ReactFoo Delhi

ReactFoo Delhi

On React, alternatives to React, ReactNative and front-end engineering

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Kalpit Champanery

<Text style={ali-c fnt-b}/> Bootstrap your own style sheet for react native.

The trick for styling your react native components like you style it in the web(HTML)using CSS/Bootstrap. No need to use/create many separate react native style sheet, forget the hassle of managing separate style.js file for components. Create your own bootstrap for your react native project and directly specify styles in components like <Text style={ali-c fnt-b}/> etc. etc. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Apr 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Vaibhav Lokhande

Deploying with confidence

Adding confidence not only in code but also in deploy process. How we gained confidence in our deploys even after redusing manual QA efforts. Will talk about tools and methodologies that will help you ship code with more confidence. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 04 Apr 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Arjun Hariharan

Uniting react, redux and node Js with Typescript

This is an introductory level talk to help people understand more
  • Under evaluation
  • 07 Apr 2018
Technical level: Beginner

Arjun Hariharan

Scaling up with React and Typescript

We have adopted typescript with our project and are using it at the frontend and the backend. Through this talk, I would like to share our experience working with typescript, the practices and conventions we have adopted in our team and how we were able to develop faster while maintaining the code quality at the same time. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 11 Apr 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Balram Singh

React & Performance

It is not incorrect to say that React and Performance are synonymns to each other in modern web / mobile world. This talk is around React application gochas that directly kill performance of application. more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 04 May 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Eesh Tyagi

Cleartrip's reactive journey from 3 to 0.2s using Apollo GraphQL

We are building a single GraphQL endpoint for Cleartrip to remove the dependency of the react client with the Rest API. This will avoid the unnecessary over fetching of verbose data and manipulation on the client. It will reduce the network payload, making the react PWA client cleaner and faster (3 → 0.2s document load) and making the life of Front end developer much easier. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 24 May 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Bhupendra Singh

Boosting React app with Relay, GraphQL and Redux.

What is Relay? What is GraphQL, impact on frontend development. How Redux comes into picture? more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 24 May 2018
Technical level: Intermediate


Future of React

This talk focuses about what new changes are recently made into react and upcoming changes in the api. Since React 16(fiber) has been completely rewritten, what it means to react developers and what breaking changes will happen in future and some basic examples about upcoming react API more
  • Under evaluation
  • 04 Jun 2018
Technical level: Beginner

Abhay V Pai


Overview: Simple Good looking website, where we will manage the content in the website from Drupal. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 07 Jun 2018
Technical level: Beginner

Kiran Abburi

Building blazingly fast websites with Gatsby

Media websites constitute significant portion of the web. SEO and performance are crucial for these websites. But the advent of single page applications, built entirely in javascript, increases time for first meaningfull paint and decreases crawlability of web pages. Gatsby fixes these problems by generating html with servering rendering react components at build time. Gatsby provides out of the … more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 11 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Arwa Lokhandwala

Why we should use React Canvas

My main focus is to show how react canvas can be used to optimize scrolling performance and avoid the jank which we experience while showing complex animations on mobile web. I would go through the problems we face while currently doing complex animations, and how we can use react canvas together with our other components to optimize rendering performance and get a seamless native like experience… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 11 Jun 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Shivang Shekhar

Piggybacking your WebVR/AR experiences with React

Building for VR is hard? is it? Yes and No, if you know the right tools to start. A long history with React on Web and Native led to a very natural exploration in the Virtual space. This session would love to tell you about it! React VR provided a unique opportunity to leverage our expertise to rapidly test and iterate many of the VR ideas developers have been playing with. Today the easiest way … more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 13 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Saravanan Ramupillai

Trends in React ( Async Rendering & More)

I am going to talk about what is the principles behind the aynchronous rendering in react which imporve the performance of application also will explain how timeslicing and suspences actually works internally and usage of new API exposed by react. more
  • Submitted
  • 15 Jun 2018
Section: Flash talk Technical level: Intermediate

Varun Nath

Building Complex UI's and Animations in React Native

React Native is not only extremely powerful but is also extremely easy to use. In this hands on talk you’ll learn how to create complex performant UI’s and adding animations to your react native app. We’ll also analyse some of the popluar ui’s out in the app store and try and replicate them during this talk. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 15 Jun 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Souvik Basu

How to create a production quality React app?

We all know how to create small applications in React but most of us struggle to create a strong foundation for a complex app. This talk will touch upon how to create a production quality application using React more
  • Submitted
  • 16 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Souvik Basu

All about HOC

Higher Order Components helps us in handling app complexity. Most of the libraries making React ecosystem heavily use HOC. This talk will take a deep dive into the architectural pattern of HOC and when to use it more
  • Submitted
  • 16 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Souvik Basu

React Native development using Expo

There are many ways to create a React Native app, the most popular being use of Create React Native App. Expo is another poplar framework to create and deploy RN apps. This talk will explore why to use Expo and what it offers more
  • Submitted
  • 16 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Beginner

Ronak Jain

Presto as a NativeUI - MicroApp platform

At Juspay we built a React-Native native equivalent cross-platform framework called Presto, as React-Native was way too heavy for our SDK requirements. Presto powers Juspay Payments SDK which runs in most of the top applications in India including BHIM. This talk will discuss how Presto became a Micro App platform and how we leverage pure/strict Functional programming techniques to create a DSL f… more
  • Submitted
  • 20 Jun 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Ashish Gambhir

Making your React app AMP ready

Journey of Grofers of converting all their product pages to AMP while maintaining the same React stack. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 20 Jun 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Vivek Nayyar

State Management with new React 16.3 Context API

With the release of React 16.3 we have the new Context API being officialy announced and can now be used for managing our state. Redux, React-Router and several other libraries that we used to use in our applications already were making use of this API but it was recommended to use it with care since the specifications might change.But now with the official release we all can leverage the benefit… more
  • Under evaluation
  • 22 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Advanced

Rohit Dhall

Structured approach to application performance using Software Performance Engineering

Workshop title – Introduction to Software Performance Engineering and tools demonstration more
  • Under evaluation
  • 23 Jun 2018
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Aziz Khambati

Create your own Custom Async Renderer with diffing in Web Worker

I’ll be going through some of the design of react-reconciler, fiber and how to create your own custom renderer. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 25 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Advanced

Rohan Goel

Rendering Vue sfc's inside Backbone apps

Rendering Vue sfc’s inside Backbone apps There are a lot of articles to get started with Vue, but there are a lot of people who still use some older framework and want to shift on to something new. There are not much tutorials or articles on how one could do so. I will talk about my experience and challenges I faced while integrating Vue inside existing large Backbone app. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 25 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ankit Muchhala

React Internals - How understanding React implementation can help us make better apps

We all know React is fast, it uses VDOM, it provides lifecycle methods and what not. But What is VDOM? How does it make React fast? How does it optimize changes? This talk aims to answer such questions about the internal workings of React. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 29 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate
Ankur Sethi

Ankur Sethi

Hitting 60 FPS: How to Discover and Fix Performance Issues in React Applications

In this hands-on session, I will dive deep into the Chrome Developer Tools and walk you through discovering and fixing common performance issues that affect React applications. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 29 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate
Prateek Rungta

Prateek Rungta

Page Loading Performance Strategies from the Field

Performance on the web isn’t a simple switch that can be flipped on but a vast, multi-layered subject. Page loading speed is one of the layers that has received a fair bit of attention recently thanks to tools like PageSpeed Insights and WebPageTest. While these profilers serve as great checklists to measure our sites against, their recommendations can often be difficult to incorporate or grasp f… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 30 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Pranjal Nadhani

Optimising webpages for product experimentation in React

We use Google’s paid Search Engine Marketing and Facebook’s ad-based marketing a lot to make ourselves and our products visible at the most prominent places of the web. This allows us to target a large audience and showing them a webpage describing our products can help us onboard them to our platform, and possibly convince them to try our product. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 30 Jun 2018
Section: Flash talk Technical level: Intermediate

Mayank Kumar

Building large scale dashboards using React

We wanted to create a platform where the developers can create dashboards for multiple purposes like operations, Finance portals and configuration management keeping following things in mind. more
  • 1 comment
  • Under evaluation
  • 30 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Advanced

Rachit Gulati

Hidden performance gems in chrome dev tools we use @Microsoft.

The talk will be going to focus on lot of techniques we used @ Microsoft to measure our performance and how you can leverage the same in your React application directly from the chrome dev tools. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 30 Jun 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

nisheed jagadish

Building Microfrontends with React

SPAs are the monoliths of the frontend world, and can become increasingly difficult to maintain as your app grows large. Microfrontends apply the principles of microservices to the frontend apps. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 01 Jul 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Hosted by

A community - for and of - front-end engineers to share experiences with ReactJS, performant apps with React, crafting better User Interfaces (UI) with React and GraphQL ecosystem. ReactFoo also discusses design patterns and user experience. more