ReactFoo Delhi

ReactFoo Delhi

On React, performance and front-end engineering



Rohit Rai


Advanced React Design Patterns

Submitted May 9, 2019

React is one of the most popular JS libraries in the world. Its easy to learn the basics of React from the official documentations and other resources but for beginners its hard to wrap your head around advanced topics like HOC, Render Props and Hooks. This talk introduces these advanced patterns in React that you can use to make components that are simple, flexible, and enjoyable to work with.


  • What are design patterns?
  • Why do we need design patterns in React?
  • Higher Order Components in React.
  • Render Props.
  • Introduction to Hooks.


This talk assumes some experience with React.

Speaker bio

Rohit is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat. He loves JavaScript and React. He is currently part of a team at Red Hat that’s building the next generation developer experience around Openshift.



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A community - for and of - front-end engineers to share experiences with ReactJS, performant apps with React, crafting better User Interfaces (UI) with React and GraphQL ecosystem. ReactFoo also discusses design patterns and user experience. more