Netconf 2020 edition

Netconf 2020 edition

An unconference on the technical, economic and social aspects of network engineering and infrastructure

Swapneel Patnekar

Swapneel Patnekar


Measuring the internet using RIPE Atlas

Submitted Feb 4, 2020

Internet measurements are important and userful for everybody and not limited to network engineers, developers, researchers etc The internet is a network of networks. The RIPE Atlas project provides a lens to view how the networks behave from various vantage points. Using the RIPE Atlas system, anyone can run internet measurements to troubleshoot, understand how the internet works & carry out research.


The key take-ways of this workshop are,

  1. Introduction to the RIPE Atlas project
  2. Using the RIPE Atlas system
  3. Creating various measurements (ping, traceroute, DNS, SSL/TLS, NTP and HTTP)
  4. Use cases


Participants need to bring their laptops.

Speaker bio

Swapneel is a network engineer, developer, researcher with interests in Unix systems, networking and security. In addition to being a RIPE Atlas Ambassador, connecting probes on uncharted Autonomous Systems, he delivers workshops and talks on various topics such as DNS/DNSSEC, Network Security etc.


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