Choosing datastores

Choosing datastores

Guide on how to select datastores to solve different problems



Accepting submissions till 15 Aug 2021, 11:59 PM

Not accepting submissions

We are accepting experiential talks and written content on: Hidden criteria of database selection such as operations or impact on other teams within an organization such as data platform teams. Data modelling and developer experience with datastore. expand

We are accepting experiential talks and written content on:

  • Hidden criteria of database selection such as operations or impact on other teams within an organization such as data platform teams.
  • Data modelling and developer experience with datastore.
  • Running datastores at scale - the true meaning of tuning, debugging and operations.
  • Solving specific use cases with a certain datastore.
  • DatastoreOps workflows.
  • Use of datastore in novel ways to solve for legal regulations.

Content can be submitted in the form of:

  1. 15 minute talks
  2. 30 minute talks
  3. 1,000 word written articles

Submissions will be peer-reviewed by the editor Yagnik Khanna.

Make a submission

Accepting submissions till 15 Aug 2021, 11:59 PM

Yago Riveiro

Databases @ Scale - What I Wish Someone Had Told Me

Databases are the core of many systems, the task of choosing the right one is a journey. If we talk of doing it at scale could be an endeavour. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Aug 2021
Category: 15 min talk

Sri Varun Poluri

Behind the scenes of Aerospike’s Cross Datacenter Replication (XDR)

Aerospike’s Cross data center replication (XDR) is the module responsible for shipping data across multiple datacenters, typically across geographical locations. Distributed systems come with many unique challenges and XDR is equipped to handle them. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Aug 2021
Category: 30 min talk

Karan Bajaj

A hybrid MySQL data model with Horizontal Sharding and a Gobal data platform

A very popular interview question revolves around choosing MySQL vs NoSQL datastores. This decision is much more relevant for early startups as their choice determines potential data scalability and performance bottlenecks in the future. A smart decision at this point can save painstaking effort to redesign and mass-migrate data later. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 17 Aug 2021

Ajay Sinha

Evaluating Databases for highly scalable transactional financial systems with ACID Compliance

Building highly scalable transactional stores for financial systems requires SQL compliant databases which are distributed in nature. Traditional RDBMS systems are difficult to scale without compromising maintainability. noSql solutions scales well but lacks ACID guarantees. a In this session we will go through different databases we evaluated along with their functionalities and tradeoffs. more
  • Submitted
  • 03 Aug 2021
Category: 30 min talk

Kalyanasundaram Somasundaram

Online Data Stores at LinkedIn and their Evolution

Abstract “In its early days, the LinkedIn data ecosystem was quite simple. A single RDBMS contained a handful of tables for user data such as profiles, connections, etc. This RDBMS was augmented with two specialized systems: one provided full text search of the corpus of user profile data, the other provided efficient traversal of the relationship graph. These latter two systems were kept up-to-d… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 14 Aug 2021
Category: 30 min talk

George CJ

Continuous Deployment for MySQL Database

Topic Managing schema and data management across multiple environments for MySQL can become tedious and error prone as a system scales. Currently Capillary Technologies operates in multiple environments across multiple products with around 125 Mysql Servers, 2500+ tables and 300TB+ data. In this talk, we will present the tools and processes we use to maintain consistency across our database deplo… more
  • Submitted
  • 27 Jul 2021
Category: 30 min talk

Apoorv Purohit

Managed MySQL Experience At LinkedIn

MySQL is used as a primary data store by a majority of internal tools at LinkedIn. We host over 2000 databases of different use-cases. To support our clients better, we have developed a few tools around MySQL. In this talk we will discuss how our tools improved the developer experience while using MySQL. We will talk about how a database is requested and provisioned by the clients and how they ge… more
  • Submitted
  • 13 Aug 2021
Category: 30 min talk
Chinmay Naik

Chinmay Naik

Using GitHub gh-ost to run Zero downtime online schema migrations in MySQL

What the talk is about Did you ever have to run an alter table on a production MySQL table containing 100M+ rows? If yes, then you have experienced the problem. MySQL Online schema migration for tables with millions of rows is hard. more
  • Submitted
  • 31 Jul 2021
Category: 30 min talk

Nipun Jain

Apache Druid - reliable real-time analytics at scale and much more

Druid arguably picks design decisions from Timeseries DBs, Datawarehouses and Search systems. In this talk we show why that is so and delve upon use cases that best fit for druid and more importantly when not to choose it. Druid has been the production workhorse for the past 3+ years at Zeotap powering the core Audience planning across our products. Beyond the traditional interactive analytics us… more
  • Under evaluation
  • 03 Aug 2021
Category: 30 min talk

Sai Geetha M N

A Big Data Store – Performance optimised for writes, reads or both?

At Tesco, the 3rd largest retailer in the world, data is huge and so is the urgency in getting the latest data for use in operations and decision making. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Aug 2021
Category: 30 min talk

Ranjan Sakalley

Data Store Clinic

This is an interactive session where I will run a clinic to answer your questions about: more
  • Submitted
  • 15 Jul 2021
Category: Interactive activity with participants

Moiz Arsiwala

Gotchas! You Created A Many To Many Relationship Without Timestamp

When we started WorkIndia we just thought of shipping features out nothing else We took decisions around data modelling making our system very configurable and apply generalisation principles for root models and specialisation for leaf models. Now, after 4 years down the line when we created our data lake based on Debezium based Sync Source connectors we faced challenges due to ORM modelling not … more
  • Submitted
  • 16 Jul 2021
Category: 15 min talk


Identity resolution at Billions scale @Zeotap

Zeotap maintains an identity asset of around 50 Billion IDs which enables the ID resolution and Audience Matching use cases for AdTech & MarTech industry. In this presentation, we will look at the journey of zeotap’s Identity store over the years, how it got evolved from a naive KV implementation to a Hybrid KV + Graph store, the data access patterns used for solving the business needs and the un… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 10 Aug 2021
Category: 30 min talk

Ankit Gupta

Efficient and Reliable Ticket Routing Platform@Uber Scale

Routing, a key function of Uber’s Customer Obsession platform, is a distributed, high-scale, low-latency platform that acts as the “brain” connecting a customer to the best suited human to address their concerns in the fastest and most effective way - at Uber scale. Router’s journey from using MySQL as a single data store to now a hybrid model (Redis, Elastic Search, MySQL, DocStore - internal No… more
  • Submitted
  • 06 Aug 2021
Category: 15 min talk

Aparna Vaikuntam

Powering EMI Financing in ZestMoney with CQRS

Creating, editing, deleting and querying data related to merchant partners of ZestMoney and what EMI Financing options to allow for them was a major problem we solved at Zest. While doing a deeper analysis of the problem, we realised that business data entry and querying systems usually have different functional and non-functional requirements. The data creation and related updates are done by bu… more
  • Submitted
  • 14 Aug 2021
Category: 30 min talk
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