
Open Source AI Hackathon 2024

GenAI makers and creators contest and showcase



Accepting submissions till 15 Feb 2024, 11:00 PM

Not accepting submissions

You can either submit idea for an existing project you are working on, or a new idea which you want to build. How to submit your project/idea for the hackathon Submit your project idea and outline here. expand

You can either submit idea for an existing project you are working on, or a new idea which you want to build.

How to submit your project/idea for the hackathon

  1. Submit your project idea and outline here.
  2. Join The Fifth Elephant WhatsApp group to discuss your submission with the mentors.
    Or, if you are want to validate your idea/project before submitting, you can discuss it with the mentors, either in the WhatsApp group, or on DM.
  3. Participants can work on their projects soon after submitting ideas.
  4. Mentors will comments on the the submissions during the period. The reward of the hackathon is the feedback, not just the cash prize!
  5. A hack day is organized in Bangalore between 2 and 3 Feb. Participants can bring their working projects to the hack day, and continue coding/refining.
  6. Demo day for all hackathon projects - in person and remote - will be held on 3 and 4 February. The jury will decide on which projects qualify for cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000 (one lakh rupees only).

Criteria for submitting projects

  1. Ideas should be open source.
  2. Code should be open source.
  3. Orchestrate your code in such a way where it can work with open source products, platforms, systems and tools.

Team composition

  1. You can submit your project as an individual.
  2. Team size is restricted to a maximum of 3 members.
  3. Add your teammates as collaborators after submitting your idea.

Ideas for the hackathon

Participants can propose projects around some of the following ideas:

  1. AI for Scientific Research: e.g. Protein folding models, climate models, drug discovery, image recognition for scientific research, simulations for material science, epidemiology, and more.
  2. AI for inclusivity and accessibility: e.g. STT/TTS, automated audio descriptions (for non-voice content), automated color blindness correction, AI powered sign language generation, real-time AI powered captioning display for events, educational resources, and content translation across languages by leveraging multi-lingual models, adaptive content for differences in learning ability and/or neurodivergence, etc.
  3. AI and creative expression: e.g., generative audio, video, text and visuals and ways to combine these in a production-oriented direction, including AR/VR/Gaming and OTT implementations.
  4. AI in education: e.g., personalized learning plans, adaptive learning plans, content creation, translation with context, AI tutors, productivity tools, well-being improvement tools, etc.
  5. AI for India: for e.g., India-specific law, models that focus on indic languages, renewable energy optimization, disaster response and relief, education accessibility.
Make a submission

Accepting submissions till 15 Feb 2024, 11:00 PM

darsh agarwal

EasyEats: Tailored Ready-to-Eat Meal Suggestions

Context Due to fast-paced and long work environments, people are struggling to pay due to attention to their meals. Most of these meals are ready-to-eat either delivered by restaurants or packaged meals from convinience stores. Due to the purpose of these meals they cannot be a substitute for a balance diet; Especially if they are consumed without dietary planning. This can be contributed to high… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 13 Feb 2024
Category: AI for healthcare
Gagan Gupta

Gagan Gupta

Harshita Kamani

Video thumbnail


Check for latest updates: more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 28 Jan 2024
Category: AI for education

Akash Kamalesh

Anirudh Lakhotia

Tanistha Hota

Video thumbnail

Multilingual Mixture of Experts for Domain Adaptive Pre-training of Large Language Models

Problem Statement We aim to revolutionize the way classical LMs adapt to different languages and domains. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 23 Jan 2024
Category: AI for multilingual
Soma Dhavala

Soma Dhavala

Yashwardhan Chaudhuri contributor

Sai Nikhilesh Reddy contributor

Project Seshu

Fedem A decentralized framework to train foundational models more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 28 Jan 2024
Category: AI for multilingual

Pranjal Kar

Bhaswata Editor

samunder singh Editor

Video thumbnail

Synapse.AI - Bridging the Gap between Deaf and Non-Deaf Community based on Indian Sign Language(ISL)

Shruti-Drishti: Bridging the Communication Gap for the Deaf Community in India 🌉🇮🇳 more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 02 Feb 2024
Category: AI for accessibility
Akash Paul

Akash Paul

Video thumbnail

Portal: Hole in your Palm

Portal: Hole in your Palm Download the app for Android more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 16 Jan 2024
Category: AI for India

Sankalp Srivastava

Video thumbnail

Schematise (formerly, "Complianalyse")

An LLM enabled XML generator for Indian statutes and laws in the Akoma Ntoso format. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 27 Jan 2024
Category: AI for legal

Kurian Benoy

Aldrin Jenson

Nabeel Boda

Indic subtitler

Project Objective The number of tools which are available in Indian languages to subitle audio and videos in Indian languages are almost none. Yet that shouldn’t be the case, as now there are lot of open-source models supporting speech transcription in most of official Indian languages. This tool can be useful for subtitling audios and videos like Indian cinemas for Media Industry in general. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 30 Jan 2024
Category: AI for image generation/creatives

Yash Malviya

Pushkar Aggrawal

K Santanu Sekhar Senapati

Knowledge Preservation

Github link (most upto date roadmap / proposal here): more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 04 Feb 2024
Category: AI for India

Mayank Kumar


Problem Statement The modern digital era has brought forth an abundance of information and content across various media formats, including audio and text. With this surge in content, there arises a need for tools that can assist in deconstructing, analyzing, and reconstructing this media to make it more accessible, understandable, and customizable for different audiences. The problem we aim to ad… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 14 Feb 2024
Category: AI for education

Sasank Chilamkurthy

Open-Source GPU Stacks in the Era of Proprietary Dominance

Open-Source GPU Stacks in the Era of Proprietary Dominance more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 11 Jan 2024
Category: AI tools/SDK innovation

Akshat Gupta


Problem Statement As GenAI is on its path to revolutionise the way most things are done, we propose an innovative application of it. For the last many years, we have witnessed AI assistants that mostly assist with specific day to day activities like writing, setting up an alarm, etc, and mode of communication if typically either via chat or voice commands. We have designed a Music Assistant calle… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 24 Jan 2024
Category: AI for image generation/creatives




A Steerable Dataset Generator

A completely editable dataset for a statistically balanced Data-cenrtic AI is absolutely needed for Robust model. more
  • Confirmed
  • 25 Dec 2023
Category: AI for image generation/creatives

Amir Nagri

Bodhilib - An OSS multi-language, performant, plugin architecture based, composable LLM library

Bodhilib Bodhilib is an Open-Source, performant, plugin architecture based, composable LLM library. more
  • Confirmed
  • 18 Jan 2024
Category: AI tools/SDK innovation


Speech to text for Indian Healthcare

Speech to text for Indian Healthcare If you had access to a speech-to-text model which is specifically trained on English audio taken from Indian speakers, it would be more accurate than the audio models trained on general audio data. And if we extend this to the medical domain, then the accuracy of such models would be significantly higher than the SOTA models like whisper which are not trained … more
  • Awaiting details
  • 20 Nov 2023
Category: AI for healthcare

Soham Ghosh

Bidwan AI

Problem Statement: AI in education We plan to fine-tune the Llama 2-7B model on our custom datasets, made from school text books and then deploy the model using streamlit. The dataset would carefully curated for avoiding bias in the model. This way we can make chlidren learn and search for their doubts, without even giving them the access to interent. Due to fine-tuning, the model would be able t… more
  • Awaiting details
  • 25 Dec 2023
Category: AI for education

Sai Sashank

AI-Powered Waste Sorting System

Our idea is to develop an innovative solution for waste sorting using AI. The AI system will analyze images of waste items and classify them into recyclable and non-recyclable categories.our target is to create a user-friendly mobile app that allows individuals to take pictures of their waste, receive instant feedback on proper disposal of waste. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 29 Dec 2023
Category: AI for India


Generative Medical Datasets for Virtual Patients

Developed Framework for generating realistic medical datasets to enhance the training of AI-driven virtual patients. Used NHI Chest X-rays Datasets for generating synthetic data. Generation of medical datasets from the prompts of disease symptoms Validation of the generated dataset with the real life X-rays more
  • Awaiting details
  • 25 Jan 2024
Category: AI for healthcare

Amar Naik

Open source chatbot to maintain electric health records

Problem Statement: To design, develop and demonstrate access of patient medical records using Ayush Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) Unified Health Interface (UHI) for patient self-management, and share to doctors based on ABDM consent framework as and when requested by the doctor. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 31 Jan 2024
Category: AI for healthcare

Ashutosh Jha

Open Source Monitoring Tool

Project Proposal: PilotX - Open Source Troubleshooting Plugin for OTEL and Telemetry Tools more
  • Awaiting details
  • 31 Jan 2024
Category: Category unclear


Applying Differential Privacy to India's Census Data

Bringing Technically Ensured Privacy to Indian Data in the Public Domain more
  • Awaiting details
  • 02 Feb 2024
Category: AI for India

Infant Sam Christian

SimGen - the ultimate solution for generating synthetic datasets.

Problem Statement Generating Synthetic Dataset of Indian Roads - Problems more
  • Awaiting details
  • 18 Nov 2023
Category: AI for India


explanation of reports to patients .

Many of us in our day to day life find it hard to understand the medical reports issued to us . The aim of the project will be to create a model that can explain the medical reports generated by the doctors to a patient with as much ease as possible . Idea was suggested by Bhargava Subramanium of 5c Networks . more
  • Awaiting details
  • 01 Feb 2024
Category: AI for healthcare


Bharat Shetty B Editor

Resources for Open-Source AI Hackathon

This submission contains a list of knowledge resources shared by the curator of The Fifth Elephant Open-Source AI hackathon, Bharat Shetty Barkur. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 29 Jan 2024
Sugarcane AI

Sugarcane AI

OpenSource Prompt IDE to create, version, backtest, deploy, share and monetize prompt packages

Problem In LLM world, the prompt is the input to the LLM and the output is generated text/image/audio/video. But when it comes to automation using the prompts, there are many problems faced by developers in Production Environments. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 20 Nov 2023
Category: AI tools/SDK innovation

Papireddy Eppala

pranav krishna

pranav krishna

AI-Powered ATS Screening

Track : AI in education AI-Powered ATS Screening is an AI-driven system designed to streamline the initial stages of recruitment. By leveraging natural language processing and matching algorithms, the system intelligently analyzes resumes and job descriptions, providing recruiters with a curated selection of candidates that closely align with the job requirements. more
  • Submitted
  • 02 Jan 2024
Category: AI tools/SDK innovation


Chatbot for Mental Well-being

Chatbot for Mental Well-being Problem Statement In 2017, findings from the National Mental Health Survey revealed that approximately one out of every seven individuals in India experienced mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. This heightened awareness of mental well-being has elevated its significance as a focal point for development initiatives. Nearly 150 million individuals in … more
  • Confirmed
  • 07 Feb 2024
Category: AI for healthcare

Anurag Mandke


Problem Research - Today, many students, including those in 11th and 12th standard preparing for board exams and competitive entrance exams like JEE or CET, use PDFs instead of regular books. From my own experience as a former student, I noticed a common problem. It’s tough for students to understand everything from a PDF, and they often miss important points that could be the answers to multiple… more
  • Awaiting details
  • 14 Feb 2024
Category: AI for education

shobhan suri

AI tutor and flashcards

AI can help people learn subjects and can help them remember it as well. The biggest problem is understanding the subject and breaking it down in smaller bits so that the people can understand it well. This is where will come in pictrure, the plan is to build an AI tutor that enables people to understand and can work in parallel with ANKI to help people remember things. more
  • Submitted
  • 15 Feb 2024
Category: AI for education

Mayank Kumar


Problem Statement Deepfake technology has increasingly become a tool for creating highly realistic and yet completely fabricated images and videos, posing significant privacy risks. This technology allows for the impersonation of individuals in various contexts, potentially leading to identity fraud, privacy breaches, and reputational damage for both individuals and organizations. The ease with w… more
  • Submitted
  • 15 Feb 2024
Category: AI for image generation/creatives

Adithya S K

Srinidhi Somayaji P

Achala Nayak

A versatile open-source framework designed to adapt pre-trained Language Models (LLMs), such as Llama, Mistral, and Mixtral, to a wide array of domains and languages.

Problem Statement: Training Large Language Models (LLMs) for Indic languages from scratch is costly and impractical. In response, we present a streamlined framework for adapting pre-trained LLMs like Llama and Mixtral8x7b to various languages, utilizing a compact dataset for cross-lingual tasks. Our solution includes fine-tuning and evaluation processes tailored for practical production use cases. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 15 Feb 2024
Category: AI for multilingual
Hybrid access (members only)

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The Fifth Elephant hackathons

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Welcome to the events page for events hosted at The Terrace @ Hasura. more


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