One Vote Annual Conference

A conference on technological interventions in elections


In recent years, electoral processes, results and integrity of the results have been the focus of heated discussions. Alongside this, there have been continuous collaborative efforts to determine the security of the technology along with impact on rights, privacy and data governance. The various reports around the prototyping of blockchain based technology to be used for elections in India provide a perfect opportunity to examine the topic and acquire sufficient insights.

Many countries are exploring and experimenting a set of different approaches to enable more streamlined voting that is secure, efficient and auditable. As part of the conference, we will discuss some of the following topics:

  1. Challenges in transitioning traditional and established voting processes to more digital and auditable models.
  2. Examining the approaches and experiments underway (in other countries) to better understand technical, social and rights centric challenges.
  3. How to examine and evaluate the various technology choices being made specific to electoral processes.

Key takeaways for participants

  1. A framework with which to examine technology choices and policy decisions.
  2. Knowledge about the key challenges being addressed by various countries, researchers and governing bodies as they seek to make the transition to digital technologies.

Who should participate

A topic of this nature is designed to appeal to the widest cross section of the audience, including:

  • Researchers and practitioners at the intersection of technology, rights and data.
  • Cybersecurity and data security practitioners and experts.
  • Policy designers who are engaged in developing the guidelines for the transition.
  • Organization leaders who have elections on a smaller scale as part of the governance processes, and seek to examine new approaches.
  • Journalists and columnists who write about current affairs and politics.

Who should speak at the conference

This list is indicative, and not exhaustive:

  1. Experts undertaking research and development on voting related technologies.
  2. Academic researchers examining the impact of technology interventions in electoral processes.
  3. Cybersecurity researchers and experts.
  4. Policymakers.

About the conference curators

  1. Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay
  2. Dr. Syed Taha Ali, teacher at NUST; information security practitioner.
  3. Maansi Varma and Praavita of Article 21 Trust

Contact details: For information about speaking and participation, leave a comment on Comments Page. The organizing team will get back to you.

Featured submissions

See all
  • Shivam Shankar Singh

    Video thumbnail

    How Data Transforms Elections

    We’ve all heard the phrase “data is the new oil”. There are few fields where this is as true as it is in politics. New age campaign methods use voting data extensively to build campaigns and shape the thoughts of voters. This in itself isn’t bad, but it becomes so when the data is so granular that it allows for micro-targeting of voters along caste and community lines, and when it can be used to … more

    02 Dec 2021

  • Subodh Sharma

    Designing Electronic Voting Systems

    Electronic voting is increasingly getting traction in many countries worldwide. Evidently, designing and implementing electronic voting systems is not a straightforward exercise. This talk will touch upon the key invariants that one must bear in mind while crafting reliable and secure electronic voting systems. I will also discuss some fundamental technological issues surrounding remote electroni… more

    03 Dec 2021

  • Subhashis Banerjee

    Citizens' Commission on Elections (CCE) report and analysis of voting systems in India

    The Citizens’ Commission on Elections (CCE) was set up in March 2020 to critically analyse India’s electoral processes in accordance with democracy principles. We present here an analysis of the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) and the Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) system, based on the first volume of the Commission’s report [Lokur et al., 2021]. The main recommendations of the report a… more

    09 Dec 2021



    State's adoption of intrusive technology and threats to democracy - A talk by Seema Chishti

    Surveillance and the adoption of intrusive technology by the state must matter much more to common citizens than it does. In the matter of Pegasus, there is perhaps no other country where such a wide cast of characters and people central to keeping democracy alive are alleged to have been surveilled. There is now a court-nominated committee to look into the allegations. But there should be much m… more

    21 Dec 2021

  • Usha R

    Databasing voters and concerns on privacy of voters.

    Data and databases can be considered a ‘community resource’. The job of the election commission is not just to conduct periodic elections, but also to keep it free and fair. If the secret ballot is no longer secret, or if people even feel it is not secret and safe, it is no longer free or fair. Importantly, when these institutions of state allow themselves to be hijacked for purposes other than t… more

    21 Dec 2021

  • Anand Venkatanarayanan

    Anand Venkatanarayanan

    How to Fix an Indian Election

    Imagine that you are a political operative and you are given the task to ensure that a particular candidate wins the election with the following constraints: more

    09 Jan 2022

  • entee

    Examining the relevance of political advertising transparency

    Ad tech now mediates many aspects of democratic processes. Conceptual frameworks and governance models (for eg. rights to political partipation, campaign finance) that enable the imagination of a functional electoral system are remade in the image of digital marketing. more

    10 Jan 2022



    Analysing Electoral Bonds - A talk by Jagdeep Chhokar

    The Electoral Bonds scheme was first announced by the then Finance Minister of India in his budget speech in Parliament on February 01, 2017. The heading of the section (consisting to two paragraphs) in the speech was Transparency in Electoral Funding. The same afternoon, the FM said in a Media Interaction that “These bonds will be bearer in character to keep the donor anonymous” [emphasis added]… more

    12 Jan 2022



    The Introduction of Facial Recognition for Electoral Roll Verification in Hyderabad - A talk by S. Q. Masood

    The issue of deletion of names from the voters list is not new for. Before almost every election, it is found that the names of lakhs of voters are deleted by the Election Commission who then claim that this exercise was done as there were duplicate or multiple voters, and it is only these who have been removed. more

    14 Jan 2022

  • Ria Singh Sawhney Speaker

    Resisting Aadhaar and Voter ID linking - what you can do

    The Indian Parliament passed The Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021 that allows for Voter ID-Aadhaar linkage, despite evidence of Aadhaar contributing to marginalization of already vulnerable communities. Concerns about privacy of voter’s data abound, with this new policy. more

    22 Jan 2022


See all
Surveillance Democracy

Surveillance Democracy

Seema Chishti, Journalist and writer

20 minutes25 January 2022
The Introduction of Facial Recognition for Electoral Roll Verification in Hyderabad

The Introduction of Facial Recognition for Electoral Roll Verification in Hyderabad

S. Q. Masood, Social Activist, Hon. Secretary ASEEM

23 minutes25 January 2022
Analysing Electoral Bonds

Analysing Electoral Bonds

Jagdeep Chhokar, Founding member of the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR)

32 minutes25 January 2022
Examining the Relevance of Political Advertising Transparency

Examining the Relevance of Political Advertising Transparency

Nayantara Ranganathan, Independent Researcher, Lawyer

29 minutes25 January 2022
How to Fix an Indian Election

How to Fix an Indian Election

Anand Venkatanarayanan, Independent cybersecurity researcher

44 minutes25 January 2022



Hosted by

One Vote is an initiative to examine a diverse set of inputs and perspectives regarding the introduction and evolution of technology as part of the elections. We use public discourse, deliberations and reports to raise awareness about this topic for a lay audience. One Vote is designed to enable cr… more

Supported by

Article 21 Trust endeavours to work on issues at the intersection of technlogy and welfare. Some of the issues we have worked on include Aadhaar related concerns, data protection, non personal data governance, technology and justice, One Nation One Ration etc. more
Deep dives into privacy and security, and understanding needs of the Indian tech ecosystem through guides, research, collaboration, events and conferences. Sponsors: Privacy Mode’s programmes are sponsored by: more
We are a non-partisan campaign of citizens, scholars, activists, technologists and lawyers concerned about the Unique Identification or Aadhaar project and its impact on our rights and freedoms. Through public campaigns, research, and public engagement, we critically engage with the use of technolo… more

Media partner

Founded in 2017, The Bastion is an independent digital magazine reporting on India’s development journey, in-depth. To read our journalism, visit! more
We are a group of nonpartisan citizens, scholars, students, and technologists focused on the critical role technology plays in the election life cycle. This initiative started as an academic research project but has now broadened into an outreach effort. PIVOT’s mission is to advance appropriate an… more

Media partner

Mobile first, digital media platform to consume, share and discover content on the go. More about us here: more