Rootconf Delhi edition

Rootconf Delhi edition

On network engineering, infrastructure automation and DevOps



Madhavprasad Pai


Zawinski's Law for Webservices

Submitted Jul 31, 2019

Service provision can simplified and secured through the use of email


  • Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.

  • Does every service need to run a webserver on its own port ?

  • Email

    • requestor uses S/MIME signed and encrypted email to service@server
    • server can route requests to services
    • service can send S/MIME signed and encrypted response to requestor
  • Reduces complexity, increases security

    • Service providers focus on the service rather than the interface
  • Demo

Speaker bio

Saint Pai has written useful software that people used for a long time.

He spent over two decades in IT, most of that time at Red Hat. He has
been a developer, sysad, technical account manager, architect, consultant ...


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