Cloud Costs Optimization
Practical case studies, experience reports and tooling use cases from startups and enterprises
Jul 2023
24 Mon
25 Tue
26 Wed
27 Thu
28 Fri 12:10 PM – 06:00 PM IST
29 Sat
30 Sun
Cloud Costs Optimization Conference is today. If you are attending in person, be sure to reach the venue by 12:10 PM. Tea and coffee will be available on tap.
The conference will be held at the Bangalore International Centre (BIC) in Domlur. The conference will take place on the first floor, in Seminar Halls 1 and 2. If you have difficulty finding the venue, call BIC at 9886599675 or call Rootconf on 7676332020.
Parking is available at the venue, in the basement, for 22 vehicles only.
If you are a member, you can join remotely via Zoom. It’s not too late to become a member. Remote participants can start logging in at 12:25 PM.
Hope you have a good conference today. Looking forward to this.
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