Rootconf 2014

On devops and cloud infrastructure

Sahil Bhalla

@sahilbhalla Proposing

Cloud based web development.

Submitted Jan 9, 2014

Since cloud computing is new and is getting popular by the day, and being an IT student I’m really eager on learning cloud computing and cloud based web development. Cloud computing is here to stay, and as developers come to rely on cloud services, companies such as Microsoft and Apple will push the reality of cloud computing even further.


Cloud computing, as defined by Wikipedia, is "Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like the electricity grid. There is anew cloud-based development platform called Codeita. Codeita allows developers to do everything from a cloud perspective, from design, to coding to publishing, using the same web technologies that power the web today. These technologies are referred to as LAMP, which is an acronym that stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. Codeita includes the following features:
Auto-highlighting code editor
In-browser page content editing
Advanced svg image editor
Project specific, task management
Flexible cloud storage
In-browser FTP publishing
Like other cloud services, Codeita is free to get started, and provides developers with 100 MB of space to start out. Once you sign up, you will have access to web-based FTP, which allows you to upload edit and publish files, all using the same cloud-based interface. You will need to be using a web browser that supports the latest technology, such as Google Chrome or Apple’s Safari (MSIE 8 does not support the features that are required to use the service).


Basic knowledge about web development languages like HTML/HTML5, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, PHP etc. Also basic concept of cloud computing.

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I am not the speaker, I want someone to speak on this topic.


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