using TensorFlowTensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using dataflow graphs. Nodes in the graph represents mathematical operations, while graph edges represent multi-dimensional data arrays (aka tensors) communicated between them. The flexible architecture allows you to deploy computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in a desktop, server, or mobile device with a single API. more
Technical level: Advanced
Kapil Bakshi Dazzling Django Deployment on KubernetesNot only is Kubernetes a great way to deploy Django and all of its dependencies, it’s actually the easiest way! more
Technical level: Intermediate