ReactFoo Delhi

ReactFoo Delhi

On React, performance and front-end engineering



Hannes Obweger


Closing JRACLOUD-68845 - Jira’s journey towards delightful web performance

Submitted Oct 3, 2019

Over the past few years, technologies such as React and GraphQL have lifted frontend development to a new level; never before have we seen web applications so rich and powerful, all running in the browser. But with great power comes great responsibility: As easy it is to develop rich interactions on the client, as difficult it is to keep these interactions fast and performant. In this talk, we’ll share a number of lessons and techniques that the Jira Cloud team has been applying to get Jira’s new, React-based UI to the level of performance that our customers love and deserve. We’ll discuss how Atlassian thinks and measures web performance, and talk about the impact of JavaScript and CSS bundle sizes, Single Page Application (SPA) architectures, and Server Side Rendering (SSR).


These are the areas I plan to touch on:

  • Overview of Jira’s journey towards a modern, React-based tech stack: Timeline - where did we start, where are we now; from lipsticking, to an inside-out model, to an outside-in model.
  • A primer on web performance at Atlassian: Vertical vs. horizontal scaling; TTR vs. TTI; P50, P90, APDEX.
  • Server Side Rendering (SSR): How it works and why it works; the security implications of SSR; Atlassian’s patented SSR architecture.
  • Single Page Application (SPA) architectures: Full page load vs. SPA transitions; the “network effect” of an SPA and its implications; how to integrate legacy experiences into a fundamentally modern SPA.
  • Education and alignment: How can independent teams and engineers sustainably use a shared, limited resource such as the browser?
  • Up next: What are the upcoming trends and technologies that Atlassian is looking into?

Speaker bio

Hannes is the engineering manager responsible for Jira’s frontend platform, which provides the build and deployment infrastructure, dev tooling, and application architecture for Jira’s new, React-based UI. Today, the frontend platform powers a codebase of more than 1M LoC, with 400 individual contributors in total, and 200 contributors every month.


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A community - for and of - front-end engineers to share experiences with ReactJS, performant apps with React, crafting better User Interfaces (UI) with React and GraphQL ecosystem. ReactFoo also discusses design patterns and user experience. more