Rootconf Mini 2024

Geeking out on systems and security since 2012



Vaidyanathan S

Vaidyanathan S


Moving your Databases to Kubernetes - Flipkart's DBaaS journey.

Submitted Sep 24, 2024


When most companies talk about Kubernetes adoption, they talk about the stateless aspect. However most of them shy away from Kubernetes when it comes to the stateful part. In this talk we will explore why Flipkart chose to move to stateful K8s for databases, the challenges we faced in this journey and the road ahead.

This talk will cover some of the key technical investments Flipkart has made over the last couple of years and how some of them are shaping up in significantly improving productivity of our engineering teams.

All of the content covered in this talk is coming from real world usage of production databases on K8s stateful at a massive scale over the last 3+ years.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how to evaluate what makes sense for your Organisation’s database stack - should you continue to be on VMs or move to K8s.
  • Get real insights into the many of the unexpected challenges K8s poses when you start managing large fleets of data.
  • Learn about Flipkart’s Hybrid Cloud (Flipkart Cloud Platform + Google Cloud Platform) and how we view BCP-DR.


  • DBAs / DBRE Engineers: Individuals who are also database wizards and would like to know how their world is quickly evolving.
  • Engineering Leaders: Leaders who are responsible for taking decisions on long term technical investments, specifically on the cost vs availability or build vs buy aspects for databases.
  • Cloud Architects and Engineers: Individuals who are responsible for designing, implementing, and managing cloud-based infrastructure and applications.
  • Technically Curious: Anyone and everyone who is technically curious about K8s or Hybrid Cloud or Databases. This talk will attempt to cover a lot of advanced concepts in an easy to understand way.


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