Rootconf Hyderabad edition

Rootconf Hyderabad edition

On SRE, systems engineering and distributed systems



Senthil V S


Config management 2.0

Submitted Jan 22, 2019

The whole DevOps movement is about no separate Dev and Ops teams. But with using heavy config management tools, we’re once again on the same place just that we’ve replaced bash scripts with yamls and central store. For a startup, this approach does not suit. We’ve taken a different approach and finding it fruitful. In this talk, we will share our journey and why our approach could be useful to you. We will demo cloudlift (


We at Simpl manage a microservices polyglot platform with about 40 services. We handle 10 - 30 million requests per day and can handle 100x or more. We’ve managed >99.99% of availability. Containerized, auto-scalable and completely automated DevOps platform.

All these were handled by the seven backend developers and no dedicated DevOps person.

This is possible because of the unique approach we’ve taken towards DevOps. Instead of using tools like Chef/Ansible, we’ve taken a unique approach that simple and hence naturally scales.

I’ve spoken about this in couple of meetups and people found this useful. Would love to share the journey with a larger audience.

This talk would have four parts.

  • Introducing the problem (tech stack, constraints, complexity etc)
  • Why not config management tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible
  • The approach we’ve taken. Demo, details and of course code.
  • Learning that would be useful in your org.

Speaker bio

I’ve been a developer & devops person for years. Started with bash moved on as the industry moved on to Chef, Pupper and Ansible. Worked on DevOps for various domains and sizes of projects. Passionate about Dev + Ops as single org and not two.
I’ve been with Simpl for two years and worked at ThoughtWorks before this.



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