Ujjwal Gupta


The Journey to Jarvis v2.0 via Stephanie: Building your very own simple AI

Submitted Aug 30, 2017

Ever wanted a personal assistant like Jarvis for yourself? Fear not. [Stephanie][http://slapbot.github.io] addresses the problem by providing an open-source platform built specifically for voice-controlled applications as well as to automate daily tasks and hence imitating much of a virtual/personal assistant’s job.


Stephanie Information Image

Stephanie is written in python and has really minimalistic hardware requirements, it just boils down to having a working machine, speaker and a mic of any sort because of its amazing compatibility and cross-platform support. After that you just need to download few files and with just couple of clicks away, you have a working virtual assistant installed in your machine.

Stephanie is completely open source, even the algorithm which is used to predict the intent (I’ve written a paper on it which I would highly recommend to anyone interested through this link: Sounder) is open-sourced so basically you are using a software which is entirely community driven.

So since Stephanie is completely open-source, you can integrate it with lots of public/private API’s to take the application to a new level, where the already implemented ones are Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, Google Calendar, IMDB, Wikipedia, Zomato to list a few as the entire list is located at documentation.

Stephanie Privacy Image

The Developer Guide written is basically for programmers to guide them on the process of how to write their own modules and extend the functionality of Stephanie, its also 100% customizable, from changing its name to actual responses, everything is completely customizable.

Stephanie Developer Image

The objective of the talk will be to give first hand experience of teaching people on how to create their own simple AI with Stephanie with just a couple of clicks after downloading the files and then providing a tutorial on how to create their own modules so that they could harness the true ability of virtual assistant.


Basic/Beginner understanding of programming and a prior experience of python programming language will be beneficial.

Speaker bio

Hey there! My name is Ujjwal Gupta, creator of Stephanie. I am an 18 year old self taught programmer and am not been going to college as I strongly believe the internet and Open Source Community has more than enough resources available for any programming enthusiast to master it’s craft.

I have prior knowledge about web development as well as software development and been working as a freelancer in my spare time. I really love to follow football and do side/personal projects for fun as a hobby. I have been recently working on a NLP solution through sounder by making it more efficient and less computationally expensive to use.

Whereas about Stephanie, well it was very well appreciated in the online communities like reddit where it shares the top 15 all time posts of learn programming subreddit, front page of hackernews and trending of the day at github with more than 600 stars.

I have written a blog here at medium about it and there is a video where I have demonstrated the use of it: Youtube.

Some actual developer API usage explained in this answer at Quora as well as in the documentation section.


Youtube video giving a little demonstration

Main website to learn more about it

Stephanie Github

Sounder Algorithm (Intent-Recognition) Explained

Sounder Algorithm Github


Developer Guide




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