Nov 2019
11 Mon
12 Tue
13 Wed
14 Thu
15 Fri
16 Sat 09:15 AM – 05:00 PM IST
17 Sun
Nov 2019
11 Mon
12 Tue
13 Wed
14 Thu
15 Fri
16 Sat 09:15 AM – 05:00 PM IST
17 Sun
Ramanaresh Challa
Submitted Jun 14, 2019
At Nike Tech, we have a diverse technology landscape with teams working on building apps for the end consumer to dashboards for our internal business stakeholders. All this is done at massive scale and a strong focus on CI/CD.
CI/CD in data engineering is a often neglected area and weak practices leads to inefficiencies which hurt in the long run. With a focus on delivering highly trusted and consistent data to business in order to make decisions, the development and testing process needs to be watertight before things move to production.
CI/CD is also usually an afterthought when we are designing and building the data engineering applications. We here at Nike do it differently and ensure CI/CD is a key focus area from the very beginning and design accordingly. This talk throws light into our thinking process when it comes to CI/CD, the tools we use and design examples for a couple of use cases.
•What is CI/CD?
•Why CI/CD in data engineering?
•How to simplify CI / CD for Airflow using Jenkins and Code Repos like Git/Bitbucket
•How to simplify CI / CD for Nifi using Jenkins/Nifi Registry/Terraform
Ram is a lead engineer at Nike Enterprise data and analytics organization working in the space of real time master data management, data ingestion and data science engineering.
Nov 2019
11 Mon
12 Tue
13 Wed
14 Thu
15 Fri
16 Sat 09:15 AM – 05:00 PM IST
17 Sun
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