AngularJS Miniconf

A single day single track miniconf on AngularJS

Pushpendra Kumar


Migration to SPA with Angular.js

Submitted Jan 7, 2014

This talk is for giving a head start on migration from traditional way of developing web applications to faster, effective single page applications using Angular JS.
Users will be able to see the magic of angular JS on binding.
After the talk, users will be able to learn:

  1. Power of directives in angular JS to enhance the HTML
  2. The magic of depenedency injection in angular JS
  3. Performance enhancement as compared to traditional application
  4. Data binding magic


In today’s scenario javscript is not limited to client-side validations, it has broken the boundaries and getting the place on server-side also.

The traditional way of building a web application contains a number of drawbacks.
Now things have been changed, no user wants to wait while your web page reloads with new data.

Single page application’s performance binds the user to your application.
And when we develope SPA with Angulr JS, it becomes awesome.

Angular JS is the product of Google that provides you better way to develope SPA.
Angular JS is awesome with its features of Data Binding, Depenedency Injection, DOM Manipulation, and Directives.

Angular JS provides the reusable and managed code in short time period.


  1. Good knowledge of javaScript and HTML.

Speaker bio

Pushpendra is the javaScript Engineer at Sirion Labs Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon.
He has experience in technologies like javaScript, Backbone JS, Angular JS, Require JS, Mootools and PHP.

He is currently building enterprise web applications using technologies like Angular JS.



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