Nov 2019
11 Mon
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16 Sat 09:15 AM – 05:00 PM IST
17 Sun
Anubhav Mishra
Submitted Aug 26, 2019
Over the past year, service meshes have gained significant interest. In this talk, we will learn what a “Service Mesh” really is! We will also explore how the service-mesh helps to enable the transition to microservices, to empower operators, to adopt security best-practices along the way.
Over the past year, service mesh technologies have gained significant interest. We often hear or read the words “Service Mesh” in blog posts or videos nowadays. But most of these don’t explain what the “Service Mesh” really is! The goal of this talk is to understand the components that make up a “Service Mesh” and how it can help developers and operators adopt smart networking techniques to empower their organizations.
The goal of a service mesh is to provide service to service communication along with some higher level features like observability, policy enforcement, retries, back off and security. Most service meshes have two components: a control plane and a data plane. The control plane is responsible for making decisions about where to send the traffic and to configure the data plane. The data plane provides the ability to forward requests from the applications.
In this presentation, we will take a look at the history of how the term “Service Mesh” came about. We will describe what it takes to create a service mesh control plane and a data plane. We will explore the responsibilities of each of those components and why they are critical to the overall functioning of a service mesh. We will conclude with a real-world example of a service mesh in action that connects services running in VMs and containers securely.
Anubhav Mishra is a developer advocate at HashiCorp. Previously, he worked at Hootsuite, where he created Atlantis - An Open Source project that helps teams collaborate on Infrastructure using Terraform. Anubhav loves working with distributed systems and sharing his experience with microservice delivery platforms. He also loves open source software and is continuously finding ways to contribute to projects that excite him and helping developers and operators do better. That has led him to contribute to projects like Virtual Kubelet and Helm (CNCF projects). In his free time, he DJs, makes music and plays football. He’s a huge Manchester United supporter.
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