Rootconf Sessions

Rootconf Sessions

Presentations on DevOps and Dev-Oops

Accepting submissions till 31 Dec 2020, 11:59 PM

Not accepting submissions

For details about Rootconf, see: for ideas about topics to submit session ideas. Here, you can: Submit topic ideas which you want someone to do a session on - talk, discussion, workshop. expand

For details about Rootconf, see: for ideas about topics to submit session ideas.

Here, you can:

  1. Submit topic ideas which you want someone to do a session on - talk, discussion, workshop.
  2. Add a presentation idea based on your work.

Write to if you have questions regarding talks/sessions at the conference.

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Accepting submissions till 31 Dec 2020, 11:59 PM


Migrating from a legacy to next-gen observability platform in a live environment

At eBay, we have been using different versions of the same central observability platform for ~15 years. The teams at eBay rely heavily on this platform to observe their applications and infrastructure. This platform is so deeply ingrained into our applications and systems that it is non-trivial to replace it. As the team managing this central platform, it is our responsibility to maintain, enhan… more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 12 Feb 2020

Kayalvizhi NoorulAmeen

All the way from Data Centre to Cloud

Migrating to a cloud from data centre is both thrilling and challenging. It is exciting because we learn a lot of cool stuff and is challenging as the actual process of migrating to the cloud is often difficult to handle. Cloud migration is not hassle provided the strategies are properly laid out. In this session, I am going to focus on more
  • Rejected
  • 16 Feb 2020


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Soft Skills +Group Dynamics + Communication Skills = Productive Team Projects

Attendees will discover the influence of communications places into action while using your everyday people skills, added with a unique style of active listening. more
  • Submitted
  • 19 Feb 2020

Tarun Garg

Looking "Beyond" B-Tree indexing for performance optimizations

When thinking about optimizations in SQL queries, we often only think about changing the structure of SQL queries, avoiding joins or implementing B-tree indexing, but the truth of the matter is they only work up to a certain extent. As they say in programming, there is no silver bullet for everything. more
  • Submitted
  • 19 Feb 2020

Ram Mohan Chukka

Fasten your Seatbelts ! Deployment Automation using Docker and Ansible

Early 2015, We were building a Single sign-on (SSO) solution to vast majority of our customers from scratch. Our previous datacenter deployments used to take roughly 3~4 hours(scripts+manual) on a maintenance window over the weekend. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 23 Feb 2020

Karthik Nagasubramanian Proposing

Exotel's Journey into the Docker World

Abstract : We would want to share the journey of migrating our services to Docker plus Kubernetes ecosystem more
  • Under evaluation
  • 24 Feb 2020

Dirk Götz

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Introduction to Foreman and Katello

Foreman is an open source project that helps system administrators manage servers throughout their lifecycle, from provisioning and configuration to orchestration and monitoring. Katello adds content management to the capabilities of Foreman. This talk will give you an idea about the architecture and the provisioning workflow which will be shown in a demo including how to provide everything local… more
  • Submitted
  • 24 Feb 2020
Duration of the session:: 40 mins full talk Category of talk: Systems administration

Annanay Agarwal

They See Me Tracin' They Hatin'

Tracing is a widely adopted solution to provide performance insights into distributed applications. However, since most of the traces in a healthy application look almost alike, storing all traces from an application can often be overkill, and can increase the operational cost. Sampling is a good method to throttle down and store representative traces, but in most implementations, the sampling de… more
  • Submitted
  • 26 Feb 2020

Shrutirupa Banerjiee

Secure Coding with Cryptography

Secure Coding practices are one of the important aspect in security. Cryptography is another such domain which is often missed while taking care of security. In this session, the audience will learn about basic cryptography and the algorithms used. We will be discussing about some insecure practices and why they should not be used. Once, the audience is well aware of the basics, we will deep dive… more
  • Rejected
  • 29 Feb 2020

Pritam Singh

Web exploitation - Offensive way to Hunt Bugs

Application security testing is the act of finding security vulnerabilities proactively and responsibly disclosing it to the security team in an ethical way. The audience will be going to learn most of the vulnerabilities of OWASP TOP 10 & basic’s of Application Security Testing (AST) with a burp suite tool and this will be going to help them to look for the security vulnerabilities in our own pr… more
  • Rejected
  • 29 Feb 2020

Swamynathan S

Bringing Effective CI using AWS + Docker for Microservices

With organizations opting towards microservices for easy management and maintenance of services/releases, testing becomes more challenging in catching up with the speed of development. At such situations, traditional testing that helped waterfall models, before decades, will not be of use any more. While a lot of testing/quality teams follow matured process to solve their problems, there had alwa… more
  • Under evaluation
  • 05 Mar 2020

Pravin Nair

SRE Transformation - A Paradigm shift

The traditional SREs own Infrastructure and Production environments. What happens when we move from On premise Data Center to Cloud ? This session will talk about the evolution of both Developers and SREs in the Cloud world and what paradigm shift needs to happen for business to continue functional with minimal disruption. more
  • Submitted
  • 10 Mar 2020

Kayalvizhi NoorulAmeen

Observable Microservices make Monitoring simple

Microservices is not a buzz word anymore. Every other organisation builds and deliver scalable, cloud native HA microservices. As a result of the simplicity (broken down microservices), the deployments and environments get complicated. more
  • Submitted
  • 24 Mar 2020
Duration of the session:: 20 mins crisp talk Category of talk: Distributed systems

Gurshabad Grover

How India Censors The Web

One of the primary ways in which India engages in online censorship is by ordering Internet Service Providers (ISPs) operating in its jurisdiction to block access to certain websites for its users. This paper reports the different techniques Indian ISPs are using to censor websites, and investigates whether website blocklists are consistent across ISPs. We propose a suite of tests that prove more… more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 11 Mar 2020
Format of the session: Full talk (40 mins)

Gaurav Sitlani

Understanding Storage in kubenetes with rook-ceph Operator

Rook is an open source cloud-native storage orchestrator for Kubernetes, providing the platform, framework, and support for a diverse set of storage solutions to natively integrate with cloud-native environments. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 02 Apr 2020
Duration of the session:: 40 mins full talk Category of talk: Kubernetes

Neelu Tripathy

Security When Working from Home

The pandemic of COVID-19 has brought with it a paradigm shift in how people operate and work. Most of us, who went to office earlier and worked from the trusted ‘office wifi’ are now connecting from our homes. There are many unforeseen scenarios we may find ourselves in, which requires the right decision making to ensure security and confidentiality of our data & devices in general. more
  • Submitted
  • 06 Apr 2020
Duration of the session:: 1 hour Birds of Feather (BOF) session Category of talk: Security

Vandana Verma Sehgal

Implementing Zero Trust in an organisation - Uncertainty Ready

The Current unprecedented situation has changed the IT World forever, no matter what the outcome is, the conceptual changes in the working styles of people are here to stay. The world will never get back to the plane jane everything works only on this building for most of the work environment. more
  • Submitted
  • 09 Apr 2020
Duration of the session:: 40 mins full talk Category of talk: Security

Sreekar Achanta

Containerisation and Orchestration of Mautic Application - An Open marketing software platform

Client was looking to build a highly available and scalable solution for their Marketing automation platform. Their stack had nginx, mautic with MySQL database running on aws ec2 instances. Some of the challenges that the client has faced include scalability of their application during their intensive marketing campaigns and maintenance of the application such as periodic updates to mautic. Mauti… more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 28 Apr 2020
Duration of the session:: 20 mins crisp talk Category of talk: Kubernetes

Gaurav Chaware

Microservices Authorization with Open Policy Agent

Authorization is the key challenge in a microservices architecture. For each API call, users need to be authenticated and authorized. While authentication can be taken care of centrally at the API gateway layer, authorization is left for each microservice. Each microservice will need to validate the user permissions and the entity it is trying to access. Problem of course is to ensure decoupled a… more
  • Submitted
  • 04 May 2020
Duration of the session:: 40 mins full talk Category of talk: Security

Pranay Prateek

Distributed tracing using Jaeger with Cassandra for Kubernetes

With emergence of microservices, distributed tracing is increasingly more important. To debug an issue, one needs to find which services it passed through - and which service had an issues. Jaeger is an open source distributed tracing project which helps achieve this. more
  • Submitted
  • 05 May 2020
Duration of the session:: 20 mins crisp talk Category of talk: DevOps

Gaurav Gahlot

Automated Bare Metal Provisioning with Tinkerbell

Even though we are seeing the advent of virtual servers, bare metal servers are preferred for use cases where performance and security are critical. The provisioning and lifecycle management of bare metal servers is extremely challenging. Tinkerbell, an open-source project from Packet helps automate infrastructure provisioning of bare metal servers irrespective of who provides them (cloud/on-prem… more
  • Submitted
  • 05 May 2020
Duration of the session:: 40 mins full talk Category of talk: Cloud infra or architecture

tarun aggarwal Proposing

Capacity Planning

Target Audience - Performance Engineers/Solution Architect and Developers KeyTakeAways- Metrics on which capacity planning is done(Science + Art) more
  • Submitted
  • 24 Jul 2020

Abhay Bhargav

Tesseract Incursion: Real World Attacks and Defenses for Kubernetes Clusters

Kubernetes has now entered the domain of “critical infrastructure” for several organizations. Like it or not, Container Orchestration, especially with Kubernetes, is here to stay. However, Kubernetes is not without its “shoot yourself in the foot” security issues. Its a complex and large-scope system and requires a deep understanding of Kubernetes as a system, its security options and limitations. more
  • Submitted
  • 05 Sep 2020
Duration of the session:: 40 mins full talk Category of talk: Kubernetes

Dieudonné MUNGANGA

Student/Researcher - Computer Networks

Mobile broadband Networks still stand as Africa’s number one source of connectivity by the use of consumers’ mobile devices. Despite this increase, minimal efforts have been done in terms of Internet reliability and performance measurements to impose innovation and help users audit their connectivity costs and regulators to make informed decisions about policies and infrastructure investments. Af… more
  • Submitted
  • 05 Oct 2020
Duration of the session:: 20 mins crisp talk Category of talk: Systems administration

Suraj Deshmukh

The changing landscape of Kubernetes Security Policies

Kubernetes has a built-in security policy feature called “Pod Security Policy”. This feature has been in a beta state for a very long time. Nevertheless, the community has decided to scrap it. more
  • Submitted
  • 02 Mar 2021

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