Gaurav Sitlani
Understanding Storage in kubenetes with rook-ceph Operator
Submitted Apr 2, 2020
Duration of the session::
40 mins full talk
Category of talk:
Rook is an open source cloud-native storage orchestrator for Kubernetes, providing the platform, framework, and support for a diverse set of storage solutions to natively integrate with cloud-native environments.
Ceph is a massively scalable, software-defined, cloud native storage platform that offers block, file and object storage services. Ceph can be used to back a wide variety of applications including relational databases, NoSQL databases, CI/CD tool-sets, messaging, AI/ML and analytics applications. It is a proven storage platform that backs some of the world’s largest storage deployments and has a large vibrant open source community backing the project.
Outline of this talk:
The objective of the talk is to cover the following points :
- Storage concepts in kubernetes
- A brief overview about kubernetes operators.
- Introduction to rook-ceph operator
- Rook Architecture and components
Internet connection and a projector for the slides.
Speaker bio
A FOSS enthusiast and a quick learner who likes to work on challenging problems.
I’m currently working with Software Defined Storage team at Red Hat for over a year.
Previously delivered talks in conferences like gnuNify , FOSSMEET locally in Pune and Cephalocon 2019 in Barcelona.
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