This is a crisp talk targeting engineers in leadership roles in Clojure companies. I will cover our experience at Helpshift, growing from 5 Clojure engineers to 30+ today. I will talk about:
- Clojure as a force-multiplier in a small company
- Clojure as a way to attract a certain kind of talent
- Problems as the company grows. Specific things around Clojure that have worked for us over time.
- Hiring senior vs junior talent. Problems and solutions around both sets of people.
- How Clojure can get in the way, and how to deal with this.
- Comparison of using Clojure and language patterns at a small company vs a mid-sized company.
- Prerequisites for growing a Clojure company successfully.
- Challenges specific to mid-sized companies
- Why I’m hopeful about a large-sized company that has grown this way.
While this talk and my experience is specific to Clojure, I believe that the underlying principles apply to growing a company successfully using any other niche language. I’ll go so far as to say that many of the problems are universal and plague “standard” companies using “standard” languages as well.
- REPL: the best tool for iterative changes in dev and production
- Fast turn-around on bug fixes makes for impressed customers.
- The testing story of Clojure is incredible.
- The ability to redefine functions means that writing complex tests is simpler than in popular languages like C, Java, Python.
- The compatibility story of Clojure is incredible.
- Upgrading Clojure is often just changing the version number to the latest version number
- Lisp, imposes great constraints, like immutability. Dynamic typing is great for rapid iteration.
- “I bet there’s a Java library for this.” > JVM + interop is a super power.
- Packaging as a Jar means deployment is an understood and solved problem.
- Clojure attracts a certain kind of programmer: opinionated, passionate, experienced.
- It is an easy language to learn for a new comer. Blank slate can absorb and get started incredibly fast.
- Going from < 10 Clojure engineers to > 10 Clojure engineers.
- For a Clojure company, focusing on onboarding and training is a full-time job.
- How we went from 6 months to 2 months needed for making a new engineer productive.
- Our mentoring program, what we do in the first month
- Personal opinion: Why being forced to do this is a good thing.
- With a good onboarding program in place, hiring and growing junior talent is easy and rewarding.
- Junior devs are the best folk to improve your onboarding programs.
- Optimize for self-driven individuals and listen to their feedback.
- Hiring senior talent is hard.
- Why? Challenges and dealing with self-doubt, unlearning.
- Improving onboarding for senior engineers.
- Hello macros and DSLs for everything. Sections of code become personal fiefdoms - understandable only to the authors.
- This works fine for small code-bases and small teams, but starts to be a problem as the team grows.
- Clojure is an expressive language, so people have built libraries for everything.
- core.async, core.spec, core.typed, core.logic
- And this is just the core.
- Understanding the code can become a challenge. How to deal with this.
- Process around committing code.
- Dealing with and abstracting common patterns. Each person should do these in the same way, via the same libraries.
- Using templates of code in projects
- A new project should have a predictable layout, with necessary libraries imported and base code written in.
- Reviewers should know exactly what they need to review, and should be able to safely ignore the rest.
- Exploring new / complex features of the core language in a deliberate manner
- What we can do when we have bandwidth to dedicate senior Clojure devs to projects which don’t immediately focus on customers / features.
Hi! I’m Vedang. I live in Pune, India and work at Helpshift. Now-a-days, I head the Helpshift Core backend team and work on improving processes and workflows within the team with the help of my team mates. Previously, I was an individual contributor and helped design and write some of the code that runs Helpshift.
I’m passionate about programming, and some of my work can be found on GitHub. I use Emacs as my editor-for-everything, and blog about it from time to time.
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