Rootconf 2014

On devops and cloud infrastructure

Akshay Mathur


CasperJS: New age Tool for Testing Single Page Web Apps

Submitted Jan 8, 2014

To introduce CasperJS as a testing tool. It is especially important for testing Single Page Web App where the DOM in browser changes dynamically and most of traditional tools fail.


During the session we shall try understanding the limitations of traditional testing automation tools are failing to test modern Single Page Web Apps.

Then we shall discuss how CasperJS overcome those limitations and becomes a good tool for testing modern web apps.

We shall also discuss putting a framework around CaserJS for making the test suite development data-driven, In this way all the team members will be able to contribute without learning CasperJS and testing automation will not run behind the UI development.


The attendees should have general understanding of software testing, web technologies like HTML, web browsers etc. and knowledge of Javascript.

Speaker bio

With 15+ years of industry experience, I am currently consulting a few startups on technical and product management side.

Most of the time I worked with product start-ups in various roles spanning across different departments including development, testing, release management, training, customer support, product management and digital marketing.

Wi-Fi security leader AirTight Networks and Social Shopping pioneer ShopSocially are the notable companies I worked full time. I joined both the companies at their conceptualization stage and worked with them till they became stable.


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