Priya Ranjan


Best of friends : Python & Postgres

Submitted Sep 15, 2017

There are lot of synergies between Python and Postgres, that they feel like they are long time friends and not just acquaintance. For example Python’s framework such as Django has first class support for Postgres on the flip side, You can build Postgres extensions in Python. This enables you to have Python both front and at the back of a powerful database, Postgresql. Understanding these synergies, in these two formidable open source project would help developers leverage some of the awesome powers of these two platforms. My intent is to showcase these synergies and spark new ideas of building software and API with Python and Postgres


  1. Showcase various synergies between Python and Postgres in terms of integration, opensource, community etc.
  2. How to leverage front end frameworks such as Django support for Postgresql.
  3. How to extend Postgresql using Python to query Twitter, Web etc as database table.
  4. How to build real time apps leveraging Postgresql Listen/Notify and Python ayncio to develop websocket notification on database update.
  5. Talk about other possiblity like doing DataScience using Python embedded inside Postgresql.


A Postgresql 9.6 Database and Python 3.x installed on linux.

Speaker bio

My name is Priya Ranjan, I live in Pune. I have 10+ years of experience working in enterprise of various sizes. I have been using Python and Postgres independently but 2 years back started to discover how both projects can leverage each other to do awesome things that could take a long time in any other environment.



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