Rootconf 2014

On devops and cloud infrastructure

Akshay Mathur


SQL or NoSQL and which one in NoSQL

Submitted Jan 8, 2014

To help informed decision for choice of databases for an application.

NoSQL databases are of different types, this will help to choose amongst them.


During the session we shall compare and contrast different types of databases and discuss the design philosophy of each type.

Understanding strengths and weaknesses of these will help us decide which type of database should we use in what situation.

We shall also discuss if some design patterns of NoSQL database design can be applied to SQL database design.


General understanding of programming and data storage

Speaker bio

With 15+ years of industry experience, I am currently consulting a few startups on technical and product management side.

Most of the time I worked with product start-ups in various roles spanning across different departments including development, testing, release management, training, customer support, product management and digital marketing.

Wi-Fi security leader AirTight Networks and Social Shopping pioneer ShopSocially are the notable companies I worked full time. I joined both the companies at their conceptualization stage and worked with them till they became stable.


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