Rootconf Delhi edition

Rootconf Delhi edition

On network engineering, infrastructure automation and DevOps



Ameer Jhan


Architecting Scalable and resilent services in Azure

Submitted Oct 13, 2019

This talk foucuses on designing resilent solutions in Azure with region level reduntancy so that even if an entire region goes down our services would still remain operational. In this talk I will take the audience through the journey of building a photo sharing app which would be very resilent with region specific features etc.

The key takeaways will be

  • How to replicate our services across multiple regions with fallback
  • How to estimate the SLA for our application with and without replication
  • How to automatically recover from a Azure zone or region failure
  • How to release and manage region specific application features


  • A quick look into various Azure services
  • How better should you distribute and replicate your services
  • Using various levels of redundancy in Azure storage
  • Using circuit breaker strategy to recover from a failure (demo)
  • Deploying zone redundant services with Azure Scale Set (demo)
  • Handle user request with services deployed nearest to their region
  • Building zone aware app features


  • Basic understanding of Azure

Speaker bio

I have been working as a full-stack developer for almost a year and I have experience in deploying and managing scalable and resilent Azure solutions.


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