Swarnim Arun


More Rusty-ness

Submitted Nov 12, 2022

More Rusty-ness

A primer on how we wrote our Rust Analysis system, and how & why we are incrementally adding more Rust to different parts of our individually isolated codebases and how we plan to take it to the next level to tackle some bigger challenges, writing unified systems and frameworks for analyzing simpler languages.

And a quick overview of some of the common challenges with Rust in production such as,

  • Build times.
  • Dependency management.
  • Hard to onboard people new to the language.

Lastly why people might want to consider using more Rust and what advantages it provided us in our development workflow.

Quick solutions to dealing with some of the problems with Rust.

Slides for the presentation

-- Swarnim Arun
-- Rust Engineer @ DeepSource (The Code Health Platform)


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