Netconf 2020 edition

Netconf 2020 edition

An unconference on the technical, economic and social aspects of network engineering and infrastructure

Ashwin Murali

Ashwin Murali


Are you at least running Unbound on your laptops? DNSSEC as your first line of defence on a predatory internet.

Submitted Feb 3, 2020

Everyone on the internet wants your data. There’s way too much tracking, there’s way too many ads. Blocking unwanted ads and unwanted websites is the first step toward a safer internet. We’ll look at the options present, why some are good, why some are bad and why DNSSEC is currently the safest GOTO in the DNS Space.

I run my own DNSCrypt resolver and we’ll quickly talk about that as well.


Everyone on the internet wants your data. There’s way too much tracking, there’s way too many ads. Blocking unwanted ads and unwanted websites is the first step toward a safer internet. We’ll look at the options present, why some are good, why some are bad and why DNSSEC is currently the safest GOTO in the DNS Space.

I run my own DNSCrypt resolver and we’ll quickly talk about that as well.

Speaker bio

Ashwin is an Infra and Data Engineer at When he’s not handling infra or working with Tensorflow, Ashwin spends time working with the DNSCrypt project helping people setup Secure DNS Servers that encrypt your DNS queries, block Ads and pornography. He also runs his own email servers to prove that the world can operate without the likes of Google.


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