
IN/Clojure 2020

India's annual Clojure and ClojureScript conference. 14th-15th Feb, 2020. Pune, MH, IN.



Accepting submissions till 20 Jan 2020, 11:59 PM

Not accepting submissions

We welcome talk submissions for the 4th edition of IN/Clojure! CFP closes Monday, 20 Jan 2020. This year’s expert Selection Committee includes: Martin Klepsch, Clojure/Script consultant; creator of cljdoc, Clojure Berlin, and Heart of Clojure. expand

We welcome talk submissions for the 4th edition of IN/Clojure!

CFP closes Monday, 20 Jan 2020.

This year’s expert Selection Committee includes:

  • Martin Klepsch, Clojure/Script consultant; creator of cljdoc, Clojure Berlin, and Heart of Clojure.
  • Paula Gearon, Software Engineer at Cisco Systems; in her 10th year of Clojure development.
  • Tejas Dinkar, Head of Technology at Quintype; loves to play with Clojure, Ruby, GoLang, ReasonML, and Node.js.

And selected speakers will enjoy sharing the stage with the perennially effervescent Bozhidar Batsov; prolific Clojurist, Emacs fanatic, maintainer of CIDER, nREPL and a dozen related projects, the editor of the community Clojure style guide, and Lisp hacker extraordinaire.

Submit a proposal now! Note:

  • CFP extended to 20 Jan 2020, from 01 Jan 2020.
  • All talk proposers receive a free conference day pass, irrespective of selection status.

For talk ideas, context, and speaker reimbursement information:

For event updates, follow us on twitter.

Why speak at IN/Clojure?

Over the years, IN/Clojure has served as a platform to kickstart a series of Clojure workshops and meet-ups across the country. And, it has helped attendees make a strong case for Clojure and Clojurescript adoption in their companies.

By sharing your ideas, experiences, and knowledge, you too can help foster the growing Clojure community in India, and also add to the global body of Clojure know-how.

And it’s a mighty fine opportunity to meet other Clojurists from across the world, and to meet companies that are using Clojure to solve business problems at scale.

Who should propose a talk?

You can submit a talk regardless of your experience level with Clojure; all perspectives matter.

IN/Clojure’s primary focus is the free exchange of ideas between new and experienced Clojure programmers alike.

You should especially propose a talk, if you’ve been programming Clojure and/or Clojurescript professionally but believe you have nothing to say. Well, you do, or your team does! Think, ideate, submit a proposal!

What to propose?

We’re looking for submissions on a wide range of topics.

  • You did something cool with Clojure lately? We want to hear from you!
  • Maybe you learnt Clojure on weekends and built a small game in ClojureScript? Write in!
  • Maybe you rewrote your old Java, or Go application in Clojure. Tell us all about it.
  • Maybe you rewrote your Clojure application in another language. Well, we want to hear about that too!
  • Maybe you taught Clojure to your friends, and there were some interesting aha! moments you want to talk about? Write in!
  • If you built a wrapper library, a terminal game, a scraper spider, a crud generator, a tflops number cruncher, a distributed messaging platform, or a deep learning thingamajig, yes, you should submit a talk!

How it works


  • You submit a proposal in our public call for proposals system.
  • You may propose one or more talks fitting these length criteria:
    • Full Talks will be 40 mins long, including 5 mins of Q & A.
    • Crisp Talks will be 20 mins long, including 5 mins of Q & A.
    • Lightning Talks will be 10 mins long, with Q & A in the hallways :-)
  • Our selection committee of experts will review and select talks, to help us curate an inclusive and diverse forum.
  • Talk selections are in these phases:
    • DONE: Select up to two “Full” talks by 01 Jan 2020 (see list of proposals).
    • INPROGRESS: Select more talks incrementally, while slots last.
    • CLOSE CFP: to new submissions on 20 Jan 2020 (extended from 01 Jan 2020).
    • Compelling proposals are likely to be selected prior to CFP close, at the selection committee’s discretion.
    • We aim to schedule up to 4 Full talks, 3 Crisp talks, and 3 Lightning talks, or some permutation thereof.
  • Once selected, our team will coordinate with you for travel and stay arrangements.
  • And we will work with you to help you tune and/or polish your content.

Selection philosophy

The smallness of the Clojure ecosystem in India makes it very likely that a subset of the organising team, panelists, and potential speakers are also professionally affiliated with some conference sponsors.

This does not negatively influence talk selection. Quite the opposite, it makes us especially mindful of selection bias, and we keep each other in check. In other words, IN/Clojure is not “pay to play”. Sponsors do not get special preference, and friends do not get to cut in line.

Additionally, our conference code of conduct naturally applies to the conduct of the talk selection process as well.

To exist, IN/Clojure fundamentally relies on the good sense and kindness of involved people, and the community at large. Please do write to for questions and clarifications.

Speaker reimbursement

All talk proposers receive a free conference day pass, irrespective of selection status.

For speakers whose submissions are accepted, IN/Clojure will reimburse economy-class travel costs:

  • For international travel – up to INR 80K (approx. USD 1200)
  • For domestic travel – up to INR 15K

And we will provide up to 2 nights / 3 days of stay to cover your time at the conference.

See other talks listed on this page, and submit yours today!

Make a submission

Accepting submissions till 20 Jan 2020, 11:59 PM

Gerard Klijs

GraphQL subscriptions with Lacinia, and how it compares to Java and Node.js

I will share my experience using GraphQL subscriptions in various languages. I will both demo it’s use in an application, and share some performance test results comparing them. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 28 Oct 2019

Bobby Towers

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GANGES: Clojure retro game music engine

This is a music talk, and includes audio performance elements. more
  • 1 comment
  • Under evaluation
  • 29 Oct 2019
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)

Adam Helinski

Clojure of Things

Lighting up a LED, the hello world of embedded programming. A simple yet empowering feat, the feeling of pushing the boundaries of the abstract world of coding and actually causing direct action on the real world. This talk will embark you on a unique journey of applying the power of Clojure to building connected objectsplenty. Traditionally, entering the realm of the Internet of Things from the … more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 01 Nov 2019
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)
Gopal S Akshintala

Gopal S Akshintala

Fight Complexity with Functional Programming

This talk attempts to familiarize Function Programming (FP) and how it can improve your code quality by turning it more expressive and testable with minimum accidental complexity. more
  • 1 comment
  • Under evaluation
  • 06 Nov 2019
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)

Suvrat Apte

Debuggers in Lisps

Debuggers are one of the most essential tools for any kind of development. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 07 Nov 2019
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)

Akaash Patnaik

Composable Data Pipelines for not-so-Big Data

The session aims to accomplish two primary objectives: more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 10 Nov 2019
Submission Type: Crisp (20 minutes)

Mayur Jadhav

Building data platforms from business stores using Clojure

You have just bootstrapped and is catering thousands(or maybe millions) of happy users. Like most good applications, tech stack starts with a battle-tested RDBMS/NoSQL crud operations. Then, you start looking into user behavior, user’s interaction with the system to provide a customized experience or to deliver the next set of cool features. The ideal way to achieve such analysis is by sending cu… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 14 Nov 2019
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)

Kannan Ramamoorthy

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Clojure through the eyes of a Java developer

I’m a fulltime Java developer. A while back, I started with Clojure through #100DaysOfCode. Throughout the journey there were lot of amusing parts and few hard parts. This is to summarize my journey into clojure as a Java dev. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 18 Nov 2019
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)

Alexander Oloo

From Lazy Lisper to Confident Clojurist

The Clojure community is filled with really smart people, with great ideas writing very few tutorials and less documentation. At times it can be quite intimidating and discouraging. This talk is about how you can build your skill and confidence as a Clojure developer. As well as my journey from Pixie, to Hylang and eventually Clojure. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 19 Nov 2019
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)

Gautam Roy

Polylith + Component = The Grand Design

The core philosophy of Clojure and its ecosystem is Simplicity. But when we need to build large scale system of decent amount of complexity and components, we need to ponder over many best practices like maintainability, code deduplication, unit testing, integration testing, separation of concern, third-party integration etc. In this session we are going to discuss in-and-out about relatively new… more
  • 1 comment
  • Under evaluation
  • 24 Nov 2019
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)

Bozhidar Batsov

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The Future of Clojure Tooling

Ah, the future! Such an exciting topic! It’s always a lot of fun to speculate on what will follow next, isn’t it? You know what’s twice as exciting (at least for programmers) - discussing the future of Clojure development tools, those underappreciated workhorses that make our lives hacking with Clojure easier, more fun and more productive. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 23 Dec 2019
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)

Amarjeet Yadav

The power of meta

Programs are read by Humans and run by Machines. Machines care only about correctness and performance of the program, nothing else. However, to humans, Readability and Reasonability of the programs matter the most, beyond just correctness and performance. Developers are not just consuming programs in parts, but also as a whole within a system. Therefore, code volume, function names, programming l… more
  • Confirmed
  • 25 Dec 2019
Submission Type: Crisp (20 minutes)

Murtaza Akbari

Postgres-backed Job Scheduler for Clojure

This talk explores a job scheduler for Clojure (now extracted into a library), which, in addition to being capable of persisting state, is resilient to the variability of a distributed system. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 27 Dec 2019
Submission Type: Crisp (20 minutes)
Vedang Manerikar

Vedang Manerikar

Growing a Clojure Company from small to mid-sized (and hopefully beyond): tips, tricks, habits, practices

This is a crisp talk targeting engineers in leadership roles in Clojure companies. I will cover our experience at Helpshift, growing from 5 Clojure engineers to 30+ today. I will talk about: more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 31 Dec 2020
Submission Type: Crisp (20 minutes)

Pratik Karki

Light Table: The strange and wonderful saga of a pure Clojure editor.

On a beautiful spring day in 2012, Chris Granger showed a new concept of an IDE which was simple like an editor but, was full-fledged like IDE. This was way before VSCode and Atom, it showed what Clojure/Script can do with less code and was a preferred editor for people coming to Clojure/Script ecosystem for many years. Now, the time has changed and Chris left the project and so did, other core d… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 31 Dec 2020
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)

Ramsharan Gorur Jayaraman

Lazy Seq's - Why are they so lazy?

This talk majorly circles around how Clojure Lazy Sequences and Lisp Cons Cells work. I will also try to explain to the audience on what mistakes I made when I started writing Clojure and how understanding Lisp Cons Cells helped me understand Clojure Lazy Seq’s. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 12 Jan 2020
Submission Type: Crisp (20 minutes)


Once Upon a Kotlin in Clojure

The talk is intended to juxtapose Kotlin and Clojure features. The talk will compare both languages and bring out the critical differences which would help people in decision making of when to use which language. more
  • 1 comment
  • Under evaluation
  • 13 Jan 2020
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)

Aravind Baskaran

Clojure Macros - the good, the bad and the messy

Once you start using Clojure, you know at some point macros will make an appearance. And invariably, we will end up with use cases where macros are deemed necessary. But is it though? Nope, not really. This talk is aimed to shine light on the lessons we learned (read mistakes) along the way, with that hope to cover where macros are the good guys by helping you scale fast, where they are the bad g… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Jan 2020
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)

Sezal Jain

Clojure is difficult, but worth it

I got into clojure last year after spending a few uninspiring years with python. I had programmed in C++, Go in the past and was not worried about taking up clojure. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 17 Jan 2020
Submission Type: Crisp (20 minutes)

Emmanuel Antony

Wasm on Clojure

Supercharging existing Clojure applications using Wasm. WebAssembly (or Wasm) is a portable binary code format for executable programs. High level languages (C/C++/Rust) can compile down to Wasm as a portable target. Wasm is about 20% slower than native code execution. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 19 Jan 2020
Submission Type: Lightning (10 minutes)

Rashmi Mittal

Clojure for Java (OOPS) programmers

‘legacy’ OOPS programmers vs ‘current’ functional programmers - people find it hard to go from one to the other Intent is to explain the differences and make it easier for OOPS programmers to adopt Clojure. We’'ll refrain from comparing which one is better. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 20 Jan 2020
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)


Team Dynamics & Communication Skills (Team Project Productivity, Start Ups & Management)

Attendees will discover the influence of communications places into action while using your everyday people skills, added with a unique style of active listening. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 20 Jan 2020
Submission Type: Full (40 minutes)
Hybrid access (members only)

Hosted by

IN/Clojure is India’s annual Clojure and ClojureScript conference, including talks about features, libraries, tools, usage, and more. IN/Clojure 2020, our 4th edition, is happening on 14th and 15th Feb 2020 (Fri/Sat) in Pune, Maharashtra. more