Privacy practices in the Indian technology ecosystem Respondent organizations and designations182 respondents completed the survey. They were asked for their organization and designation as optional plain text fields. more
Privacy practices in the Indian technology ecosystem Analysis of survey responsesThe survey asked questions to test hypotheses. They are presented here along with a breakdown of responses by organization size and segment, and the respondent’s role therein. Questions are numbered by the order in which they appeared in the survey. more
Rootconf 2019 How do you keep your secrets and how much does it cost?Overview We all keep secrets and also know that there are inherent costs in doing so. In the social realm, the cost is betrayal and we try to offset it by entrusting our secrets to only those whom we trust. Trust is however built on top of personal relationships. Further the choice of the secret keeper is also based on the nature of the secret. Some secrets are worthless after a certain time inte… more
Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) Session
Technical level: Advanced
Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) session
Technical level: Advanced
Session type: Discussion
The Fifth Elephant 2018 Compromising a $6B big data project through poor data quality: the Aadhaar case studyThe Aadhaar project holds at least 3 PB of data and possibly more. It’s promise of providing a unique multi-modal biometric backed Identity to everyone in India has hinged on the quality of biometric templates obtained during enrollment and also the veracity and trustworthiness of the identity documents. The scale needed for the project can only be achieved through enrollment centers that are spr… more
Section: Full talk
Technical level: Beginner
Privacy practices in the Indian technology ecosystem Framing and reviewBoth qualitative and quantitative methods were employed to conduct this research. more
Privacy practices in the Indian technology ecosystem Future areas of research and actionThis research examines how organizations segmented across sizes and domains will be able to respond to the upcoming Personal Data Protection Act. However, it does not address the other side of the relationship – the users of the products and services of these organizations – and their perception of these organizations. more
Kotlin will displace Java in the Android ecosystem. Research methodology and samplingThe survey was conducted online using Survey Monkey. Respondents answered descriptive and multiple choice questions. more
Kotlin will displace Java in the Android ecosystem. Key findings of the surveyBased on the historical context of Kotlin’s growth in the Android ecosystem, the survey’s findings reinforce that many users of Kotlin also have a Java background. more
Kotlin will displace Java in the Android ecosystem. Learning resources for Kotlin for AndroidDevelopers use various means and channels to learn about Kotlin. These learning resources are fairly distributed. The key findings in this regard are: more
Kotlin will displace Java in the Android ecosystem. Appendix I: Survey QuestionnaireThe following questionnaire that was circulated for this research. The questionnaire consisted of multiple choice and descriptive questions. Average response time was close to four minutes. more
One Vote Annual Conference How to Fix an Indian ElectionImagine that you are a political operative and you are given the task to ensure that a particular candidate wins the election with the following constraints: more
Duration: 30 minutes