Rootconf Delhi edition

Rootconf Delhi edition

On network engineering, infrastructure automation and DevOps



Vijay Dharap


Kubernetes 101

Submitted Nov 22, 2019

Kubernetes is dominating the containerization space. A lot of people find it quite daunting to jump to kubernetes Bandwagon. There is a real need of instructor led workshop for people to get introduced to the world of kubernetes and containerization in general.

At the end of the workshop - people will have hands-on knowledge on basic steps required for every deployment in kubernetes. How to get your application to have high availability using replicas. If time permits - can help on monitoring apparatus installation.


Agenda for the workshop will be as follows:

  1. Brief context setting on container in docker
  2. Quick intro to playground application
  3. Translating application requirements into kubernetes manifest
  4. Quick laptop / VM readiness check
  5. Kubernetes installation (minikube)
  6. Taking first steps in kubernetes - navigating around using kubectl
  7. Deploy first pod on k8s
  8. Deploy our application pod
  9. Logging and debugging
  10. Deploy first service in k8s
  11. Demonstrate inter-pod communication via services
  12. Talk about different types of services NodePort and ClusterIP
  13. Access application from ouside of k8s using NodePort service
  14. Deploy ingress controller and ingress for the application. Access the app from outside of k8s boundry even with ClusterIP services.


a laptop with docker pre-installed / access to cloud for creating a VM to set things up

Speaker bio

I am a Principal Technology Architect at Infosys in India with broad ranging experience from architecting large enterprise web applications to cloud infrastructure design and deployment in DevOps mode.

I am very passionate about Open Source and am a Developer Advocate within Infosys. I have spoken at conferences in India like GIDS, JSFoo, ReactFoo, etc. I organize technical conferences within Infosys. I enjoy keeping up-to-date with trends in UI and UX world and love discussing technical topics on twitter at my handle @dharapvj


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