JSFoo: VueDay 2019
A day spent discussing Vue.js, developments in the Vue ecosystem and component architecture
Aug 2019
26 Mon
27 Tue
28 Wed
29 Thu
30 Fri 08:50 AM – 05:30 PM IST
31 Sat
1 Sun
Gaurav Joshi
Submitted May 14, 2019
VueJS is a very powerful framework as it brings together the goodness of Angular 1.x and other modern developments from the world of JavaScript. I would like to showcase how we have successfully been able to adopt VueJS and integrate it as a critical component in our existing Adobe AEM-based architecture.
Key takeaways for the audience will be tips, tricks and learnings that will help them in adopting Vue JS in their large scale projects and how we overcame the challenges faced while integrating Vue in CMS based architecture(s) and other legacy apps.
Typical architecture of a medium to large scale AEM project (single page app and multi-page app)
Problems of using Adobe AEM with other frameworks like Angular, React, ES6 or jQuery etc.
How VueJS comes to the rescue
Integrating the good parts of modern JS to legacy systems
Structuring Vue inside existing projects
Make static and dynamic components work in harmony
Make Vue and Non-Vue Components work in harmony
Communication between components (Vuex vs EventBus vs CustomEvents - what to use in specific use cases)
Challenges and how to overcome inter-framework compatibility issues
Gotchas and Caveats
Tips and Tricks
The participants should have a very basic idea about what Content Management Systems do.
Gaurav Joshi is working as Manager Experience Technology at PublicisSapient and is a huge fan of VueJs. He has been working on Vue since early 2018 and has delivered large scale projects using VueJS and also migrated jQuery based projects by adopting Vue in the existing Adobe AEM based project architecture.
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