
ReactFoo Hyderabad

On React, alternatives to React, ReactNative and front-end engineering

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Souvik Basu

Is it worth shifting from Angular to React?

A lot of projects were written around 2012 using AngularJS 1.x. Angular 2+ also has a wide adoption. We will explore if there are any advantages of switching your project to React. more
  • Submitted
  • 23 Jan 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Souvik Basu

Write once and deploy anywhere using React Native

React Native is a popular framework to create native Android and iOS apps using React. We will explore ways to deploy RN app to other platforms like Windows, Mac and web. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 23 Jan 2018
Technical level: Advanced


Migrating from PHP legacy code to React & Best Practices in React

The talk would focus on how BookMyShow benefitted moving to React. It not only helped us moving from the legacy php code but also drastically increased conversions in 4 weeks.This would also focus on what challenges we faced while moving for php to react. What made us build a PWA even when we had apps. Moreover the success stories after we moved to React. more
  • Submitted
  • 25 Jan 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Lokesh Agrawal

Server side rendering with React and Redux

Build React, Redux, and React Router app using Server Side Rendering (SSR), Isomorphic, and Universal JS techniques more
  • Submitted
  • 25 Jan 2018
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Souvik Basu

The magic of React Router 4

React Router 4 reimagined routing for Single Page Apps using React. Thinking of Router as a Component is a big paradigm shift. We will explore what is new in React Router 4 more
  • Submitted
  • 25 Jan 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Rahul Kadyan

React to Vue

A head-on comparison of the two trending UI libraries to discuss their similarities, differences and design decisions undertaken. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 25 Jan 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Nitish Phanse

Demystifying Higher order components and Render Props

Higher order components (HOC) and render props are two advanced react patterns which help in reusability and composition of components. Both of them can easily be interchanged in their respective use cases, but they do have fine lines of distinction. I wish to explain the use cases of HOC and RPs and their respective pros and cons so that you can apply them to your daily code as need be. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 28 Jan 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Aakash Goel

Video thumbnail

Journey of A side project to a DIY platform was an Indian e-commerce price drop alerting system. It was used by over 7.5k users, and at shutdown, it had sent over 6,50,000 price drop alerts. This talk will walkthough the learnings I had as a solo developer/entreprenuer in building a product for Indian consumers - with both technical and business aspects to it. I’ll talk about how I built and scaled a full stack JS application o… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 03 Feb 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Kiran Abburi

GraphQL & Apollo Workshop

React helps us in building declarative components and composing them to build apps. Libraries like redux solved the state management problem, but handling network requests is still tricky. We often need imperative logic to initiate network requests, update server response in local store, handle network errors etc. This could be complex and repetitive. GraphQL and Apollo solves this problem by ena… more
  • Confirmed
  • 05 Feb 2018
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Mayank Raj

Thinking Reactively with RxJS

Handling the flow of asynchronous data streams has always been a challenging task. Callbacks offer the quick solution. Then came promises which made it easier to write and maintain code around such data streams. Reactive programming is another take on the problem. With implementations in languages like .net, java, scala, JavaScript etc, with big names like Google, Microsoft, Netflix actively supp… more
  • Submitted
  • 08 Feb 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate


Future of React

This talk focuses about what new changes are recently made into react and upcoming changes in the api. Since React 16(fiber) has been completely rewritten, what it means to react developers and what breaking changes will happen in future and some basic examples about upcoming react API more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 08 Feb 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Beginner
Siddharth Kshetrapal

Siddharth Kshetrapal

We need to talk about our frontend workflow

Most of us work with designers and other developers on a daily basis. It isn’t always easy to maintain quality and consistency across teams or even features. Collaboration isn’t always easy with spec handovers, component states, achieving pixel perfection, etc. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 14 Feb 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate
Siddharth Kshetrapal

Siddharth Kshetrapal

(Workshop) React: 0 to 100 in a day

On the surface, React may look like just a view library, but there is big ecosystem that revolves around it. This workshop starts with understanding the basic internals of React before exploring how to “think in React”, best practices and solutions to real problems that you will experience while building an application. more
  • Confirmed
  • 14 Feb 2018
Section: Workshop Technical level: Beginner

Sachin Chopra

Profiling and Optimizing Performance of React Applications

Although, usage of react is growing rapidly, most of us not aware of its best practices. Thus, we remain devoid of harnessing full power of react. In this talk, I propose to talk about how to identify problems in your react app and how to fix some of the most common ones. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Feb 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Ankita Goyal

Leveraging Redux in Angular 2 application

The complete session is to spread awareness about the benefits of Redux Framework in the Javascript. My main agenda is to discuss on how we transformed core Angular 2 application to Angular2 Redux application to pitch the loopholes faced in core. The main takeaway for the audience would be learning the best ways of using Redux in the ecosystem. I’m going to put lights on ECMASCRIPTS basics as wel… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Feb 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

kalim M Vazir

React + React Native with Apollo graphql

Short and simple. 1.What is Graphql? 2.Why Graphql instead of REST API 3.Make Grapql server and API’s 4.Use Apollo client in react more
  • 1 comment
  • Waitlisted
  • 15 Feb 2018
Technical level: Beginner

Naman Kalkhuria

Presto: Building cross platform transactional apps using FP. Works with React

Transactional apps are nothing but simple conversational flows between the User and System. They can be written using a simple UX DSL leveraging continuation passing style (CSP) semantics. Despite this being the most important problem to simplify, we find that the current frameworks complicate the building and maintenance of transactional apps, requiring heavy investment in engineering effort and… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Feb 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Beginner

Prashant Tiwari

Next-gen React state management with MobX State Tree

Redux is amazing, MobX is awesome. They both solve the problem of state management in complex React apps, but they have vastly different philosophies and approaches to doing so. Redux championed highly predictable UI state as an immutable data structure, MobX showed how observables get the work done with zero boilerplate. Mobx State Tree (by the author of MobX) is a snapshotable state container t… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 21 Feb 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Praveen Durairaj

We made it easy for you! Painlessly develop and deploy your react app using Hasura.

Hasura is a tool that helps you develop and deploy production ready apps fast. It comes with features like Authentication, JSON APIs over a postgresql database, Email/SMS and a store to upload and download files from. Basically, we have picked the most painful and most repetitive features of app development and converted them to easily consumable APIs so that you can concentrate on building your … more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 07 Jan 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Hosted by

A community - for and of - front-end engineers to share experiences with ReactJS, performant apps with React, crafting better User Interfaces (UI) with React and GraphQL ecosystem. ReactFoo also discusses design patterns and user experience. more