Rootconf Mini 2024

Geeking out on systems and security since 2012



Rootconf Mini 2024, Bangalore | Coming on 22nd & 23rd November


Rootconf is a forum for conversations around systems engineering and infrastructure, a theme that is frequently overlooked among the hype and excitement that higher level agendas attract. In reality, none of those agendas is achievable without the right infrastructure choices, which are intrinsically and deeply linked to our business, technology and product landscapes.

At this mini conference we discuss aspects of system performance, quality, reliability, availability and people issues that affect deployments even beyond costs and ROI concerns. Our community of experienced practitioners shares insights and experiences of both successes and failures with their real-world infrastructure management case studies and war stories. This will help systems engineers understand different strategies and tools that can help make better decisions regarding cost optimization, resource allocation, monitoring and automation for their projects and organisational infrastructure.

What’s “Mini” about it? 🏋🏽

While the Rootconf annual conference has usually been held at a largish scale, we’ve had several discussions in the community about making it a more intimate space, which isn’t packed to the brim without time to mingle and converse.

This year’s edition of Rootconf is therefore an experiment with a new format. It’s “Mini” only in comparison, allowing for a little more relaxed pace between sessions. But worry not, it’s still going to be a whole lot of awesome!

The conference agenda 📆

The Agenda - Rootconf 2024 - The Winter edition

Topics and tracks 📚

Track A - Systems engineering to manage and deploy complex systems

  • Resilience engineering in complex systems
  • Advanced observability practices
  • Serverless architectures: costs, benefits and challenges
  • Multi-cloud and hybrid cloud strategies
  • Kubernetes in production: lessons learned
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline automation
  • Covering Core OS engineering and infrastructure engineering

Track B - Security engineering

  • Security engineering case studies - incorporating security practices early in the software development lifecycle
  • Cloud security
  • Security for AI
  • AI-based security products - experience reports

What’s different at Rootconf?

If you are an operator, interested in understanding what is new in technology, or discovering patterns to solve problems at your work, Rootconf 2024 will help you become productive, and most importantly, work smarter!

  1. Get exposure to the internals of systems inside organizations, with real experiences and insights.
  2. Relate to problems by learning from case studies that touch your everyday life - payments, cricket/sports, food, etc.
  3. Discover many security and systems’ communities and practitioners to find your tribe.

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Who should attend?

  1. Core systems developers - such as kernels, infrastructures, networks etc
  2. Productivity engineers
  3. Infrastructure teams
  4. Cloud platforms teams
  5. SystemOps
  6. Security engineers

The audience at Rootconf consists of people who are:

  • Engaged - practitioners and members of communities.
  • Attentive - to solutions and approaches.
  • Problem solvers - seeking to automate systems, optimize on solutions/costs, and leverage experiences.

Why do people love Rootconf?

Vibe and signal that resonates with software engineers working in the trenches.
Suraj Nath, engineer at Grafana; coordinator of Failure Modes meet-up

Meet old friends, and make new friends with people who geek out on systems, complexity and problem solving.
Swanand Pagnis, PWL Bangalore meet-up coordinator

An open and safe space - to discuss success and failures of building engineering orgs and culture.
Pramod Biligiri, founder at Bitken Technologies; editor at The Fifth Elephant Annual Conference 2024

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How you can participate

1. Participate - buy your ticket 🎫 today.
2. Speak - at Rootconf. Make a submission. 💭💭
3. Sponsor - for branding and visibility in a high engaged, influential and attentive community.

Contact information

📞 Call Rootconf at (91) 7676332020
📧 Email
💰 For sponsorship inquiries, email

Featured submissions

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  • Vaidyanathan S

    Vaidyanathan S

    Moving your Databases to Kubernetes - Flipkart's DBaaS journey.

    Abstract When most companies talk about Kubernetes adoption, they talk about the stateless aspect. However most of them shy away from Kubernetes when it comes to the stateful part. In this talk we will explore why Flipkart chose to move to stateful K8s for databases, the challenges we faced in this journey and the road ahead. more

    24 Sep 2024

  • Achal Shah

    Achal Shah

    Rebuilding Tecton's Realtime Compute stack (twice)

    Overview: This tech talk proposes to dive into the evolution of Tecton’s real-time compute stack, a journey that started with sidecar processes, moved through serverless architecture, and ultimately matured into a native service deployed on virtual machines (VMs). The session will (hopefully) outline the challenges, lessons learned, and engineering decisions made at each stage. more

    05 Oct 2024


Bangalore International Centre

7, 4th Main Road, Stage 2,


Bangalore - 560071

karnataka, IN


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