Building a network security practice in your organization Summary of panel discussion at India FOSS 2.0About the panel With the availability of the CERT-In directions1 the conversations with SMEs indicated that cybersecurity, and especially network security, is not yet an area of focus. The panel hosted by Rootconf at India FOSS 2.0 is an attempt to highlight some of the key aspects towards building an organization culture around network security and security monitoring. more
Is Rust ready for enterprise adoption? Is Rust language ready for enterprise adoption - summary of BOF held at India FOSS 2.0About the BoF session With many enterprises exploring1 the possibility of including Rust language into the design of products and services, it becomes important to discuss some of the factors which can swing this decision. Designed as a Birds-of-Feather (BoF) session, this brings together developers, senior leaders and interested members who discuss some of the key points which influence the deci… more
Policy Reviews Review of Telangana state's Agricultural Data Management Policy 2022The draft version of Telangana state’s agricultural data management policy 2002 is published at more
Policy Reviews Submission of Comments on draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022(This review of the draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022 was edited and submitted to Mr. Naveen Kumar, Director at Department of Telecommunication (DoT) as part of the consultation. The deadline for submitting comments was 10 November 2022.) more
Designing for data ownership, control and regulatory compliance - for enterprises and individuals Towards building better data ownership frameworksSince its adoption in 2016, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has provided the inspiration and template for other regions to design and prepare similar regulatory approaches. In addition to conceiving and defining roles within a data economy, the text of the GDPR also lays down the principles which empower the individual (or, “data subject”) to exercise granular control over their dat… more
Doing data access and management inside organizations Twitter spaces on Data Access and Management in OrganizationsTwitter spaces on data access and management in organizations more
Digital Health Records and Patient Data Medical Records and Digitisation - Collection of Health DataDigitization of health records has been underway for some time now, although significant progress must continue. The high quality of data aggregated becomes the foundation for machine learning systems and assistive technology, publicly available as products, devices and services. The quality and volume of data are necessary conditions to create a thriving ecosystem of research, development and co… more
Digital Health Records and Patient Data Reading "Private and Controversial: When Public Health and Privacy Meet in India"Smriti Parsheera has edited a collection of essays from experts on the topic of health records and privacy. At a time when extensive digitization of health services is underway, there is a need to have a grasp of the critical topics in the domain. This should be followed by discussions navigating the issues arising from managing and governance health records and medical information. more
Policy Reviews A short review of Ethical Guidelines for application of AI in healthcare published by ICMREarlier this year ICMR released the “Ethical guidelines for application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 2023”. The document is available for download from this link. more
Literature Reviews Notes on OpenID Foundation's Human-Centric Identity whitepaperRecently, the OpenID Foundation has made available for public comment and feedback a new whitepaper titled “Human-Centric Identity: a primer for government officials”. You can find more about the whitepaper at this blog post. more
India's Non-Personal Data (NPD) framework সমষ্টিগত তথ্যের প্রস্তাবিত কাঠামো: গোড়ার-কথাসমষ্টিগত তথ্যের প্রস্তাবিত কাঠামো: গোড়ার-কথা ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যকে ঘিরে একজন ব্যক্তিমানুষের স্বাধীনতা যাতে রক্ষিত হয় তার স্বার্থেই তাকে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করার দরকার পড়ে -- কারণ, তথ্য একটা বিপজ্জনক উপাদান। প্রত্যেক মানুষের সঙ্গে সম্পর্কিত তথ্য আমাদের কাছে ধার্য হয় ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য হিসাবে। (ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যকে ঘিরে একজন ব্যক্তিমানুষের স্বাধীনতা যাতে রক্ষিত হয় তার স্বার্থেই তাকে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করার দরকার পড়ে -- তথ্য একটা বিপজ্জনক উপাদান।) more
Ten years of Hasgeek Changing the conversation, context and culture around technologyThe first time I met with the Hasgeek folks was at a HTML5 event at Pune. I think I still have the swag - a coffee mug (those were the days!) from the event. The then prevalent nature of technology conversations was around the specific innards of technology. Over the years Hasgeek has steered the conversation and context to include life - that is a significant and singular achievement. To be able… more
Examine the role of technology in elections Additional reading material for projectList of reading materials (including links) relevant to the project more
Submisson type: Reading list
Examine the role of technology in elections ElectionTech project at Kaarana - May 2021 updateDiscussions around new technologies and changes are often normalized based on the ubiquitous presence of the set of technology in other instances. Blockchain is a good example of such normalization - there is a perception that since it is being widely used to meet the requirements for a set of workflows, the introduction and adoption is possibly a given in another set of workflows. more
Submisson type: Evidence submission
Examine the role of technology in elections ![]() What really happened? Discussing the mock election conducted by TSECFollowing up on our first remarks on the e-voting announcement from the Telangana State Election Commission we present a discussion around the mock election which was recently conducted. more
Submisson type: Master class
Technology, Trust and Elections One Vote Report Chapter 1 : Critical QuestionsCritical Questions In recent times the proliferation of mobile application (app) ecosystems have influenced a stream of opinion pieces supporting the notion of ‘app based voting’. Often, terms such as ‘internet voting’, ‘mobile voting’ or ‘blockchain voting’ are also used. While they are not exactly used as synonyms, they do indicate the set of systems designed to enable remote voting over the in… more
Technology, Trust and Elections One Vote Report Chapter 2 : Technology Check pointCheckpoint for technology introduction We begin this section with a caveat that the list making up the checkpoint should be treated as a starting point from which to evaluate the introduction of technology intended for public service. It is understood, acknowledged and foreseen that this section will undergo substantial changes after contributions from experts and interdisciplinary academics1. more
Technology, Trust and Elections One Vote Report Chapter 3 : Future RisksFuture Risks It is necessary to understand that systems by the very nature of their design will contain a set of risks. Deployment of such systems is based, in theory, on an evaluation of the risk i.e. the actual impact of the event along with the chances of that event occurring. It is becoming increasingly obvious that contests such as elections which are an integral part of the democratic proce… more
Technology, Trust and Elections One Vote Report Chapter 4 : ConclusionsConclusions The ever-increasing presence of ‘apps’ and growth in the number of participants in the mobile software application ecosystems have created a perception of “there is an app for that”. Smart mobile devices connected to high speed data networks have resulted in ease of transacting a subset of everyday activities. There are various classes of transactions where the convenience is compleme… more
Technology, Trust and Elections One Vote Report AnnexureAs part of this project we have been hosting webinars and conversations to explore and discuss some of the key concepts related to better understanding of the elections. The complete set of talks including links to the videos are available at the Election Tech project. more
Technology, Trust and Elections Additional ReadingAnalysis of the Design Requirements for Remote Internet-Based E-Voting Systems link more
Basecamp About One Vote ProjectIntroduction One Vote is an initiative to examine a diverse set of inputs and perspectives regarding the introduction and evolution of technology as part of the elections. more
Basecamp The historical perspective of elections in IndiaThe past sets the context in which to study the present. A good way to begin with an examination of elections in India is to go all the way back to the first elections. Prof Ornit Shani presents the decisive steps undertaken to create voters even before there were citizens. more
Basecamp Introduction of technology in Indian electionsEVMs Available information around EVMs Manual on Electronic Voting Machine and VVPAT December 2021 more
Basecamp Stories from around the worldadd context Talk by Nanjala link Talk by Taha link more
Basecamp Elections and the rights of citizensadd context text about rights Shivam Shankar Singh explains how the availability of data enables more targeted outreach and can often be used to systematically disenfranchise voters who are statistically unlikely to vote for a particular political party. more
Basecamp Elections and Financingadd some context text Electoral Bonds -- Nitin Sethi talk from Jindal event link -- JC talk from Annual Conference link more
Basecamp Elections and Mediaadd context Talk from Nayantara Twitter Thread about 4 part series on AJ more