Apr 2017
27 Mon
28 Tue
29 Wed
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31 Fri
1 Sat 08:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
2 Sun 08:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
Thejesh GN
Life is about optimizing for happiness? How do we bring science into this? This talk is my journey where I tried to build habbits based data (collected in various ways from DNA analysis, CGM to Apps) optimized for happiness.
First walk-through the family history of dealing with Parkinson’s disease, Diabetes etc and my efforts to identifying habbits( like fitness, meditation etc and not just health as a factor) for happiness.
How did I go about changing things, building habits based on the data (like DNA Analysis, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, various Apps etc) , reading research papers. We will go through the tests I got done, data I collected and the results of it. Some conclusions from those tests.
Then we will go through the non medical modifications and habits I am trying to build and the effect of them on life and happiness in general.
We will conclude by talking about the future.
Thej is an Independent Technologist, Hacker, Traveler, Blogger, InfoActivist, Open data and Open internet enthusiast. He is a cheerleader for DataMeet. DataMeet is a community of Data Science and Open Data enthusiasts in India.
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