Call for round the year submissions for Rootconf in 2020

Call for round the year submissions for Rootconf in 2020

Submit a proposal at any time in the year on DevOps, infrastructure security, cloud, and distributed systems. We will find you a suitable opportunity to share your work.

priyanka vergadia


Best practices to secure applications in cloud

Submitted Apr 7, 2019

Security in cloud should be approched a little differently than traditional on-premise security. In cloud, security is a shared responsibility of the customer and the cloud service provider. This talk with highlight how one should secure the applications and infrastructure in cloud.


The talk will focus on different layers of attacks that an application can face and will cover in detail how to apply securtiy measures on each layer to protect from attacks. Will introduce the concept of defence in depth or zero trust infrastructure where every element of the infrastructre is designed such that it is an untrusted element. This helps keep the infrastructure secure at each layer. I will talk about examples of how to protect each layer of the cloud application including hardware, Boot, OS, Storage, network, application deployment, operation and usage.

Speaker bio

Priyanka Vergadia loves to solve challenging business problems with technology. She is a Developer Advocate at Google, and is helping partners and customerd with variety of different use cases including migration of workloads from on-premise infrastructure to cloud, breaking the monoliths and adopting micro-services architecture, analyzing big data sets for insights and building machine learning models to predict trends. She works with customers to secure their applications in cloud as they start and continue their journey in cloud. Prior to Google Cloud she spent several years as technical solutions consultant helping customers secure their applications and infrasture in cloud using Web application firewalls. Priyanka holds a M.S. in Computer Science from University of Pennsylvania.



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