Feb 2014
10 Mon
11 Tue 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM IST
12 Wed
13 Thu
14 Fri
15 Sat
16 Sun
Accepting submissions
Not accepting submissions
anupam mediratta Intersection of Crossfilter and AngularjsCrossfilter is a visualization library (http://square.github.io/crossfilter/) which helps you create interactive visualizations. It is built on top of d3.js. more
Technical level: Beginner
kapil verma Engineering Complex Web-Apps using Angular and RequireJSTo explore building complex web-applications using AngularJS and RequireJS, and demonstrate how to use angular as a library(the way its meant to be used) and not a framework (which it is not). more
Technical level: Advanced
Gaurav Kheterpal Introduction to Ionic Open Source Framework - Going Beyond Angular.js and Twitter BootstrapIf you are reading this, there’s a good chance that you’ve either learnt about Angular.js and/or Twitter Bootstrap or you’re interested in doing so. The growing acceptance of HTML5 has meant that ‘Every semi-colon slinging cowboy is out riding alone in the wild-west’ and as developers, there’s a fatal attraction towards trying out such frameworks. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Sreenath Nannat Test Driven Angular JS DevelopmentThis workshop is for giving a head start on faster, maintainable and behavioural tests for AngularJS using the Jasmine Test Framework and Karma test runner. At the end of the session, the attendees should be able to: more
Technical level: Intermediate
Pushpendra Kumar Migration to SPA with Angular.jsThis talk is for giving a head start on migration from traditional way of developing web applications to faster, effective single page applications using Angular JS. Users will be able to see the magic of angular JS on binding. After the talk, users will be able to learn: more
Technical level: Beginner
Lakshman Prasad Highly Interactive Charts using Angular DirectivesRun through developing an Angular Directive from scratch, step by step. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Shyam Seshadri AngularJS: How, Why and Whats the difference?Get A brief overview of what AngularJS is Understand the major advantages that a framework like AngularJS offers more
Technical level: Beginner