ReactFoo-VueDay Pune edition

ReactFoo-VueDay Pune edition

React and Vue for performance engineering and front-end development



Accepting submissions till 13 Feb 2020, 04:30 PM

Not accepting submissions

The Pune edition of JSFoo is a single track event with: Full talks: 30 mins duration Crisp talks: 15 mins duration Flash talks: 5 mins demo with laptop or speaking without laptop Birds Of Feather (BOF) sessions of 1 hour duration expand

The Pune edition of JSFoo is a single track event with:

  1. Full talks: 30 mins duration
  2. Crisp talks: 15 mins duration
  3. Flash talks: 5 mins demo with laptop or speaking without laptop
  4. Birds Of Feather (BOF) sessions of 1 hour duration
  5. Hands-on workshops of 3-hour or 6-hour duration - where participants follow the instructor on their laptops

We are accepting talks on the following topics:

  1. Moving legacy architecture to React or Vue and lessons learned.
  2. State management and lessons learned.
  3. Performance - measuring performance, improving performance, testing for performance.
  4. Case studies with React Native.
  5. Latest developments with React and Vue.

Review process:

Proposals will be filtered and shortlisted by a community of past speakers and those who have been associated with ReactFoo and VueDay.

To expedite the decision your proposal, include the following with your submission:

  1. Add links to videos/slide decks if your talk is at an advanced stage of articulation.
  2. If you are presenting a new idea, for which you want review and mentorship, explain problem statement and the key learnings in greater detail.
  3. In general, submit your proposal early so that we have more time to iterate. You can always edit your proposal after submitting the first version.

ReactFoo’s policy is to showcase talks where the insights are free for participants to take back and apply to their work. If you are referring to a proprietary technology for solving a web application development problem, consider picking up a sponsored session.

Important dates:

Last date for submissions: 10 February, 2020

Event date: 29 February, 2020

Final schedule announcement: 13 February, 2020

Passes and honorarium for speakers:

We pay an honorarium of Rs. 3,000 to speakers. Confirmed speakers also get a pass to the conference and a discount code which they can share with their colleagues, communities they are part of, and on social media channels. We do not provide free passes for speakers’ colleagues and relatives. Please do not ask us for this.

Travel grants for outstation speakers:

Travel grants are available for international and domestic speakers based on the event’s budget. If you require a grant, mention it in the field where you add your location.


Write to for inquiries about speaking at the conference.

Make a submission

Accepting submissions till 13 Feb 2020, 04:30 PM

Thiyagaraj T

Put a knob on that Redux store

State is like a film reel (Quite Literally) & you need to set the right FPS for your user. Discover how to improve rendering performance of your react app using batched actions, action queue & throttling. Find out how to design your own middlewares to instrument action dispatching for performance. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Aug 2019
Duration: 20 mins crisp talk Duration: 30 mins full talk

Bharat Kashyap

Backbone => Vue: Adding modern frameworks to legacy codebases

All large projects of our time began life as small codebases written in frameworks that are now almost obsolete. How should organisations go about introducing modern frameworks into these “legacy” codebases; and is doing this effort worth taking at all? more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 13 Jan 2020
Duration: 15 mins crisp talk

Hel Stone Proposing

Ethical Hacking

Ethical hackers learn and perform hacking in a professional manner, based on the direction of the client, and later, present a maturity scorecard highlighting their overall risk and vulnerabilities and suggestions to improve. more
  • Submitted
  • 17 Jan 2020
Duration: 4 hours hands-on workshop

Aziz Khambati

What does it mean to be Reactive?

Why are React, Vue and other libraries so hyped? It’s not because of the fast VDOM. It’s because the change in thinking paradigm. It’s a shift from imperative programming to reactive programming which results in easy understanding of code. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 31 Jan 2020
Duration: 15 mins crisp talk

Devlin Duldulao @NDC London

Authentication best practices in React

Preventing a user from accessing some parts of an application is a common use case on the Web. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 03 Feb 2020
Duration: 15 mins crisp talk

rahul gaba

Video thumbnail

Pros and cons of using React context API and hooks to manage state instead of Redux

The front-end universe is expanding exponentially and there are a bunch of options to choose from in every aspect of front-end development. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 03 Feb 2020
Duration: 30 mins full talk

Pratik Shah

React Code In Imperative Style!

In React, component are self managed entity. The React way of controlling behvaiour of a component is using “props” in a declaraive fashion. And 99.99% of the time “declarative” approach works fine. But there can be a case in which we want to control internal of a component like manage its state or call its method. In this talk I will be talking about the rare 0.01% case(but important) in which w… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 04 Feb 2020
Duration: 30 mins full talk


use"Context" for state management

Since the start, redux has become a synonym to state management in react. In the presentation we will be walking through the state management jargon and my personal pain points of using redux from past 3 years, my experience of using the context api and useContext hooks to implement flow of state management and also to clean lot of boilerplate code that has to be maintained. more
  • Submitted
  • 07 Feb 2020
Duration: 30 mins full talk

Pratik Shah

Persisting Data Across System

Long forms are boring to fill. And you whats worse losing half filled form data and refilling again. We hadnrequirement of persisting data filled by user. So they can login from any machine and carry you their filling of form. Old school way of doing this is saving all this info on backend by bypassing valiation/callbacks. We wanted something simpler. In this talk I will go in detail of how we so… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Feb 2020
Duration: 15 mins crisp talk

Dhiraj Shrotri

Decorating Vue with TypeScript Decorators

A decorator is a special kind of declaration that can help in extending the functionality of your code. Decorators can be attached to a class declaration, method, accessor, property, or parameter. In its simplest form, a decorator is simply a way of wrapping one peice of code with another i.e ‘decorating it’. In this talk I’ll talk about how decorators can be used in Vuejs components and how to w… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 10 Feb 2020
Duration: 15 mins crisp talk
Vipul A M

Vipul A M

With Types and Hooks

With large legacy code bases, introducing new frameworks can be overwhelming. There are many considerations like parts of the application to start the changes with, making sure they co-exist, no affect client site speed of the application and getting the team up to speed. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 10 Feb 2020
Duration: 30 mins full talk

Lusan Das

Redux overdose! A gripping tale on complexities

I believe most of us are suffering from redux overdose. My talk will discuss about the complexities of redux addiction through my own experiences in projects and the problem it brings in. Hence I will provide the remedy to cure it once and for all by introducing a new frictionless state management. more
  • Submitted
  • 17 Jan 2020
Duration: 30 mins full talk

Tushar Jarhad

Implementing Unidirectional User Interface in legacy project

React can be useful in developing full frontend for the project. But sometimes, in legacy projects with server-side rendering, we need to develop pages with complex UI. Using Snabbdom, a virtual DOM library we can develop frontend with unidirectional user interface architecture. I will demonstrate how we can use Snabbdom in a legacy python flask project which has server-side rendering. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 10 Feb 2020
Duration: 15 mins crisp talk

Rushikesh Mhetre

Vue js: The Need for Speed

Most Developers (me included!) tend to start new Vue Projects using a Boilerplate to get off the ground quickly, to reduce manual effort by starting a project from scratch. As the project grows and more complexity (custom code, components, routes) is added, the application tends to slow down, starts lagging and takes a performance hit. Thats when refactoring, reducing load time and dependencies c… more
  • Submitted
  • 11 Feb 2020
Duration: 15 mins crisp talk

Sujasree Kurapati

Accessibility in Agile Development

In this session, we will talk about enabling dev teams to catch 50% of accessibility issues while they code with the help of automation tool and APIs and deliver accessible solutions in agile fashion. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 13 Feb 2020
Duration: 30 mins full talk
Hybrid access (members only)

Hosted by

A community - for and of - front-end engineers to share experiences with ReactJS, performant apps with React, crafting better User Interfaces (UI) with React and GraphQL ecosystem. ReactFoo also discusses design patterns and user experience. more