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Mitesh Ashar


Kiran Jonnalagadda

Kiran Jonnalagadda


Anish TP

Anish TP


Vidya Ramakrishnan

Vidya Ramakrishnan


Tabs using containers plugin

Submitted Jan 16, 2023

Tabs using containers plugin

Let us see if we can use the containers plugin to render tabs.

The next tab has a blank title.
Please click the blank space.

This tab contains code!

let x = 10000;
def sum(a, b):
    return a['quantity'] + b['quantity']
print(sum({'quantity': 5}, {'quantity': 10}))
**Here is bold markdown.**
### Heading
\::: should render three `:` characters.
\``` should render three \` characters.
There's a list below:
- Item 1
- Item 2

What to do with tabs without titles? I presume, we should be ignoring them completely.

# Digital Identifiers and Rights

## Community and Outreach

- Experts
- Grant organizations
- IT ministries
- Journalism schools
- Journalists and reporters
- Partnerships
- Patrons
- Sponsors
- Policymakers
- Rights activists
- Startups
- Thinktanks
- Venture capital
- Volunteers

## Domains

- Border controls
- Citizenship
- Digital data trusts
- FinTech
- Government
- Health services delivery
- Hospitality
- Law enforcement
- Online retail and commerce
- Smart automation
- Social media
- Travel and tourism

## Location

- International
- Local or domestic
- Transit

## Output and Outcomes

- Best practices guide for product/service development
- Conference
- Conversations (eg. Twitter Spaces)
- Masterclass webinars
- Proceedings (talk playlist)
- Reports
- Review of Policies

## Themes

### Digital Identity

- Anonymity
- Architecture of digital trust
- Control and ownership
- Identity and identifier models
- Inclusion and exclusion
- Portability
- Principles
- Regulations
- Reputation
- Rights and agency
- Trust framework
- Verifiability
- Vulnerable communities

### Digital Rights

- Current state across region
- Harms
- Emerging regulatory requirements
- Web 3.0 and decentralization
- Naturalization

## Streams

- Banking and finance
- Data exchange and interoperability
- Data governance models
- Data markets
- Digital identifiers and identity systems
- Digital public goods
- Digital public services
- Humanitarian activity and aid
- Identity ecosystems
- Innovation incubation incentives
- Public investment
- Private capital
- Local regulations and laws
- National policies
- Public health services
- Records (birth, death, land etc)
Digital Identifiers and Rights
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
"description": "A population pyramid for the US in 2000.",
"data": { "url": "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/examples/data/population.json"},
"transform": [
 {"filter": "datum.year == 2000"},
 {"calculate": "datum.sex == 2 ? 'Female' : 'Male'", "as": "gender"}
"spacing": 0,
"hconcat": [{
 "transform": [{
   "filter": {"field": "gender", "equal": "Female"}
 "title": "Female",
 "mark": "bar",
 "encoding": {
   "y": {
     "field": "age", "axis": null, "sort": "descending"
   "x": {
     "aggregate": "sum", "field": "people",
     "title": "population",
     "axis": {"format": "s"},
     "sort": "descending"
   "color": {
     "field": "gender",
     "scale": {"range": ["#675193", "#ca8861"]},
     "legend": null
}, {
 "width": 20,
 "view": {"stroke": null},
 "mark": {
   "type": "text",
   "align": "center"
 "encoding": {
   "y": {"field": "age", "type": "ordinal", "axis": null, "sort": "descending"},
   "text": {"field": "age", "type": "quantitative"}
}, {
 "transform": [{
   "filter": {"field": "gender", "equal": "Male"}
 "title": "Male",
 "mark": "bar",
 "encoding": {
   "y": {
     "field": "age", "title": null,
     "axis": null, "sort": "descending"
   "x": {
     "aggregate": "sum", "field": "people",
     "title": "population",
     "axis": {"format": "s"}
   "color": {
     "field": "gender",
     "legend": null
"config": {
 "view": {"stroke": null},
 "axis": {"grid": false}

 Alice->>+John: Hello John, how are you?
 Alice->>+John: John, can you hear me?
 John-->>-Alice: Hi Alice, I can hear you!
 John-->>-Alice: I feel great!
JohnAliceJohnAliceHello John, how are you?John, can you hear me?Hi Alice, I can hear you!I feel great!

This tab is going to have a table!

Heading 1 Heading 2
Content 1 Content 2

Well if you really want, you can also have some other content! Like a blockquote, maybe?

Perhaps a list?

  1. One with some order in it!
  2. With multiple items, that too within the tab!
    1. Which is also nested ;)
    2. It could have multiple sub items.
    3. That are more than 2!
  3. Finally, the list ends at top level.


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