Rootconf Delhi edition

Rootconf Delhi edition

On network engineering, infrastructure automation and DevOps



Vinod Kumaar Ramakrishnan


If you do CD on cloud, from day 1 your project is a maintenance project

Submitted Nov 24, 2019

Gone are the days when people used to think a project has distinct phases of development and maintenance. Even agile teams have a development window during which the processes are different from the ones followed after a first release. I have observed the most successful ones were the ones which treat every project as a maintenance project from day one. This means building security, monitoring, log aggregation, infra into the design; in simple terms a lot of left shift in the approach when going for cloud. We will look at the absolute must to architect an application for cloud so that going live is just a ribbon cutting exercise.


Oops moments
Why was it a Oops and its causes
The DOs to a stress free release



Speaker bio

Vinod is an architect with ThoughtWorks India Markets. He has a special interest in workplace efficiency, learning organization and clean code. He plays the role of a trainer when required and designs course work for new joiners.


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