Rootconf Pune edition

Rootconf Pune edition

On security, network engineering and distributed systems



Vishal Biyani


Technology Selection in Cloud Native Era

Submitted Aug 1, 2019

Open source has lead to an explosion in number of choices when it comes to technology and tooling. This abundance comes with the overhead of decision making and expecting that the decisions will be of value in future. When developing for a cloud native stack today - these choices can be mind boggling and at the same time may not solve all problems for given use case.


  • There are many tools for cloud native development workflow - both for inner loop and outer loop of development.
  • Many tools launched one year ago are not actively maintained anymore and risk of being outdated
  • The new tools launched are almost a re-packaging of few of existing tools still leave a lot of desired functionality not available.

Speaker bio

Vishal is an engineer focused on programmable & scalable infrastructure in his earlier roles and latest as a CTO at InfraCloud Technologies. He is a contributor to Fission - Serverless functions for Kubernetes, organizes “Pune Kubernetes & CNCF Meetup” and “Pune Serverless Meetup” every month and is a Google Developer expert ( Oh and he likes books, cycle and natural/urban landscapes.


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