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Durga Gadiraju

Pyspark - Python and Spark

Data Engineering at scale using Python and Big Data eco system of tools. more
  • Rejected
  • 09 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Shashank Kumar

Telegram Bot using Python

Proposal Type - Talk Telegram being open source grabs attention of most developers on first sight and moreover it’s free to use Bot API adds more fun to it’s platform. Whether you want to create a cool assistant that schedules task and reminds you at the right time or ML based bot which changes your photos into cool artwork you need to start by creating a basic skeleton bot which can be scaled la… more
  • Rejected
  • 09 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Nagi Reddy AnnapuReddy Proposing

Python Django.

Django python introduction Outline django Requirements more
  • Rejected
  • 11 Aug 2017
Technical level: Advanced

madhu vadlamani

General Talks: Sentimental Analysis Using PYTHON- USES and Impact

What is sentiment analysis? Sentiment Analysis is the process of ‘computationally’ determining whether a piece of writing is positive, negative or neutral. It’s also known as opinion mining, deriving the opinion or attitude of a speaker. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 12 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner

Vijay Yellepeddi

Building a Template Engine for Data Visualisation

Template Engines like Jinja/Mako, help us combine HTML and data. It’s 2017. React/Angular/Vue are changing the paradigm of frontend engineering as we know it. Are template engines still relevant? more
  • Rejected
  • 13 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Ujjwal Gupta

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General Talks: The Journey to Jarvis v2.0 via Stephanie: Building your very own simple AI

Ever wanted a personal assistant like Jarvis for yourself? Fear not. [Stephanie][] addresses the problem by providing an open-source platform built specifically for voice-controlled applications as well as to automate daily tasks and hence imitating much of a virtual/personal assistant’s job. more
  • Confirmed
  • 13 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Neha Sharma

Python things with Google Assistant

Assistant and Bots are taking the world and where ever you go from social media to your phone everything is dominated by bots or assistant. Now, its the time to make your own personal assistant and get it to work on your commands. Might be just making a masala chai or to changing the speed of the fan. more
  • Rejected
  • 14 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Sripathi Krishnan

Designing Modules in Python

This talk is about design patterns that will help you build reusable modules that stand the test of time. Through a variety of examples, we will cover principles such as interface design, dependency injection, open/closed principle and so on. more
  • Rejected
  • 16 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Mahendra Yadav

Airflow: To Manage Data Pipelines

A significant part of the IT/Data Engineering team is spent on writing and scheduling jobs, monitoring and troubleshooting the issues. Enterprise data originates from various sources and there are various business rules and processes that govern how that data can be consumed. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed
  • 17 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner

Bhavesh Anand

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[General Talk]Melissa : A lovely virtual assistant for OS X, Windows and Linux systems.

Melissa is a virtual assistant for OS X, Windows and Linux systems. She currently uses Google Chrome’s speech-to-text engine, OS X’s say command, Linux’s espeak command or Ivona TTS along with some magical scripting which makes her alive, developed by Tanay Pant and a group of sorcerers. The Web UI for Melissa has been designed by Nakul Saxena <p align=“center”> <a href=“… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 18 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Varun Aravinth N

A beginner's guide to python - Pygame and much more

This will be a beginner’s guide to python. Anyone with a bit of programming knowledge and who wants to know more about python can gain from this. Apart from beginners, those who use python can also take something from this - useful modules in python. At the end of the session we will be developing a game using python. And also we will be seeing about other useful modules and features of python. I… more
  • Rejected
  • 21 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner

Mayank Badola

[General Talks] THE Data Structure of our Real-time World : Queues

Remember your college lectures on Queues? And how insignificant they seemed! more
  • Rejected
  • 22 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner

Satish Rao

[General Talks] Internet of Things (IoT) and Python

The Internet of Things is a big deal today. Some consider it to be a buzzword,others say it’s a phase while many others, large industries included, stand by their belief that it is going to be a game changer. In this session I would like to dicuss the role of python languaged in the field of IoT. more
  • Rejected
  • 22 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner

Satish Rao

Workshop: MicroPython - New Language for the IoT

MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments. MicroPython is the new language for the Embedded Systems and Internet of Things(IoT) more
  • Rejected
  • 22 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner

joydeep bhattacharjee

Dimensionality Reduction and Principal Component Analysis

PCA is mathematically defined as an orthogonal linear transformation that transforms the data to a new coordinate system such that the greatest variance by some projection of the data comes to lie on the first coordinate (called the first principal component), the second greatest variance on the second coordinate, and so on. It is one of the most popular methods that is used for Dimensionality Re… more
  • Rejected
  • 23 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Chandan Gupta

General Talks: Tryst with Celery, Selenium and PIL

How we solved an interesting problem using Selenium and Python Imaging Library, and exploited Celery to improve the performance of a monthly job from days to hours. more
  • Rejected
  • 23 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

madhu vadlamani

General Talks: Impact of PYTHON in data science

Falling in love with PYTHON is simple. For data analysis and interactive, exploratory computing and data visualization, Python will inevitably draw comparisons with the many other domain-specific open source and commercial programming languages more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 23 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner

poruri sai rahul

General Talks : Entering the world of entry_points

Your scripts will eventually grow into a package. Your package needs to be user-friendly to get more people to use it. Your package might grow big in order to address everyone’s needs. entry_points make your package more accessible. entry_points help you add functionality without adding almost any extra code. more
  • Rejected
  • 24 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

poruri sai rahul

Workshops : Scientific Computing in Python

Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib are the three pillars which support Scientific Computing in Python. Pandas depends on Numpy for speed but Pandas provides a better user experience for data analysis. Both of Numpy and Pandas depend on Matplotlib to create effective visualizations and convey your results. more
  • Rejected
  • 24 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Abhishek Kumar

A practical walkthrough from Classification network to Semantic Segmentation, let's do it one pixel at a time.

Semantic Segmentation of an image is to assign each pixel in the input image a semantic class in order to get a pixel-wise dense classification. While semantic segmentation/scene parsing has been a part of the computer vision community since late 2007, but much like other areas in computer vision, a major breakthrough came when fully convolutional neural networks were first used by 2014 Long et. … more
  • Rejected
  • 24 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Ramanathan Muthaiah

[General Talks]: Practicing Continuous Integration and Deployment with Jenkins 2 Pipeline and Python

Jenkins 2.x is equipped with the capabilities to create pipeline-as-code. Pipeline suite of plugins has opened up a multitude of possibilities, like, enhancing the collaborative workflow model that DevOps demands, treating CI/CD as code. Talk would introduce the audience to Jenkins Pipeline (scripted) with the aid of simple deployment model in the cloud. It would appeal to those who are key mover… more
  • Rejected
  • 25 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner

Sourav Basu

General Talks: DRY your Django APIs

Your Django APIs start small and grow into a mess unless checked in time. This talk is how we can keep those APIs clean and small even with huge number of methods and classes using some sort of architecture. This is aimed at both the beginner and intermediate level of Django developers. more
  • Rejected
  • 25 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Saikat Kumar Dey

General Talks: Build a chatbot from scratch using open-source tools

This talk will show you how you could use open-source tools to build a chatbot without handing your data over to third parties (Facebook/Microsoft/Google,etc.) more
  • Rejected
  • 26 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Purna Chander

Python Data Analysis and Graphical Plotting using Pandas and Matplotlib.

Analysis of a dataset using Numpy, Pandas, IPython and Graphical plotting of the Insights using Matplotlib more
  • Rejected
  • 27 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate


General Talk: Neural Networks from zero (using only numpy) to practical projects (using scikit-learn and TensorFlow)

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN henceforth) are being used increasingly ever in recent years, and some consider it as a master key for almost all machine learning problems. There are many toolkits and libraries (tools henceforth) available, but I myself have never been comfortable with such tools until I understand (at least partially) what’s going on under the hood. I’m in no way saying that the… more
  • Confirmed
  • 28 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner

Ipshita Chatterjee

Lightning Talk : coala 'Bear' hugs from Rails Girls Summer of Code

Rails Girls Summer of Code is a program aimed towards increasing the participation of women in open source. With this lightning talk, we aim to present and talk about the program and our project, coala. coala is a static code analysis tool, how to begin with coala, generating custom configuration files for running coala and tes driven development. We’d also include a small coding demo for writing… more
  • Rejected
  • 29 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner


IoT meets Serverless

Speed and agility are the most expected in today’s analytics tools. The quicker you get from idea to insights, the more you can innovate & perform ad-hoc data analysis. I will be talking about how we can use AWS serverless architecture to stream and analyze IoT data, managed by python. We can be up and running in minutes―starting small, but able to easily grow to millions of devices and billions … more
  • Confirmed
  • 31 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Omar Khursheed

Lightning Talk: Making executables in Python with cx_freeze and pyinstaller

Have you ever found someone with a problem, the requirement to automate something, or some other simple problem the answer to which your mind always gives: “I could write a quick script for that.” But for people who do not have your technical skill, getting them to install python, whatever packages you need, and then run the script from the command line, is nearly impossible. By creating simple e… more
  • Rejected
  • 31 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner


Automated data analysis and text narratives

Autolysis is a domain-agnostic solution that solves pattern-based behavioral problems. At its core, Autolysis uses Groupmeans -- a statistical technique that is designed to identify the impact of groups over metrics or vice-versa. An open source version with a friendly license is hosted at and a web interface is available upon request. Text narratives that au… more
  • Rejected
  • 31 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Kshitij Saraogi

Iterators, Generators and You

Iterators in Python aren’t a matter of type but of the protocol i.e. any class that implements this protocol can be iterated over. This talk will present an overview of the all-encompassing iteration features in Python and how the Iterator pattern is built into the Python language so you never need to implement it by hand. more
  • Rejected
  • 31 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner

Sanjay Yadav

PPTGen - Data-driven powerpoints for automated narration

Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) is a robust tool in the enterprise domain to create business presentations, design visualizations and narrate data stories. Despite an extended list of support for objects, not all data visualizations are supported natively in PPT. PPTGen is a platform independent, powerful library to create/modify powerpoint objects and create PowerPoint presentations based on customer… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 31 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Sarat Chandra C

Showing similarity of Mainframe code with python

This will be a quick talk, showing the similarity between mainframe (JCL/COBOL) code with python. This will be useful to anyone with development knowledge in mainframe (JCL/COBOL), who wants to learn python. Apart from the mainframe developers this will also be useful to beginners or other developers – showing them similarity between two languages. more
  • Rejected
  • 31 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner

Saket Bhushan

Workshop : Big Data Carpentry with Python

Automation is not replacement, but an aid to manual labour. We at Sosio have internally cut-short our data processing time to 50% by automating the monotonous simple tasks. While automating mundane tasks speeds up the processes, saving us time and energy, automation is always not an easy answer. It is often complex, requires human intervention, and even if set up successfully needs constant monit… more
  • Rejected
  • 31 Aug 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Pradhvan Bisht

A lazy programmer's guide to web scraping

As the ever increasing data in the today’s world data can be used in various ways. Thus web scraping helps you obtain that data efficiently and also saves a ton of time by making the data collection an automated task. more
  • Confirmed
  • 10 Aug 2017
Technical level: Beginner

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