ReactFoo Mumbai

ReactFoo Mumbai

On React, alternatives to React, ReactNative and front-end engineering

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Anup Kumar

Preact is dopeee

Some of you might have heard about preact and may have even played around with it. Let’s dig a little deeper and explore the factors that make preact awesome. We will look at the advantages of preact over react, how easy it is to get up and running a project using preact-cli. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 05 Mar 2018
Technical level: Beginner

Kiran Abburi

Migrating from redux to apollo

In this talk, I will share our experience with migrating a large app from redux to apollo. Initially, we used redux to manage the state of react application. As the app grew in size, we were writing lots of custom logic for network use cases like data fetching, real time updates and error handling. We implemented abstractions to reduce verbosity of network logic. But, onboarding new developers an… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 30 Jan 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Basavaraj Sonnad

How initial designing for older apps helped small team @Agrostar deliver apps quickly

Small team when bombarded with lot of work across different projects, you need determine common patterns; be it from designs(CSS), libraries(JS). This sets desired abstractions for other projects, prevents them from repeating code and hence adding more error hooks. How do we solve things of reusability? How do we accommodate desired changes to abstractions yet giving individual projects to use di… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Feb 2018
Section: Flash talks – 5 min presentations from audience Technical level: Intermediate

Mayank Raj

Tearing down & exploring - RsJS

RxJS has grown into popularity in the recent years. There are a lot of resources to get started with RxJS. This coupled with the fact that the library exposes very clear set of API’s, its extremely easy to start writing with observables. This talk digs deep into the concepts of RxJS, by building it. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 22 Mar 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Mayank Raj

Thinking Reactively with RxJS

Reactive programming is a established and efficient way to handle data streams. Understanding it and correct implementation makes otherwise complex program easy to read, maintain and test. JS community has been appreciating the ease it brings in with Angular, React-redux etc adopting it. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 22 Mar 2018
Technical level: Beginner

Ritesh Kumar

React Native: The Development Flow

React Native is slowly becoming the preferred choice for developing mobile applications. If you are already a web developer, you will find that most of the principles of coding remain the same as it uses the same design as React. But the development flow might feel a bit overwhelming for someone who is creating a React Native app for the first time. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 24 Mar 2018
Section: Flash talks – 5 min presentations from audience Technical level: Intermediate
Siddharth Kshetrapal

Siddharth Kshetrapal

We need to talk about our frontend workflow

Most of us work with designers and other developers on a daily basis. It isn’t always easy to maintain quality and consistency across teams or even features. Collaboration isn’t always easy with spec handovers, component states, achieving pixel perfection, etc. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 26 Mar 2018
Technical level: Intermediate


Future of React

This talk focuses about what new changes are recently made into react and upcoming changes in the api. Since React 16(fiber) has been completely rewritten, what it means to react developers and what breaking changes will happen in future and some basic examples about upcoming react API more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 26 Mar 2018
Technical level: Beginner

Mihir Khatwani

Building offline first applications in the react ecosystem

The talk addresses the what, why, how and huh? of building offline first applications in the react ecosystem. What are offline first applications and why in certain use-cases having them is or can be beneficial. How to go about building your offline first client app in the react/react-native ecosystem with approach appropriate to your use case. What are the tools/libraries available in your arsen… more
  • Under evaluation
  • 28 Mar 2018
Technical level: Advanced
Praveen Puglia

Praveen Puglia

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A re-introduction to webpack

Webpack is the de facto standard in todays world of frontend development. Popular projects like React, Vue, Angular use it all. But how did we get here? How can you not be scared of it and actually start configuring it for your own projects? more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 28 Mar 2018
Technical level: Beginner

Mihir Khatwani

Let's write baby redux

Redux is probably the most misunderstood library out there. A lot of big serious project codebases which use Redux end up looking like the Redux Documentation’s toy code examples. To para-phrase one of the Redux core contributors, the documentation examples are just for the sake of starting off with Redux and do not reflect a pattern in which Redux should be used in. In the workshop we will write… more
  • Under evaluation
  • 29 Mar 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Aakash N S

Unit Testing for Fun and Profit

I’ve been using React for almost 5 years, but I hadn’t written a single test till quite recently. I always felt that testing is difficult, time consuming and mostly unnecessary. But after trying it, I realized that it’s actually really really easy to test React & Redux applications, and requires almost zero setup to get started. It’s totally worth the investment! more
  • 1 comment
  • Under evaluation
  • 30 Mar 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Tejas Bhatt

Dr. De Sign Systems - Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Remove the Chaos

Systematic designs have been prevalent across other design mediums - but only now they have got the required attention in the digital product design world. The proposed talk will discuss the what, why, when & how of Design Systems in digital products - whether apps, or websites or brands. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 31 Mar 2018
Section: Flash talks – 5 min presentations from audience Technical level: Intermediate

Souvik Basu

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The magic of React Router 4

React Router 4 reimagined routing for React Single Page Apps. Thinking of Router as a Component is a big paradigm shift. We will explore what is new in React Router 4 more
  • Under evaluation
  • 31 Mar 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Souvik Basu

Pragmatic approach to Server Side Rendering

Create React App is unopinianated about SSR and does not support it out of the box. There are some plugins on CRA to enable SSR but those are not officially supported. Next.js is the most supported library in community to enable SSR but can we use it for production quality applications? What are the other possible ways to achieve SSR? more
  • Under evaluation
  • 31 Mar 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Souvik Basu

All about Context API

There was a lot of speculation of the stability Context API in future releases of React. React 16.3 makes Context API official now. Although developers were warned against using it, Context API was internally used by a lot of state management and theming libraries like react-redux, react-router and MobX-react. We will explore all about this API more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 02 Apr 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Praveen Durairaj

Why GraphQL: A React Developer's Perspective

The hype around “GraphQL is better than REST” can be justified purely by the amount of tooling around it. With code generation, query validation, editor autocomplete coupled with an API Explorer, the life of a frontend developer has never been easier. This talk will explore Why GraphQL is awesome from a React developers perspective! more
  • Under evaluation
  • 03 Apr 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Vihang Patel

JSON Streaming and React

Enhance first render of app using JSON stream Outline more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 06 Apr 2018
Section: Flash talks – 5 min presentations from audience Technical level: Intermediate

Arwa Lokhandwala

Why we should use React Canvas

My main focus is to show how react canvas can be used to optimize scrolling performance and avoid the jank which we experience while showing complex animations on mobile web. I would go through the problems we face while currently doing complex animations, and how we can use react canvas together with our other components to optimize rendering performance and get a seamless native like experience… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 06 Apr 2018
Section: Flash talks – 5 min presentations from audience Technical level: Beginner

Madhur Maloo

Debugging JS - Leveraging the power of Browser Dev Tools

This session would be about best practices to debug your JavaScript application in development as well as in production environment. It would talk about leveraging the power of browser developer tools to optimise the performance of your application. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 15 Apr 2018
Technical level: Beginner

dipti gandhi

Talking to React: The Mindset

Thinking in terms of Components could be hard, specifially how to divide your application into components, but I feel thinking in terms of components will be easy if we understand the basic ideas like composition on which languages like React are made. So my point is lets learn the ideas on which React stands proudly, so concepts like Components, State, Props falls in place while learning React. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Apr 2018
Section: Flash talks – 5 min presentations from audience Technical level: Beginner

Aziz Khambati

Create your own Custom Async Renderer with diffing in Web Worker

I’ll be going through some of the design of react-reconciler, fibre and how to create your own custom renderer. more
  • 1 comment
  • Under evaluation
  • 16 Apr 2018
Technical level: Advanced

Vivek Nayyar

State management with context api

Building on the idea of unstated and react waterfall, I would present a simple library created with the context api. This would explain how we can use context api to build our own mini redux system with multiple stores and one single global store. more
  • Submitted
  • 23 May 2018
Section: Flash talks – 5 min presentations from audience Technical level: Intermediate

Aravind Balla

Use React in an existing JS application

Even applications which have been built long back, you can develop components and use it in the application. You can use the power of modern bundlers like webpack to do the job for you. Even Gulp or Grunt can suffice your need. more
  • Submitted
  • 26 May 2018
Section: Flash talks – 5 min presentations from audience Technical level: Beginner

Hosted by

A community - for and of - front-end engineers to share experiences with ReactJS, performant apps with React, crafting better User Interfaces (UI) with React and GraphQL ecosystem. ReactFoo also discusses design patterns and user experience. more