Call for round the year submissions for Rootconf in 2020

Call for round the year submissions for Rootconf in 2020

Submit a proposal at any time in the year on DevOps, infrastructure security, cloud, and distributed systems. We will find you a suitable opportunity to share your work.

Accepting submissions till 31 Dec 2020, 12:00 PM

Not accepting submissions

We do not accept: How-to and introductory-level talks. We are interested in discussing the “whys” and “approaches” rather than “how-to”. Talks that have been covered in previous editions of Rootconf. Refer to for all talks covered between Rootconf 2012 and 2018. expand

We do not accept:

  1. How-to and introductory-level talks. We are interested in discussing the “whys” and “approaches” rather than “how-to”.
  2. Talks that have been covered in previous editions of Rootconf. Refer to for all talks covered between Rootconf 2012 and 2018.
  3. Proposals where code used for implementation is not demonstrated. Ideas are great, but it is the implementation that matters. Don’t talks to us about fantastic ideas. Tell us real stories of implementations -- patterns and anti-patterns.

The next edition of Rootconf annual conference will be held on 21 and 22 June, in Bangalore. More details are available here:

Make a submission

Accepting submissions till 31 Dec 2020, 12:00 PM

Paul Rajesh

Leveraging Machine Learning to Reduce Mean Time to Identify and Resolve Issues when handling Systems/Applications at Scale

"Our fascination with the use of computing power to augment human decision-making has likely outgrown even the tremendous advances made in algorithmic approaches,”said Christian Beedgen, Co-founder and CTO, Sumo Logic. “In reality, the successful use of AI and related techniques is still limited to areas around image recognition and natural language understanding, where input/output scenarios can… more
  • Rejected
  • 07 Mar 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Goutham Veeramachaneni

Prometheus: Solving monitoring for EVERYONE

Prometheus, now a graduated CNCF project, is the de facto leader in the monitoring and metrics space being used by 1000s of companies in the world. With the 2.0 launch nearly a year behind us, we are now focused on making Prometheus boring. i.e, more stable, more usable and even MOAR user friendly! more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 14 Feb 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Goutham Veeramachaneni

Grafana Loki: like Prometheus, but for logs

Loki is a horizontally-scalable, highly-available log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It is designed to be very cost effective and easy to operate, as it does not index the contents of the logs, but rather labels for each log stream. more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 14 Feb 2019
Technical level: Beginner

Evren Cakir Proposing

Implementing a real-time serverless data pipeline

Build a production ready, highly available/scalable, real-time data pipeline using AWS managed services including Lambda, Step Functions and the framework for fully automated blue/green deployments. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 23 Feb 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Bharadwaj Embar

Secrets management across Microservices with HashiCorp Vault

In today’s world of web scale applications, secrets management is a daunting task and is often overlooked, until the product is evaluated for Compliance certifications. Often times, this overhead usually falls on the Execution Platform team as rotation of secrets must also ensure that there is no downtime in the product. The kind of secrets can range from key/value pairs, cloud access credentials… more
  • Rejected
  • 01 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Prakshi Yadav

Automated hyper-scalable Big data pipelines

Processing big data with maximum speed and minimum time is what every organization strives for nowadays. Cluster computing frameworks play a major role in handling data in such use cases and to serve long term goals they require Data Pipelines to be built around them. This session walks through solutions for deploying cloud native, scalable, event-driven and fault tolerant data pipelines. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 18 Oct 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Barani Subramanian

Firebolt: Asynchronous Processing System for Payments

At Flipkart Payments we build robust systems to provide a smooth experience to customers. In this session, we’ll talk about how we levarage aysnchronous processing to improve the performance of the payment systems which are pivotal to Flipkart. We’ll go over the details of the streaming pipelines we built using MySQL, Hbase, Kafka and Storm, and the customization we did over them. We’ll share our… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 21 Feb 2019
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Abhishek A Amralkar

Mocking Production like Environment using Terraform, Packer and Jenkins

HashiCorp Terraform is a one of the most powerful infrastructure management tools available. We can perform the CRUD operations on infrastructure—all with a single command. more
  • Submitted
  • 03 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Manu PK

When to stay with modular monoliths over microservices

Microservices architecture style has been a prominent talking points over the last few years. Microservices is by no means a silver bullet though, and the design thinking required to create a good microservices architecture is the same as that needed to create a well-structured monolith. This talk briefly covers characteristics of microservices, monoliths and modular monoliths. We will discuss th… more
  • Rejected
  • 05 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

priyanka vergadia

Best practices to secure applications in cloud

Security in cloud should be approched a little differently than traditional on-premise security. In cloud, security is a shared responsibility of the customer and the cloud service provider. This talk with highlight how one should secure the applications and infrastructure in cloud. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 07 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Beginner

Paritosh Anand

Deployment Automation Framework | A Platform Agnostic Approach

Automated deployments has always been a complex topic considering diverse nature of tech stacks and infrastructure platforms. more
  • Submitted
  • 11 Apr 2019
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Amit Patil

Transformation from zero to shipping Production code daily

The advent of DevOps has revamped the traditional application development process in a drastic way. The software industry is rapidly seeing the value of moving away from conventional ways of releasing code to more matured workflows enabling them to move faster. We have seen a big transformation on how code is build, developed and executed. Journey from manual builds to script based deployment, sc… more
  • Submitted
  • 15 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Advanced

Akshay Mathur Proposing

Deploying greenfield JVM microservices on Kubernetes on-premise with a service mesh WITHOUT Openshift or CloudFoundry

Lessons learned from deploying open source Kubernetes in a traditional financial data center without a supported vendor implementation (no IBM, RedHat, or Google support) Intended audience - anyone interested in Kubernetes Expected outcome - A good discussion around the philosophy and operational capabilities needed to deploy microservices on-prem on Kubernetes more
  • Submitted
  • 16 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Beginner

Pavan S Kaushik

Application Services for Operationalizing Kubernetes in the Multi-Cloud world

There is immense interest and growing adoption of container ecosystems today, with Kubernetes being an easy and popular choice for enterprises. However, there are a variety of choices of underlying infrastructure ecosystems that Kubernetes can run on. Typical large enterprises in the real-world today also run in Multi-Cloud enviroments. more
  • Submitted
  • 16 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Vanshit Malhotra

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Why This Presentation? Everyone uses Antivirus systems and believes in them to protect us against cyber threats. Antivirus systems are very important to us. They stand as the major protection mechanism for our computers and confidential data. more
  • Submitted
  • 18 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

jatin thapar

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GraphQL @ Scale

Modern web servers need to cater to multiple clients on web, mobile and desktop. The views across the clients vary a lot, so same server API response across all clients is not optimal. GraphQL offers a powerful technology for building web API’s which enables clients to query data which they want and how they want without compromising on the performance. more
  • Submitted
  • 18 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

ishaan malik

Data Visualization In Machine learning and Model training

Talking about the python packages and using seaborn and other packages for Data Visualization in Machin Learning as a data analyst , hands on about training a Machine Learning Model and about data warehouse . more
  • Submitted
  • 19 Apr 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Beginner

Kunal Kerkar

Orchestration with Kubernetes

I’ll talk about how we built and now run using docker containers. It covers the entire engineering effort undertaken and how and why we got here based on past learning and experiences. more
  • Submitted
  • 23 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

ishaan malik

Singularity container solution for compute based workloads

Workshop on using Singularity to enable Scalable interactive workflow and Generalised GPU support in Singularity . more
  • Submitted
  • 23 Apr 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Beginner

Ramanathan Muthaiah

Automated on-boarding of software projects using Jenkins v2.x Pipeline

Audience will be introduced to the concept of Jenkins v2.x Pipeline-as-code. This will be followed by hands-on with respect to initiation of simple project, using Groovy code, setup software project in the continuous integration infrastructure. From the simple to complex task of integrating Jenkins Pipeline with standalone build scripts, attendees, who are CI/CD practitioners, will be able to app… more
  • Submitted
  • 28 Apr 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Beginner Session type: Workshop


Paving the way for verification of distributed systems

From our undergraduate courses, we are familiar with the notion finite-state automata (also known as finite-state machines or, simply, state machines), which are abstract models of computation systems. During a computation, the automaton processes the various actions that constitute the computation, and moves from one state to another. A computation is accepted if, at the end of it, the finite-st… more
  • Submitted
  • 30 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture


Demystifying Artificial Intelligence for Everyone

Humans have fancied and feared humanoid machines for more than 2000 years. In this talk, we follow the thread that ties our search for super-human machines together with millennia of developments in philosophy, logic, and mathematics. We take a closer look at what Machine Learning & AI really are, what they aren’t, and how they are affecting our societies. This is a non-technical talk, accessible… more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 30 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture


Artificial intelligence techniques for the effective resource management over the cloud

Today, the cloud infrastructure is limited by the haphazard packaging of applications being offered as the service. Most of the time, a big application holds the resources and lacks flexibility while a short one calls for too many transactions with the peripherals to realize a solution. To address the same in cloud native, a mechanism based on the traffic statistics, buffer dynamics and intended … more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 30 Apr 2019
Section: Tutorials Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Tutorial

saurabh gupta

Securing your Kubernetes Cluster from potential Threats

Kubernetes is currently the most popular container orchestration engine of choice, but its security is debatable. There are some vulnerabilities that have already been discovered in Kubernetes and Docker. The question that arises is what are the potential risks of these vulnerabilities to the application/business, and how we can go about fixing these. more
  • Submitted
  • 30 Apr 2019
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Amit Malik

All about Microservices architecture on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

In this session, I’d focus on designing and hosting microservices architecture applications using AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service). We’ll learn about what is AKS and how it is a fit platform for running microservices archtitecture. This will be a blend of talk and demo. more
  • Submitted
  • 02 May 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

­Ravindra Ramnani

Observable Kubernetes

While Kubernetes can dramatically simplify the task of application deployment in containers, its dynamic nature adds new complexity to monitoring the services and applications running in it, as well as, the health of the containers and orchestration infrastructure itself. We will showcase how you can use the open source Elastic Stack to observe complex Kubernetes clusters more
  • Submitted
  • 02 May 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Rachit Arora

Serverless Spark on Kubernetes

In a world of serverless computing users tend to be frugal when it comes to expenditure on compute, storage and other resources. Paying for the same when they aren’t in use becomes a significant factor. Offering Spark as service on cloud presents very unique challenges. Apache Spark has evolved a lot from deploying it on baremetal machines to running it on containers to offering its as Serverless… more
  • Submitted
  • 03 May 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Aditya Sood

Building Continuous Delivery Pipelines Using GoCD

This workshop is for anyone who wants a better understanding of the principles of Continuous Delivery and who are interested in understanding how to set up a deployment pipeline using these principles in GoCD. The workshop will be a combination of discussions and hands-on sessions. The discussions will be around CD and its related practices from GoCD tool perspective. The hands-on session of the … more
  • Submitted
  • 06 May 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Workshop

Sundar Ganesh

The Pains and Gains of Containerization

While it may seem that moving to a containerized architecture be most logical thing to do, doing it right takes a lot of effort, investment on resources and patience before we can actually reap the benefits. About 2 and a half years ago we undertook an ambitious project in our Datacenter to pool all our resources together to optimise resource consumption, increase fault tolerance and scale faster… more
  • Submitted
  • 06 May 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Roshan R

Stop Reinventing the wheel, Use Hashicorp vault!

HashiCorp Vault is well known for secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing. It also handles leasing, key revocation, key rolling, and auditing. Vault presents a unified API to access multiple backends: HSMs, AWS IAM, SQL databases, raw key/value, and more. But what else is it good for? more
  • Submitted
  • 06 May 2019
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Aditya Kamat

FreeIPA: The swiss army knife of open-source identity management

FreeIPA is used in the management of Linux user identities, groups, and passwords centrally with the help of a CLI as well as an easy to use GUI. FreeIPA provides centralized authentication, authorization, and account information for Linux and Unix network environments. It is built on top of well known open-source components like LDAP, KDC, PKI, etc. FreeIPA can seamlessly integrate with an exist… more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 06 May 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

s li

Closing the Gap: How ESNI and Encrypted DNS Will Help End Internet Surveillance

Even with HTTPS rising to more than 70% of page loads worldwide, Internet users are still susceptible to having their browsing swept up by mass surveillance through two channels: their DNS requests and the fact that when they first connect to a server over HTTPS, the domain name they’re visiting is visible in the clear. Two protocols will fix that: DNS over TLS (or DNS over HTTPS), and encrypted … more
  • Submitted
  • 10 Apr 2019
Technical level: Beginner

Dhruv Goel

Asterix - Deploying Webapps on Kubernetes for Dummies

Is Kubernetes hard to learn? For most people, it’s a yes. For some, it’s a no. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 17 May 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture


From data to decisions - Leveraging OSINT data to take security decisions

As a companies grow large, they tend to leave a lot of digital trail about their infrastructure on the Internet. This information can be accessed by anyone who knows what/where to look for. The information that is available publicly is known as Open Source INTelligence(OSINT) in the hacker lingo. Attackers perform reconnaissance and gather OSINT data about their target organisations to increase t… more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 22 Nov 2018
Technical level: Beginner

Manas Malik

Framework For Lossless Data Compression

A lot has been done in the field of data compression, yet we don’t have a proper application for compressing daily usage files. There are appropriate and very specific tools online that provide files to be compressed and saved, but the content we use for streaming our videos, be it a Netflix video or a gaming theater play, data consumed is beyond the calculation of a user. Back-end developers kno… more
  • Awaiting details
  • 06 May 2019

Ashutosh Agrawal

Hotstar Pulse - Processing 25M+ beacons every minute in real-time

At hotstar, one of the important metrics which we present to end-users and our business partners is the number of people watching live. While this may seem to be a simple problem of rendering a number, but it ain’t. It’s not an approximate number, it’s an actual number and it need to be presented in real-time to users. Each unique user is counted in real-time, every minute we receive millions of … more
  • Submitted
  • 30 Jul 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Urmika Devi Shah

Privacy Matters Roundtable & Lean Data Practices Workshop

The Privacy Matters Roundtable is an opportunity engage with Indian B2C technology companies on the practical realities of how to run a data-driven business while respecting user privacy and security. This is a global series that uses the Lean Data Practices framework to drive structured discussion around three main themes (1/ Managing data 2/ Reducing Risk and 3/ Building Trust) and share experi… more
  • Submitted
  • 22 Aug 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Advanced Session type: Discussion

Yash Shanker Srivastava

End to End DevOps - Design Infrastructure and Deployment Pipeline for your application

Usually in teams, you don’t always get the chance to work with the infrastructure, application development, and designing build-deployment pipelines. Most of the times, we only get to get our hands dirty in either one of these. So in this session, we are going to dive into all these aspects of Software Delivery from the perspective of a DevOps Engineer, i.e. everything except the app development … more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 17 Sep 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Workshop
saurabh hirani

saurabh hirani

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The curious case of slow/fast grequests code

If you have made a single HTTP request in Python, you have probably used the requests module. more
  • Submitted
  • 01 Oct 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Tarun Maini

Infrastructure QA in Devops team

Compliance & security testing from the eyes of QA in Devops team more
  • Submitted
  • 26 Nov 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Sreekanth G S

From legacy services to one-click availability - The Rancher Way

We have embraced lot of changes when it comes to service architecture. When a giant leap was taken to adopt SOA massively, along with it came challenges of packaging, deploying and ensuring availability. With the advent of docker and other container based solutions, we were forced to look at each component as a micro application adhering to single responsibility principle. more
  • Submitted
  • 29 Nov 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Kayalvizhi NoorulAmeen

Troubleshooting in Microservices using Distributed Tracing

In Microservicves Architecture, requests are often served by multiple services. Each service handles a portion of a request by performing one or more operations (e.g. database queries, publishes messages) and delegate to other services for fulfillment. This session is planned to address tracing the requests with the help of instrumentation tools more
  • Awaiting details
  • 26 Nov 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Category: Distributed systems

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