Call for round the year submissions for Rootconf in 2020
Submit a proposal at any time in the year on DevOps, infrastructure security, cloud, and distributed systems. We will find you a suitable opportunity to share your work.
Sreekanth G S
Submitted Nov 29, 2019
We have embraced lot of changes when it comes to service architecture. When a giant leap was taken to adopt SOA massively, along with it came challenges of packaging, deploying and ensuring availability. With the advent of docker and other container based solutions, we were forced to look at each component as a micro application adhering to single responsibility principle.
This talk is an adoption strategy to employ Gitlab + Gitlab CI + Gitlab Registry + Docker + Rancher + Kubernetes, the major components in a service delivery pipeline in less than the time you finish a coffee, with an extremely easy roadmap for simple containerized application delivery with high availability, self contained service discovery, scheduling, load balancing, clustered storage and what not.
The talk will walk users thorough:
All in extremely simple, minimum command - maximum UI based approach, allowing small scale startups and intermediate devops to adopt a quick to delivery, easy to rollback strategy.
Empty hands and all ears, or maybe a Linux/Mac Laptop or VPS if you want to try it out immediately. :)
CTO of Hatio Innovations (A BillDesk Subsidiary), and previous VP-Engineering @ Billdesk and MobME. Seasoned engineer. Occassional speaker.
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