Pranay Prateek
Distributed tracing using Jaeger with Cassandra for Kubernetes
Submitted May 5, 2020
Duration of the session::
20 mins crisp talk
Category of talk:
With emergence of microservices, distributed tracing is increasingly more important. To debug an issue, one needs to find which services it passed through - and which service had an issues. Jaeger is an open source distributed tracing project which helps achieve this.
In this talk I will explain how to setup Jaeger with Cassandra on Kubernetes cluster.
Target Audience - DevOps / SRE folks in companies trying to implement distributed tracing
Key takeways -
- Overview of distributed tracing, existing choices - their pros & cons
- How to setup Jaeger in Kubernetes infra
- Setting up backend storage system (Cassandra) to store Jaeger metrics, trade off between different storage systems
- Live example with sample application
- What is distributed tracing?
- How does tracing differ from logs?
- Tools and cost to run distributed tracing in-house
- Jaeger Architecture
- Steps to setup Jaeger in Kubernetes
- Cassandra setup for storing Jaeger traces
- Sample application
- How to read flamegraphs & debug application issues using it
- Monitor Jaeger using Prometheus and Grafana
Speaker bio
Pranay is co-founder at SigNoz, a lightweight application monitoring tool for Kubernetes. He has worked extensively with users trying to understand their monitoring & observability use cases - and how poor systems impact their software reliability. He has lead product teams in past in MNCs (Microsoft) and startups - and has in trenches experience in handling issues in production software
- Linkedin profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/pranay-prateek-b8b563b/
- Blog which I will expand on - https://signoz.io/blog/distributed-tracing-using-jaeger-with-cassandra/
- My previous Hasgeek talk on CryptoEconomics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_HAHKynbfQ
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