Rootconf Hyderabad edition

Rootconf Hyderabad edition

On SRE, systems engineering and distributed systems



Accepting submissions till 30 Sep 2019, 11:59 PM

Not accepting submissions

##We are accepting talks on the following topics: Monitoring, logging and alerting -- running small-scale and large-scale systems Optimizing infrastructure Automating infrastructure management Infrastructure as code expand

##We are accepting talks on the following topics:

  1. Monitoring, logging and alerting -- running small-scale and large-scale systems
  2. Optimizing infrastructure
  3. Automating infrastructure management
  4. Infrastructure as code
  5. Micro-services -- including costs of micro-services and success metrics
  6. Case studies of shift from batch processing to stream processing
  7. Real-life examples of service discovery
  8. SRE war stories

##Types and duration of talks:

  1. Full talks: 40 mins duration including Q&A
  2. Crisp talks: 20 mins duration including Q&A
  3. Birds of Feather (BOF) sessions of 1 hour duration
  4. Hands-on workshops, of 3-6 hour duration.

You can also suggest a topic for someone else to speak/teach a workshop. If we find a speaker/trainer for the topic you proposed, we will send you a Rootconf t-shirt.

##Participant profile for Rootconf Hyderabad will include:

  1. SRE
  2. Distributed systems practitioners
  3. Network engineers
  4. DevOps programmers
  5. Security and DevSecOps professionals

This profile will help you to understand who will be the audience for your talk, and therefore, how you should structure you talk and takeaways.

##We don’t accept:

  1. How-to and introductory-level talks.
  2. Tooling talks without a clear problem statement. Instead, tell us what problems the tool solves for you, and why you advocate community members to use the tool.
  3. Proposals where source code is closed or where you cannot reveal code and implementation details.

##Guidelines for submitting proposals for Rootconf Hyderabad:

  1. Write the proposal in gender neutral language. Use the words ‘they/them’ instead of ‘he/she’.
  2. Explain the problem you are solving when submitting a proposal. We give weightage to novelty of problems and problem-solving approaches.
  3. Focus on narrowing down what the audience will learn from your talk. The best way to do this is by putting yourself in the audience’s shoes: what do you want to learn (that will make you a better practitioner) if you were in the audience listening to your own talk?
  4. Provide implementation details. But the implementation details -- code samples, architecture approach, etc -- in the context of the larger problem you are solving.
  5. Never lose sight of the problem!

Note that reviews will carried out on the proposal pages only, as comments. Proposers must check their proposals for new comments, and to respond to earlier comments.

Passes and honorarium for speakers:

We pay an honorarium of Rs. 3,000 to speakers. Confirmed speakers also get a pass to the conference and a discount code which they can share with their colleagues, communities they are part of, and on social media channels. We do not provide free passes for speakers’ colleagues and spouses. Please don’t ask us for this.

Travel grants for outstation speakers:

Travel grants are available for international and domestic speakers based on the event’s budget. If you require a grant, mention it in the field where you add your location.

##Last date for submission is 30 September, 11:59 PM

If you have queries, write to

Make a submission

Accepting submissions till 30 Sep 2019, 11:59 PM

Goutham Veeramachaneni

ConProf: Continuous profiling for the rest of us

Metrics, logging and tracing are what is commonly described as the three pillars of observability, however, limiting ourselves to these signals makes us miss out on many other aspects of operating a system. A signal that is not well developed enough is continuous profiling. Have you ever been in the situation where you really needed a memory profile of a process just before it was OOMKilled? Or w… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 14 Feb 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Jambunathan V R

Designing microservices around your data design

At MadStreetDen, We are building multiple products for the retail industry on top of a single platform of microservices which process data, build machine learning models and scale with traffic. We are also constantly adding new products to our product suite which solve interesting new usecases. As the systems continuously evolved, we realized the set of services which powers the underlying platfo… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 06 Jun 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture Category: Distributed systems Section: Full talk (40 mins)

Ganessh Kumar R P

Data Protection and Compliance - Architecting Privacy in Devops

Remember the incident(, early this year, when millions of Facebook users were asked to reset their password as one of their systems was storing user passwords in plain text? more
  • Rejected
  • 19 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Senthil V S

Config management 2.0

The whole DevOps movement is about no separate Dev and Ops teams. But with using heavy config management tools, we’re once again on the same place just that we’ve replaced bash scripts with yamls and central store. For a startup, this approach does not suit. We’ve taken a different approach and finding it fruitful. In this talk, we will share our journey and why our approach could be useful to yo… more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 22 Jan 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Mayank Verma

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Capacity modelling for complex data architectures

Data platforms are common place in the world today. Businesses prefer data driven decisions and hence want data they generate or consume curated in an analytics platform. This essentially means that as new business flows go live, they need to be onboarded to the data platform. This talk will present a perspective on how capacity requirements for a data platform can be modelled. To put is very sim… more
  • Rejected
  • 01 Mar 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Sudipta Biswas

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Service mesh and the future of microservices at scale.

As monolithic applications are broken down into self functioning units in the form of microservices, the paradigm of deployments for these applications have become truly distributed. While it provides the flexibility of operating /updating individual modules for easy maintenance, loose coupling and faster deployments, it also posses the challenge of managing them at scale. This gives rise to some… more
  • Rejected
  • 05 May 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture


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Great Expectations : Observability in asynchronous systems using temporal logic

This talk will focus on building observability across microservices. The main focus will be on more
  • Rejected
  • 05 Mar 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate Category: Monitoring and logging Section: Full talk (40 mins)


Absynthe: Artificial Behaviour Synthesiser

Absynthe came about in response to the need for test data for analysizing the performance and accuracy of log analysis algorithms. Even though plenty of real life logs are available, e.g. /var/log/ in unix-based laptops, they do not serve the purpose of test data. For that, we need to understand the core application logic that is generating these logs. more
  • Rejected
  • 18 Jun 2019
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo Category: Monitoring and logging Section: Full talk (40 mins)

Ankur Jain

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Fast object distribution using P2P

In Flipkart, objects like VM/container images, media, ML models, etc are stored in a homegrown object storage service. To improve download latencies and avoid getting rate limited, teams normally introduce nginx or some other cache to access frequently used objects. This seemingly works for small objects, less dynamic content or when only few clients are downloading concurrently. But for large ob… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 11 May 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Beginner Session type: Discussion Category: Distributed systems Section: Full talk (40 mins)

Ramanaresh Challa

CI/CD in Data Engineering @ Nike Tech

At Nike Tech, we have a diverse technology landscape with teams working on building apps for the end consumer to dashboards for our internal business stakeholders. All this is done at massive scale and a strong focus on CI/CD. CI/CD in data engineering is a often neglected area and weak practices leads to inefficiencies which hurt in the long run. With a focus on delivering highly trusted and con… more
  • Rejected
  • 14 Jun 2019
Session type: Short talk of 20 mins

Sanooj Mananghat

Dashboards as Code

Understanding the state of your infrastructure and systems is essential for ensuring the reliability and stability of services. Best way to gain this insight is with a robust dashboard that visualizes data and stable alert rules which alerts when things appear to be broken. Configuring and modifying dashboards and alerts by hand are error-prone. Versioning dashboards and alerts using “Infrastruct… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 27 May 2019
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Lavakumar Kuppan

Deploying and Managing CSP - the Browser-side Firewall

Data exfiltration attacks like Magecart have targeted a low-hanging fruit in the industry and have allowed attackers to steal millions of user’s credit card data. Existing security systems fail to prevent or even detect these attacks and this is a major blind-spot in the security monitoring systems. Content Security Policy is a standard supported in most modern browsers and can be harnessed to he… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 22 Jul 2019
Category: DevSecOps Section: Full talk (40 mins)

Gaurav Kamboj

Scaling for 25 million concurrent viewers

The talk will focus on why traditional autoscaling doesn’t work for Hotstar (Disney’s OTT streaming service) who recently created a global record for live streaming to 25.3 million concurrent viewers. It will talk about challenges in scaling infrastructure for millions and how to overcome it, how we run gamedays before actual games, how we use load testing monster called Hulk to prepare for peak … more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 26 Jul 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Category: SRE Category: SRE Section: Full talk (40 mins)

Jayesh Bapu Ahire

Demystifying AIOps

For years, IT has struggled to keep the lights on. Now that businesses are aggressively pursuing digital transformation, that battle is becoming even more difficult. The number of applications and services is exploding. Changes are now measured in seconds or minutes, instead of months or years. Approaches such as DevOps are driving this acceleration – but, unless IT operations can keep up, digita… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed
  • 07 Aug 2019
Section: Birds of Feather (BOF) session Category: Automation

Mamta Jha

CI/CD pipeline using Ansible, Git, Jenkins and Docker

Setting up Infrastructure on DigitalOcean using Ansible in an automated fashion. Using Git for Code Integration and Jenkins to build and deploy code. more
  • Submitted
  • 08 Aug 2019
Section: Workshop Category: DevOps

Mamta Jha

Challenges faced in the Microservices journey

Everyone these days discusses “Monolithic to Microservices”, and we have enough information available on the benefits of having microservices designs. But creating a microservices-based architecture and implementing has lots of challenges associated with it. Microservices is fascinating to hear, but it needs realtime architectural experience to implement a distributed system. I want to discuss th… more
  • Awaiting details
  • 08 Aug 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Category: Distributed systems

Mamta Jha

Istio and Auth0 securing our applications on Kubernetes cluster

This session will have key takeaways and tangible lessons that participants can apply as growth levers within their own companies. We will secure the Kubernetes cluster and the applications deployed on it with Istio and Auth0. In microservices-based architecture, authentication becomes one of the crucial things to keep in mind. We learn to integrate Istio with Auth0 to secure our applications run… more
  • Awaiting details
  • 10 Aug 2019
Category: Security Section: Full talk (40 mins)


Supporting utf8 characters in a utf8 mysql table

Abstract: MySQL’s “utf8” encoding only supports three bytes per character. The real UTF-8 encoding needs up to four bytes per character. After upgrading our app’s rails version in production, we started noticing issues in saving objects in the database because of MySQL’s strict mode. We’ll talk about key learnings, the migration itself and best practises for newer apps. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 14 Aug 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Category: DevOps

kameshwara rao marthy

Securing Kubernetes secrets with Vault

Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform, and there is a need for having a robust secret-management system to serve the diverse needs of multiple applications it manages. This session is to demonstrate how to run HashiCorp Vault on Kubernetes and use Vault to store and retrieve secrets for applications running on Kubernetes. more
  • Submitted
  • 15 Aug 2019
Category: Security Section: Full talk (40 mins)
Piyush Verma

Piyush Verma

Observability and Control Theory

Software, by default, is opaque. To see what it’s doing you have to write observation capability into it. This goes beyond logs and stepping through in a debugger - because you have to observe the live system, not your sandbox. Is observability a new concept and how is it different from monitoring? How does Control theory use observability to build systems that thrive on feedback and improve? How… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 18 Aug 2019
Category: SRE Section: Full talk (40 mins)

Tasdik Rahman

Achieving repeatable, extensible and self serve infrastructure at Gojek

From where we started, GO-JEK has grown to be a community of more than one million drivers with 3 Million+ orders every day in almost no time. To keep supporting this growth, hundreds of microservices run and communicate across multiple data centers to serve the best experience to our customers. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 22 Aug 2019
Category: Automation Section: Full talk (40 mins)

Anubhav Mishra

Service Mesh: Beyond the Hype

Over the past year, service meshes have gained significant interest. In this talk, we will learn what a “Service Mesh” really is! We will also explore how the service-mesh helps to enable the transition to microservices, to empower operators, to adopt security best-practices along the way. more
  • Submitted
  • 26 Aug 2019
Category: Distributed systems Section: Full talk (40 mins)

Anubhav Mishra

Vault on Kubernetes hand-on

Kubernetes is a popular application delivery platform, but its builtin secret management system does not serve the diverse needs of many organizations. In this hands-on workshop, Anubhav Mishra demonstrates how to run HashiCorp Vault on Kubernetes and use Vault to store and retrieve secrets for applications running on Kubernetes. more
  • Confirmed
  • 26 Aug 2019
Section: Workshop Category: SRE

Anubhav Mishra

Taming Infrastructure Workflow at Scale

Today’s cloud infrastructure is really complex. What if you could truly make this infrastructure a black box? What if you could mutate this infrastructure safely and easily? See how to efficiently use Infrastructure as Code across hundreds of developers and applications. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 26 Aug 2019
Category: Automation Section: Full talk (40 mins)

Geethanjali Eswaran

Consensus problem in Distributed Systems

A fundamental problem in a distributed system is obtaining consensus on some data value to achieve overall system reliability on top of unreliable system components. In the real world, system components are never perfect, they are prone to hardware failures, packet drops, slow network, clock skews, etc and in this talk, let’s walk through a few common scenarios in a distributed system where all t… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 03 Sep 2019
Section: Flash talk (5 mins) Category: Distributed systems

Adheip Singh

Solving Authentication and Authorisation on kubernetes using Adapters in Istio

Service A wants to talk to Service B running in a kubernetes cluster. more
  • Submitted
  • 18 Sep 2019
Category: Security Section: Full talk (40 mins)

Vasanth Pandian

Deploy to Production without Testing..!!

Modern development moves fast, with businesses expected to push out multiple iterations and updates in very shorter sprint cycles. And with the current release model, daily deployments are unavoidable. Doing a deployment without impacting the system is being used by 150,000 business across the world, serving 500K requests per minute was a very big challenge. And building test cases to capture all… more
  • Submitted
  • 30 Sep 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Category: SRE
Srikanth Lakshmanan

Srikanth Lakshmanan

Regulating Cloud Service Providers

Flash talk on what the recent consultation paper floated by TRAI on regulating Cloud Service Provider (CSPs) is about and what it means. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 16 Nov 2019
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture
Hybrid access (members only)

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